
YUI API Dual Slider control question

I'm using the YUI 2.7 library to handle a dual-slider (range slider) control in a webpage. It works great-- however, I wanted to allow users to switch the range values by Ajax-- effectively changing the price range from "0-50,000" to a subset (eg. "50-250") without reloading the page. The problem is that it appears the values from the ... over ride client ID for form elements

Given a textbox: <asp:Textbox runat="server" id="txtAddress1" /> This renders as something similar to: <input name="ctl00$mainContent$txtAddress1" type="text" id="ctl00_mainContent_txtAddress1" /> I don't think browsers autocomplete features recognise this name/ID as a field they can autofill, they are not standard recognised names...

Silverlight - fire of delayed action -

When I click on a button in Silverlight I want to run a method 2 seconds later once only for each time I click the button .. in the meantime the rest of the app keeps working .. obviously Thread.Sleep stops the whole UI .. how do I do this? ...

How to restore the images uploaded for imagelist control in VB 6.0

Hi, I have a VB 6.0 application which contains some images inside a imagelist control. I want to know where these images get stored in the system.( because I want to use these images in another application and I dont have the images seperately in the system) So, the only way is to take the images from Visusal basic 6.0 project. Do we hav...

How to update Controls from static method?

Hello Why I haven't access to my private control on form (e.g. ListBox) from a static method? How to update control in this case? EDIT 1. my code: ThreadStart thrSt = new ThreadStart(GetConnected); Thread thr = new Thread(thrSt); thr.Start(); and static void GetConnected() { //update my ListBox } ...