
Rounded Corners using 3 images

Can I club together three images to form a one with CSS? Basically, I need to create rounded corner button and I've three images left, middle and right. I've used in all the pages and it won't be possible for me to replace it with two or three other HTML controls. So is there any way by which I can combine these images to form one and...

Accessing resource from server component in ASP .NET

I'm a beginner in the black art of ASP .NET development, so forgive me if this is a stupid question. After a bit of googling, and reading though (some of...) ASP .NET 3.5 Unleashed, I've yet to find a way of doing what I want - which usually either means I'm trying to do something stupid, or it's so obvious I've missed it :) I'm creati...

Images for AlertDialog buttons.

Is it possible to add drawables to the positive, negative and neutral buttons of an AlertDialog? If yes, then how? ...

Templated Control - content is not allowed between the opening and closing tags

I'm trying to run the templated user control example provided by MSDN. Code is as follows: So according to MSDN this should implement as follows: <%@ Register Assembly="MyAssembly" Namespace="MyAssembly.Controls" TagPrefix="abs" %> <abs:TemplatedFirstControl id = "First" runat=server Text= "The time on the ...

A generic DropDown implemented by ControlBuilder lost all attributes

Here I have a code using ControlBuilder to make DropDown control generic. [ControlBuilder(typeof(EnumDropDownControlBuilder))] public class EnumDropDown : DropDownList { private string _enumType; private bool _allowEmpty; public string EnumType { get { return _EnumType; } set { _EnumType = value; } } ...

winforms control for viewing object details

hi. I need to display some sort of detailed information about an object in my custom win form application. something similar as visual studio uses when debugging. does any of you know something that might help. I know, I can write something on my own, but I don't intent to. thanks ...

WinForms control for editing of a custom object collection

I have a list of some custom classes and an UserControl to edit one instance of the class. I want to have a control on a form which allows to add a new instance, delete an instance and edit any instance. What can you suggest for that? The control should take less space than all UserControls for existing object instance (i.e. have some f...

How to get a controls id from a custom List adapter in android?

I have a custom list adapter contains a layout with controls in it. I was wondering how I can get each individual controls id? I am planning on changing the color of some textviews. private void UpdateDisplay() { // define the list which holds the information of the list List<Map<String, Object>> resourceNames = new ArrayList<...

Time of Day Lockout By User Proxy Server Router

I currently have the Astaro Security Gateway ISO loaded on a beige box and it does what I want: Blocks direct access to the Internet making it's proxy server (with authentication) the only path to the Internet. Then, each user is subject to a different set of rules, for instance don't allow user "A" to connect after 11pm on a school nig...

WPF rhombus shape custom control

Hi I have my custom control which looks like that <UserControl BorderBrush="#A9C2DE" HorizontalAlignment="Left" x:Class="Block" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Height="86" Width="151" ToolTip="{DynamicResource BasicTooltip}"> <UserControl.Reso...

MVC, ascx and Javascript best practice(s) - how to create self-containing controls? NerdDinner does it wrong.

Hi, The question is how to create controls/partial views/edittemplates (ascx files) in ASP.Net MVC2 so that they are "self-containing". Self-containing means here that if some Javascript code should be applied on the control, that's not included in the page (aspx), but in the control itself. Specific example: NerdDinner's DateTime.ascx....

Need the best approch to show a group of server control according to its permission.

Suppose I have a page which have more that 50 server controls. Now I want to display some control according to the logged in user's permission and rest of the controls will be hidden. In the same way, if an another user logs in then according to his/her permission it will show another group of controls on that page. So what is t...

Idea for reducing code redundancy with ControlArrays in C#

in VB 6.0 we had used control arrays so we had only one method to take care of all those controls and we were passing "which control" to it. but now in C#, I did not use control arrays so if in VB 6.0 I had a array of size three controls now in C# I have three different control kind of I am still using that method but the only...

Is there an easy way to make anything draggable in Silverlight XAML?

My target is an entire listbox clipped in a canvas, but I guess there should be something that can work for all controls? How to make a control draggable and even attached x or y constraints? ...

Accessing control attributes from static function

Here's what I've got: <textarea id="TextArea1" rows="6" cols="20" runat="server"></textarea> and in the code-behind: partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { [Webmethod()] public static void Data(int TestNum) { if (TestNum > 0) TextArea1.InnerText = "hello world"; } } And I'm getting the following error...

Get values of dynamically added controls in ListView

I am having trouble getting the input values of dynamically created controls in a ListView. Here is my ListView: <asp:ListView ID="lvQuestions" runat="server" DataKeyNames="ProductQuestionId" onitemdatabound="lvQuestions_ItemDataBound"> <LayoutTemplate> <table> <tr runat="server" id="itemPlaceholder"></tr> ...

Dynamic adding controls during OnLoad or OnInit?

I want to add more controls to page based on some specific conditions. Those controls don't need any ViewState or binding data, it is as simple as a static link. I wonder where I could write the code: inside OnLoad or OnInit method? and why? If I place it inside OnLoad, should I add following line: if (IsPostBack) return; before any init...

Loading dropdownlist on click of the dropdown's arrow/lazy loading of dropdown

Hi all, I have a situation where on a page there are 7-8 dropdowns, which have large amount of data to be binded. I have a radiobutton list having 2 choices and on selecting any of them, the i get the data from cache and bind all the dropdowns which takes about 6-7 seconds.But, i dont use all the dropdown everytime as basic functionality...

Output caching a custom control (server control)

Hi, I've come across hints about output caching a server control, but have yet to find a definitive answer to: Can the output of a server control be cached (in the same way that user controls are cached)? The suggestions I've come across involve caching the data (not true output caching), or suggest setting the response.cache options. ...

ValidationSummary is not displaying - with RegularExpressionValidator

below is the code and when i select a wrong filetype i get instant red "*" but i dont see the validation summary and there is a buton("upload") and when i click on it than i get the validation summary error message. my question is: why validation summary is not displaying when i select the wrong file type? <asp:ValidationSummary ForeCo...