
Duplicate content and keyword in URL

I observed that StackOverflow uses two types of links: and for the same question. The idea is clear: add keywords into URL and have SE pick up the page faster. But shouldn't Google punish for the duplicate content in this case? I'm tryin...

How to stream partial content with ASP.NET MVC FileStreamResult

We're using a FileStreamResult to provide video data to a Silverlight MediaElement based video player: public ActionResult Preview(Guid id) { return new FileStreamResult( Services.AssetStore.GetStream(id, ContentType.Preview), "application/octet-stream"); } Unfortunately, the Silverlight video player downloads the ...

Recommendation needed for dynamic CMS / portal site system.

Hi, does someone know a script or product to create such a portal site like this: This is actually a demo site of, but it seems like they don´t sell it anymore. Thanks. ...

How to copy cell content in dojo grid

Hi there, I have a web page displaying data using dojo datagrid. Sometimes, users need to copy contents from certain cells for further analysis, but since browser's right click event is disabled in dataGrid, what's the best way to copy the contents to the clipboard? Thanks in advance! David ...

Content Water Marking

We have members-only paid content that is frequently copied and republished without our permission. We are trying to ‘watermark’ our content by including each customer’s user id in a fake css class, for example <p class='userid_1234'> (except not so obivous, of course :), that would help us track the source of the copying, and then we p...

How to test content providers on Android

I am trying to test my DB using ProviderTestCase2<T>. I can see the test DB being created. As such I suppose, the tested content provider should use the test DB. But as soon as I try any calls against the MockContentResolver (or the one created with newResolverWithContentProviderFromSql), I get an UnsupportedOperationException. This is d...

What is the best architecture for content oriented website/portal?

What is the best architecture for content-oriented website/portal? ...

jQuery get text with wildcard contents after an element and move it

Hey, I think this might be a tricky one, but if anyone can solve it I'd be very impressed, and also very grateful. Here's the existing markup (which I can't change, otherwise then it'd be an easy problem and I could solve it myself!): <a title="1 topics" href="http://localhost/tags/amis/"&gt;amis&lt;/a&gt; (1) <a title="2 topics" hre...

Jquery AJAX Load problem

I'm trying to load all my website pages using jQuery .load method so, thats how my website looks: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('.link').bind('click', function(e) { var page = $(this).attr('href'); $('#site').addClass('loading'); $('#content').load(page, function (){ ...

ASP.NET MVC website where users can add/remove pages

I'm developing a website for a client, in which they want to be able to manage content and add/remove pages. At the same time, some pages on the site will be interactive and provide custom reports for logged-in customers. I've started developing the site in ASP.NET MVC, because I wanted full control over rendering. However, I'm findin...

How do I resolve the content of a webpage?

I'm writing a special crawler-like application that needs to retrieve the main content of various pages. Just to clarify : I need the real "meat" of the page (providing there is one , naturally) I have tried various approaches: Many pages have rss feeds , so I can read the feed and get this page specific contnent. Many pages use "co...

[jQuery] Load website into DIV

Hi, how do i actually retrieve data from a website when i write the URL in a textbox and then hit the submit button. I want the data to be put in an div that i have. Is this possible? I have tried with this, but it doesn't work! <script type="text/javascript"> function contentDisp() { var url = $("#text").val(); $("#contentArea").load...

How to show content from contentPlaceholder inline

Hi, I have a page where i in my masterpage have a toolbar with a "Home" button to the far left. This button is not in a contentplaceholder but on the page. I want to have the opportunity for derived pages to add their own controls or whatever to the toolbar to be whown after the "home" button. But how to do this? I have tried to put in a...

How can we enable user's thumbnails on their drupal content?

Hi, everyone. I am going on making a Drupal site matches with my requirement. A requirement describes that on each node, such as Blog or Forum, except publisher's name and published date below the node's title, should show the user's thumbnail (similar to avatar in Facebook or Twitter) too. I thing there is an existing module for this ...

Changing the color of a text box depending on its content

I have in a VS2005 C++ Form application a table adapter and a Text box that displays data from a specific column. What I want to do is to have its color changed on whether the content is >0 or <0. I tried adding this: if(this->CSumTextBox->TabIndex<0) { this->CSumTextBox->ForeColor = System::Drawing::Color::Red; } But it doesn't ...

Dynamic Results and Covering Data

Hi Everyone: Today I have a question that sprouted off of this one: It's regarding using the data that was returned by a database to create a certain number of questions. I am using a form of the following code (this was posted in the question). NSMutableDictionary...

Liferay - Serve static content

Hi, How can I serve some static content in liferay? I have a directory structure with htmls, css, etc and I would like to serve it with an address like http://localhost:8080/myStaticContent/index.html and so on. I don't want to use a front-end http server like apache. ...

Downloadable data resources / content for iphone / ipod applications

I am working on an application that uses quite a large amount of content (images and text). I would like to be able to provide additional content bundles to those - and only to those - who already have my app on their device. E.g., if my app were a newspaper / magazine / book reader, I want to give the subscribers the ability to download...

Find an element in DataTemplate applied to TabItem

Hi all, I got a problem trying to find an element declared in DataTemplate, that after was applied like a ContentTemplate to TabItem object. I saw that there is already some solutions in regard of this problem, but no one of them actually works in my case, and I would like to understand why (obviously I make mistake in some place) Here ...

SSL Encryption and an external image server

I have an ASP.NET web site technology that I use for scores of clients. Each client gets their own web site (a copy of the core site that can then be customized). The web site includes a fair amount of content - articles on health and wellness - that is loaded from a central content server. I can load the html for these articles from ...