
Java POJO representing HTML controls!?

Hi, Well, it may be a idiot idea... But we need to wrap all data of a "List employees" dropdown list. The object is populated at server side and used by JSP and javascript (json) for rendering view. Just something like org.apache.struts2.components.Select but in POJO format. We already created our own classes but if t...

Windows Forms Control for visualizing job steps

I am looking for a (free) windows forms control for visualizing jobs step / phases. Background: In my programm tasks with more job steps are processed. The user should see, what the actual step (of the current taks( is actually processed (at best animated)... ...

Is there a rich text editor control that does both spell AND grammar checking?

I'm looking for a winforms or wpf control that can do both spelling and grammar checking in english and also do red & green squiggly underlines, similar to MS Word. So far, all I've been able to find are spell-checker controls. I'd be open to good spell checking and grammar checking libraries as well - if you can recommend an integrati...

How to create a control with ValidationGroup and a custom validation?

I want to make panels Visibility true or false based on a result of a Func. I have a page with controls as in the following code: <asp:Panel ID="Panel2" runat="server"> <asp:Panel ID="Panel3" runat="server"> <c:PermissionPanel ID="P1" runat="server" ValidationGroup="Val1"> Validation Group 1 - OK </c:Per...

How to print a LinkButton to page?

Say I have a dynamically generated LinkButton in my ascx.cs code-behind. How could I go about "printing" this control to my page? Obviously I can't do something like just print the Text property as I need the button to retain its hyperlink. I'm guessing I want to use the WebControl.Render method, but I'm not familiar with it at all and h...

Any decent javascript code editor *control* for .net?

With syntax highlighting and intellisense if possible. Can be paid but better if free. What I need is a control/class/lib/dll that I can use in a Windows Forms project. I don't need a program. I'm using .net 4.0 with Visual Studio 2010. Working on C#. ...

Stop two controls triggering each other's event

Hello, Let's say I have a TabControl with 2 tabs and a TreeView with 2 nodes at the root. I want the application to behave in the following manner : if I click on Node1 from the treeview, the Tab1 from the TabControl should become active. Similarly, when I click on Tab2, I want the Node2 to become selected. And vice-versa. So I simply...

How to save a Control Array

Hello I have this code that allow the user to create a button array, any were in a from. I can give 2 links so you guys can fallow what its done first MSDN and second HERE this one is a Simple sample of what I am doing (on Create an account now? Click NO and then download the zip file it takes 2 seconds and I am working on version 2010 ...

Where do I find those WinForms controls?

I am looking for a WinForms control that, I believe, in the days of VB 6.0 (I can't remember if it was VB 6 or .NET 1.1) used to be called the ButtonImage or ImageButton or some such. Whatever it was called is not important. What it used to look like and behave like is the important thing. If you open Control Panel -> Add Remove Progra...

WPF - Controls inside the Listbox

Hi All, i am displaying images inside the list box. If the image URL doesn't have image means it will display textblock with Book title and Author name. Problem: If the image is available i want to hide the textblock. Code: <local:ImageConverter x:Key="myImageConverter"/> <Style x:Key="ListBoxItemStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Lis...

User Control for source editing

Hi, Similar to other user controls in C# to add to a winform (such as commonly found for xml formatting) does someone know of one for source editing? Hopefully, this includes the source for the control and does a pretty nice job of making source code readable in a visual studio kind of way. thanks Or maybe Microsoft provides one, but ...

How to learn in and out about a control (Such as datagridview, textbox)?

I've been in the software development industry for more than 6 years and I still feel that I dont have 100% knowledge about the features of the controls (it may be any language) I've used. I always try to read the documentation available about that control everywhere but I still find new things about it every now and then. I always wond...

Propagating the AutoScaleDimensions property

.NET CF 3.5 How can I scale everything on my form ? If I do this this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(120F, 120F); this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Dpi; then the controls directly added on the form are properly repositioned BUT their size is not properly updated ! So how should I propagate the...

get control by clientID

hey, i work with c#, i resolve a client id of a Repeater Item control, and i want to use it in other command, how cant i get the control by his client id? TextBox TB = FindControl...? ...

How to find some certain event handlers with jQuery?

As many browsers do not show tooltips on disabled form elements (as Opera does), I decided to emulate disabled button with jQuery. When disabling I just set control's class to disabled and for buttons/submit controls I add an event handler click(function(){return false;}) and I can unbind it later when reenabling the control. Now the ...

WinForm lock other application inside form

Sorry if this was asked before or if this is stupid. I am making an application for security staff (night guards) to make his nights more interesting, Ill love to try embed TV Player inside WinForm. Problem is that TV tuner which I have has their own application and I can only reproduce TV Signal using that application. I think If I em...

Sub classing all WPF base controls

Instead of using all the base wpf controls such as Label, TextBox, Grid, ect. I want to create a sub class of all these base controls and use the sub class. e.g. public class MyTextBox : TextBox {} They would be dummy classes for now, but it leaves room to be expandable in-case I need to in the future. Is this recommended or is it unn...

How do I add specific events to newly assigned controls in an Array [c#]

Basically I want to assign events to some controls that are created. I want to update the labels associated with each trackbar when each trackbar is changed (change label1[i] and label2[i] when trackbar[i] changes). I have waded through google and I found that this probably has be done by using delegates. I had a blast using lambda expre...

ViewState["sample"] Variable not retaining value on postback in a composite control

Hi, I have created a composite control with sample details as follows. Basically, the first time on page load the control sets a view state variable and the problem is that on post back (when the button is clicked), the ViewState variable is null. I have researched extensively and I am not able to find a solution. I checked all the Mic...

Determine which control is closest to the mouse pointer

In my C# (.NET 2) app I'd like to determine which control is closet to the mouse. I can think of a few ways to do this that won't quite work right. I could use the Control.Location property, but that just gives me top/left, and the mouse might be on the other side of the control. I could calculate the center point of a control, but larg...