
Convert hex to utf in Python

Hi.. I have a hex string and i want to convert it utf8 to insert mysql. (my database is utf8) hex_string = 'kitap ara\xfet\xfdrmas\xfd' .. .. .. result='kitap araştırması' How can i do that? Best regards. ...

JAX-RS JSON java.util.Date Unmarshall

Hi, I'm using Jersey (jax-rs), to build a REST rich application. Everything is great, but I really don't understand how to set in JSON Marshalling and Unmarshalling converting option for dates and numbers. I have a User class: @XmlRootElement public class User { private String username; private String password; private jav...

Struts 1 ActionForm - retrieving a collection from pure HTML

Hi all I have (just like the rest) inherited some struts 1 code. I have had need to add a few more pages to this project. What I cannot figure out is how to map several distinct but similarly natured input elements to my ActionForm. Let me elaborate. I create a new <Input> element dynamically as the user inputs more and more items (I ...

C - Convert time_t to string with format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

Hello, is there any way to convert a time_t to a string with the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS automatically, keeping the code portable? ...

Use OpenOffice to do server-side ppt(x) to swf conversion

I'd like to turn Powerpoint presentations to SWF files the same way that OpenOffice does it, except automatically through a command line call. I came across, which led me to explore PyUNO bridge, which comes with OpenOffice as well as the OpenOffice command line API, but I wasn't able to make any...

Use LibTIff in C# to convert from one tiff format to another

I have a Tiff using JPEG format the WPF / C# can not handle via TiffBitmapDecoder. Our clients use the file format and our current C++ and Java code handles it. I need to convert this to a format I can display using TiffBitmapDecoder or standard BitmapImage. It looks like the C# version of LibTiff is the way to go but I am not having any...

Is it possible to convert this asp to

I have been tasked with sifting through the worst classic asp spaghetti i've ever come across. The script runs a series of recordsets in sequence, getting 1 record at a time. As the record is built it takes the id and passes it to the next loop, which gets data, and passes on the id to the next loop. It then continues in this manner and...

Is it possible to convert / generate a video file from a Flash .swf that loads dynamic content (mp3, jpegs and FLVs)?

I have a web application that loads and plays content through Flash player - images, audio and video. The content is dynamic and I want to be able to allow users to save what they see as a video file, perhaps FLV. So that they can play back the original presentation, share it, upload to youtube etc. I am thinking that this will have to...

How can I use partial views in ASP.NET?

I have done partial views in ASP.NET MVC but now I want to convert it to ASP.NET. I have used AJAX and JavaScript. How can I convert the following: <a href="#" onclick="LoadPartialView('#MainContentDiv', '<%=Url.Action("AdminHome", "Admin")%>')">Home</a> , <input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="LoadPartialViewPost('#Ma...

Get String in YYYYMMDD format from JS date object?

Hi, all. I'm trying to use JS to turn a date object into a String in YYYMMDD format. Is there an easier way than concatenating Date.getYear() Date.getMonth(), and Date.getDay()? Thanks, IVR Avenger ...

Where is the Java Language Conversion Assistant (JLCA) 3.0?

Microsoft supposedly offer(ed?) something called the JLCA, which converts Java into C#. I can't find any download or anything for it. Does anyone have any information about this tool and how to use it in VS2008/2010? I can find version 2.0 but not 3.0... supposedly it came built into VS2005? ...

What is the fastest design to download and convert a large binary file?

I have a 1GB binary file on another system. Requirement: ftp/download and convert binary to CSV on main system. The converted file will be magnitudes larger ~ 8GB What is the most common way of doing something similar to this? Should this be a two step independent process, download - then convert? Should I download small chunks at...

Convert Image (JPG,BMP,GIF) to SVG

Does anyone know tell me a tool that actually works (I tried several, but none works), with support for color images. If some of his friends know how to implement this, or any component that makes (C #), I would be grateful. Thanks for any help The program below works, however, leaves all the files in black and white. I'm still looki...

Looping over an array to build a multidimensional array in Perl, converting from PHP, and syntactically wrong

Working on converting an array to another array. In PHP, this is easy, but Perl has some syntax that I am having a hard time getting my head around and understanding. Here is my loop in Perl: foreach my $r (@toindex){ #print Dumper $r; %indexed{@$r[0]}{'image_id'} = @$r[0]; #Broken %indexed{"@$r[0]"}{'image_id'} = @$r[0...

How do i change query of MS Access 97 file using MS Access 2007

Hi guys, I am adding a small feature in a program that uses access 97 db. The change is to add a one single field in a table A. There is one query which selects certain fields from that table. Now I need to add the field in that query too. I have added the field using DDL SQL statment from query builder screen. But now I need to add t...

How can I convert Cyrillic string into English in c#

Is it posible to convert Cyrillic string to English(Latin) in c#? For example I need to convert "Петролеум" in "Petroleum". Plus I forgot to mention that if I have Cyrillic string it need to stay like that, so can I somehow check that? ...

Nintex Workflow - Convert string to date + publishing error from InfoPath

Hey everyone, Ive got two problems that i dont know how to solve.. ! 1) im looking for a way to convert a string variable into a date var in nintex workflow but nothing seems to work? 2) I have a bunch of forms that I’m publishing to SharePoint. Each of these forms contains a lot of fields, 100+. Till Tuesday evening I never had a pro...

int to string conversion

I would like to save files with different names in a loop. I use a library that needs a char as a parameter of the file... for(int i=0;i<nodes;i++){ for(int j=0;j<nodes;j++){ char a[20]="test"; char c[20]="xout.dat"; Lib::SaveFile(_T(a), _T(c)); }} The above code works, but I would like to change the name of the xout.mid to th...

PL/SQL base conversion without functions

Is there any way to convert decimal to binary, or binary to decimal, in Oracle 10g without having to first define a function? I have limited database access (SELECT only) and all the solutions for this I've found online seem to involve CREATE FUNCTION, which does not work for me. ...

JSF Conversion and Validation

I have an .xhtml page that is processed by the faces servlet in Tomcat. GET requests to the page look like this /module.xhtml?mod=6. I need to validate the integer parameter 'mod'. 'mod' is the ID of the Module object which is to be displayed on the module.xhtml page. Here's what I have far in module.xhtml: <f:metadata> <f:viewPara...