What sort of diagramm would create for a CustomControl to show how it works?
Hello, What sort of diagram would create for a CustomControl to show how it works? I have to show my boss a theoretical sample. ...
Hello, What sort of diagram would create for a CustomControl to show how it works? I have to show my boss a theoretical sample. ...
Hello, our company wants a TextBox very similar to outlook recipient Textbox. Not emails but displaying people`s names delimited with a e.g. semicolon and even more crazy ideas on it... Do you know of any commercial WPF control who can handle that job? I already checked DX,Telerik,Infrapistics,Farpoint,componentone,Nevron,Syncfusion, e...
I've contacted Adobe sales and tech support, and realized that I need to talk to someone who actually develops with these tools. I want to develop some simple graphical widgets with the ability to reload themselves via an xml-socket a couple of times a second. Which Adobe tool should I buy-- Flash Builder, or Flash Pro? ...
Hi All I create a custom User control and I want this custom control placed inside a combo box. I'm using this code: public class UserControlComboBox : ComboBox, IMessageFilter { public readonly NimaDatePickerUC.MiladiNimaDatePickerUC UserControl = new NimaDatePickerUC.MiladiNimaDatePickerUC(); protected override void WndProc(r...
I am a newbie in asp.net. I am trying to load the text and the URL into hyperlink from a database. After debugging, I found out that the value is successfully loaded into the hyperlink control, however it doesn't shows at the html code? Does anyone knows how this happened? Sorry for my bad English. If myReader2.Read Then...
HI, i would like to know what differences if any there is between the .net framework 3.5 asp.net control compared to the .net 2.0 framework version ...
Hi, I need to edit the value in an SP Rich Text field via the WinForms web browser control. Most other controls (input tags) are easy to get and we can change the value quite simply. However, not so simple with Rich Text. I headed over to: http://blog.drisgill.com/2007_05_01_archive.html and got some ideas. At first, I tried creatign a...
Hi, I want to create a log in system using htaccess and htpasswd file and PHP for the server-side code, but when the user logs in I want to be able to identify that user, so how can I know what the user typed in as their username using PHP code (I assume I won't need to know the password if they've managed to access the restricted page)?...
Hi all, I have a Web user control that consists of a dropdownlist which bind to an autoPostBack event when selectedindexchanged. I assign the selected value to a public property. But when my aspx page try to read that property, I got empty value because the aspx page get executed before web user control(I think). Should web user contr...
Hi Guys, I'm trying to use the web browser control to open a url and get its HTML contents. You might ask why I'm not using the System.Net objects, the web pages are formatted through java scripts so the web browser control is the faster way but I can't seem to make it work. First, WebBrowser.Navigate won't fire when called. Please help...
I was wondering how to increase the span of a listbox control for a certain criteria in WPF Grid. I have a textbox wherein the user enters a string and based on the presence of the string in a collection, the listbox should become visible and show the results in it by spanning across the columns of the grid. This listbox is actually a pa...
I'm running emacs on a terminal mode (no window system) emacs -nw. I've few global keys defined in emacs like C-; C-x C-/ C-, etc.. These control keys aren't taken for account in -nw mode. Any work around or solution please ?.. ...
I was instructed by System IT to start using TFS for source control. I have both VS 2005 and VS 2008 on my machine. I have NO idea how to go by setting my environment to use TFS. Can someone please enlighten me as to what all I need to do in order use TFS? (No they did not supply me with any instructions.) ...
I have a Win32 Edit window (i.e. CreateWindow with classname "EDIT"). Every time I add a line to the control I append '\r\n' (i.e new line). However, when I call WM_GETTEXT to get the text of the EDIT window, it is always missing the last '\n'. If I add 1 to the result of WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, it returns the correct character count, thus ...
I have created a web browser control and a form user control. How to align form user control is a center on web browser. Please look above of image.Thanks. http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa41/xuanhung123/Untitled3.png ...
Hi I have a user control "SettingsControl" containing an ajax:CollapsiblePanelExtender which in turn has a GridView (gridView) and checkBoxes. On top of GridView we have two LinkButtons "Select All" and "Clear All". I have written to enable select all and clear all functionality. Select All should select all the rows in the grid by call...
Hi, I have two applications. In one application the web browser control shows a flash movie that is embedded and in the other it does not, only shows place holder. I have identical code in both constructors to load a web control dynamically and then navigate to the requested web page. I run both application in debug mode from within V...
Is there any way to tell when the containers are finished being made for a ListView? A detailed explanation of what I've done so far I have a ListView control that has a DataTemplate in one of its columns that contains a CheckBox Control.. I've figured out how to access the CheckBox dynamically using the object that the ListView is bo...
Hi I design a custom control that is similar to button control but has text on both left and right plus image on right and some hidden text associated with it. Can some one please give me few pointers on this. -Thank You ...
Soo... I am making a control like the Windows Update "panels". Everything's fine up to the "container" part. What I want to do is to allow the designer to place controls in a Panel which is inside my control. (The panel's variable is held in my control's class and inside the control itself.) How do I bypass this? As a reference, yo...