
ant to maven - multiple build targets

I have an ant build that is currently being converted to maven. However, the ant build has 2 build targets - one that builds the entire app, and one that builds a jar from some of those files (only a few). In ant, it's easy to have multiple build targets to handle this, but I'm trying to determine the best way to handle this in maven. I...

XML to XML using XSL Problem

I'd like to convert an XML file into another XML file with a different structure using XSL and I'm kindda new to XSL. The input section of the XML goes like this: <set> <object> Value </object> <name> Value </name> <tag> <event> Value </event> <group> Value </group> <other> Value <...

Convert from Excel xlsx to xls in Java

Hi all. I have an Excel 2007 xlsx file that I would like to programmatically convert to an .xls file. The xlsx file is an export from a reporting tool, and I would like to convert it to xls for better compatibility with the software stack of my application users. The xlsx is as plain as it gets. Just rows with data and basic type inform...

PDF to HTML conversion for web site

I am looking or a (preferably free) dll that can be used on a web site to convert pdf documents to html in a .Net IIS environment. It would be nice if it could accept the pdf as a byte array or file stream, and output the html as a stream suitable for Response.Write. It would really be great if the output HTML retained form inputs. Ha...

ANSI C, integer to string without variadic functions

I'm currently working with a SPC that supports ANSI C, but uses its own flavour of the GNU compiler, which doesn't compile any variadic functions and things like itoa. So using sprintf & co. isn't an option for converting integers to strings. Can anyone guide me to a site where a robust, sprintf- free implementation of itoa is listed or ...

How to (efficiently) convert (cast?) a SqlDataReader field to its corresponding c# type?

First, let me explain the current situation: I'm reading records from a database and putting them in an object for later use; today a question about the database type to C# type conversion (casting?) arose. Let's see an example: namespace Test { using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; public enum ...

Tools/Resources to Convert DirectX Code to OpenGL

Are there any tools and/or documentation providing a mapping from DirectX to OpenGL? If you had to do a conversion, how would you approach it and what would you use? I know that ATI Technologies provides HLSL2GLSL, but my understanding is that this is just for shader languages and not a full coverage of the APIs. ...

Methods to convert C# code to a PowerShell Script?

Hi, I regularly have to convert an existing C# code snippet/.CS file to a PowerShell script. Can anyone offer any tools or methods that would allow some automation of this? Note, while I am aware that there are methods that can convert a .cs file to a cmdlet, I'm only interested in converting the C# code to a script or module. Than...

TrimEnd for Java?

In the process of converting a C# application to Java, I came across the use of String's TrimEnd method. Is there an equivalent Java implementation? I can't seem to find one. I'd rather not replace it with trim, since I don't want to change the meaning or operation of the program at this point unless I have to. ...

Why is "operator bool()" invoked when I cast to "long"?

I have the following class: class MyClass { public: MyClass( char* what ) : controlled( what ) {} ~MyClass() { delete[] controlled; } operator char*() const { return controlled; } operator void*() const { return controlled; } operator bool() const { return controlled != 0; } private: char* controlled; }; This is com...

Convert PDF to PDF/A-1

I know this probably is not strictly a programming-question (well maybe it is, i don't know) but i'm having serious problems trying to convert a regular pdf (with hyperlinks, bookmarks, images, embedded fonts etc.) into a PDF/A-1 format. I get all kinds of errors when i check it with pdfaPilot. How can i prepare a pdf so no problems wi...

Convert excel spreadsheet into html using

I would like to see some code/tutorials on reading an excel spreadsheet (a calender) into VB.NET. I'm pretty much okay from there. I want to convert it to an HTML table and output it into an html file for inclusion on a website. Where can I find tutorials OR can someone post some code with a desciption to get me startd? BONUS: Is the...

C# to SQL float values conversion

Hello, I'm working with C# and SQL 2005. I've stored a float variable of the value 0.2 into table column of real type. When I opened the table to check the values, I found a value of 0.200000029... It is known problem, real is approximate type. However, I've changed the value using management studio to 0.2 and reloaded the table. The dat...

Convert char[] to System::Object

In C++ I have a char[256] variable that is populated by a call to an external DLL which fills it with data. From there I would like to add the char[] as a ComboBox item. char name[256]; name[0] = "76"; comboBox1->Items->Add(name); This creates a build error because char[] is not a type of System::Object. Any ideas on converting the ch...

How to convert string from cp1250 to utf-8 in Borland C++ Builder 6

Hi, I maintain an application written in Borland C++ 6. This app is using SQLite database. I am now extending it, so it can be used by unprivileged users, and so I had to move the database file to the home user directory. Unfortunately some of users have Polish national characters in their names, such as ą,ć,ę and some more. The syst...

How can I check if a number (double type) stored as a string is a valid double number in C++?

I'm having an issue with a program I'm working on in C++. I am asking the user to input a valid number. I take it in as a string because the particular assignment I'm doing, it makes it easier in the long run. For basic error checking, I want to check to see if the number entered is a valid number. Example: Enter number: 3.14 This would...

Convert Excel 95 to Excel97+ without automation?

I have an Excel 95 workbook, and I need to convert it into a format that is at least Excel 97, although preferably Excel 2003. I don't want to use office automation as this has all kinds of issues. Is there any way to do this in a .Net managed way? ...

Casting from list of lists of strings to list of lists of ints in python

I'm reading some numbers from a data source that represent xy coordinates that I'll be using for a TSP-esque problem. I'm new to python, so I'm trying to make the most of lists. After reading and parsing through the data, I'm left with a list of string lists that looks like this: [['565.0', '575.0'], ['1215.0', '245.0'], ...youge...

Linq to DataSet - Handling Null Values

I have a requirement to convert LINQ to DataTable. I stole the following Extension Method from StackOverflow: public static DataTable ToDataTable<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items) { var tb = new DataTable(typeof(T).Name); PropertyInfo[] props = typeof(T).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public ...

Need to convert String^ to char *

I am using the .NET DateTime to get the current date and time. I am converting it to a string to use as part of a file name. The problem is the OpenCV command to save an image requires a char * not a string type, and DateTime will only output a String^ type. How do I make this work? Heres the code not completed String^ nowString = DateT...