
how to convert hexadecimal to byte in php

I am very new to PHP I mean I want to create a byte array something like this byte array[] = { (byte) 0x9C, (byte) 0xA0}; how to do I do it in PHP any syntactical help highly apreciated. I mean how to create a byte array in php. Thanks in advance ...

Render Flash (SWF) frame as image (PDF,PNG,JPG)

Hi! I would like to write a python script that takes a bunch of swf files and renders them to individual image files. Each swf file has just one frame (text, pictures etc.) and no animations at all. I have already tried the render command from the swftools toolset (The windows version), but the resolution of the resulting image is too ...

prototype to jquery, help please

Hello, I would ask for any user who knows how to program in jquery and prototype of a help to me in the following code in this prototype. function showPanelAds(){ $('ads').style.visibility="visible" } and function blog(id){ var ActionAjax = new Ajax.Updater( {success:'blogphere'}, '/inc/assistidos.asp', { met...

How to convert dwg file to jpeg or gif format using java api or .net library

How can be autocad file (dwg) converted to jpeg or gif file using java api or or .net library. Without using the convertors Thanks in advance ...

How to convert a string of bits to byte array

I have a string representing bits, such as: "0000101000010000" I want to convert it to get an array of bytes such as: {0x0A, 0x10} The number of bytes is variable but there will always be padding to form 8 bits per byte (so 1010 becomes 000010101). ...

Function that converts hex color values to an approximate color name?

I don't suppose anyone knows of a function (PHP, preferably) that can take a hex color code and give an approximate color name for that hex value. I don't need a solution with 100s of colors. Even if it just amounted to the colors white, black, red, green blue, brown orange and yellow, I'd be pretty well in shape. If you don't know of a...

How to convert MP3 to PCM using delphi code?

I have Bass component from I load mp3 and triying to change the format to PCM but it wont do nothing? or any suggestion will be appreciated. ...

Whats the easiest way to convert a long in C to a char*?

What is the clean way to do that in C? wchar_t* ltostr(long value) { int size = string_size_of_long(value); wchar_t *wchar_copy = malloc(value * sizeof(wchar_t)); swprintf(wchar_copy, size, L"%li", self); return wchar_copy; } The solutions I came up so far are all rather ugly, especially allocate_properly_size_whar_t u...

Intra-Unicode "lean" Encoding Converters

Windows provides encoding conversion functions ("MultiByteToWideChar" and "WideCharToMultiByte") which are capable of UTF-8 to/from UTF-16 conversions, among other things. But I've seen people offer home-grown 30 to 40 line functions that claim also to perform UTF-8 / UTF-16 encoding conversions. My question is, how reliable are such t...

Convert decimal to percent or shift decimal places. How

I have a that is generated from the diference of 2 numbers, but it return for exemple 0,07 for 7% and 0,5 for 50% i just want to fix to reach these goar, like 15,2% 13% and so on. How can I do that? do c# has something embeded on CLR to do that? ...

Convert String To Integer And Vice-Versa

I'm building a calculator application, and I have a Form, with a TextBox called txtVisor, that has the property NumbersOnly = true. I want to get the content of it(that I already know: txtVisor.Text) and convert it into a Integer, to do multiply it by 12, then convert the result into a String to set the txtVisor.Text as the result of the...

How to access comments from the java compiler tree api generated ast ?

Hi, I've used the java compiler tree api to generate the ast for java source files. However, i'm unable to access th comments in the source files. So far, i've been unable to find a way to extract comments from source file .. is there a way using the compiler api or some other tool ? ...

Image to Canvas / HTML5 Conversion

Are there software/services for automated conversion of a typical image format (png, bmp, jpg/gif even) to Canvas / HTML5? ...

How to convert MS doc to pdf

How to convert doc to pdf using java api. where document contains various formats such as tables in ms word. when converting to pdf using iText. where actual document looks different to converted pdf. please provide any api not an exe installed for converting . must be an open source ...

Convert String value format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS to C# DateTime

I have a need to convert a string value in the form "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS" to a DateTime. But not sure on how, may be a DateTime.Tryparse can be used to make this happen. Or is there any other way to do it. I can do this using some string operations to take "YYYYMMDD" alone, convert to a datetime and then add HH, MM, SS separately to that Date...

how to convert BigInteger to String in java

i converted a string to BigInteger as follows: Scanner sc=new Scanner(; System.out.println("enter the message"); String; byte[] bytemsg=msg.getBytes(); BigInteger m=new BigInteger(bytemsg); now i want my string back.i m using m.toString() method but not getting desired result. why??? wh...

How to convert many thousands of lines of VBScript to C#?

I have a collection of about 10,000 small VBScript programs (50-100 lines each) and a small collection of larger ones, and I'm looking for a way to convert them to C# without resorting to by-hand transliteration. The programs are automated test cases for a web application, written for HP/Mercury's QuickTest Pro, and I'm trying to turn t...

If don't own proprietary database engine, what is best way to convert database to mysql?

I work for a very small company. I was recently faced with the question of whether there is a good way to convert a proprietary database to a MySQL database without owning the proprietary database engine e.g. if one is given a large oracle database file (or choose your favorite proprietary database engine format), but doesn't have a lice...

Convert date from access to SQL Server with SSIS

Hi, I want to convert a database from access to SQL Server using SSIS. I cannot convert the date/time columns of the access db. SSIS says something like: conversion between DT_Date and DT_DBTIMESTAMP is not supported. (Its translated from my German version, might be different in English version). In Access I have Date/Time column, in ...

How do I convert a System::IO::Stream^ to an LPCSTR for PlaySound?

I'm trying to embed and then play back a .wav file in a C++/CLI app but all the examples I've seen which use PlaySound are in VB. I can't see how to get froma Stream^ to the LPCSTR which PlaySound requires: System::IO::Stream^ s = Assembly::GetExecutingAssembly()->GetManifestResourceStream ("Ping.wav"); LPCSTR buf = s->????; PlaySound...