
How can I convert one slide of a PowerPoint file to flash in jsf app (using javaSE/javaEE)?

I need to show the first slide of a PowerPoint presentation in my jsf app. It must look something like that: user upload the .ppt file to jsf app the app take the first slide and converts it to Flash user sees the converted slide in the separate (not as part of the another page) I suppose that I couldn't use any external converters b...

How to develop an AAC converter for Linux?

Hi, I am a beginner developer want to develop a MP3 to AAC converter for Linux. But I don't know how to start as I havn't done any development in Linux before. I am using Ubuntu 10.04. Can anyone tell me how to start and from where? What libraries do I need? Thanks ...

How to convert gp4 file to pdf

There is any opensource convertor available or java api for converting gp4 file to pdf Thanks in advance ...

WPF - Apply a converter to all textboxes

Using WPF, I want to apply a converter within the binding of the Text property within all my TextBoxes. The following works for a single TextBox: <TextBox Style="{StaticResource TextBoxStyleBase2}" Text="{Binding Text, Converter={StaticResource MyConverter}}"> </TextBox> However, our T...

prototype to jquery, help please

Hello, I would ask for any user who knows how to program in jquery and prototype of a help to me in the following code in this prototype. function showPanelAds(){ $('ads').style.visibility="visible" } and function blog(id){ var ActionAjax = new Ajax.Updater( {success:'blogphere'}, '/inc/assistidos.asp', { met...

CONVERT .AU file TO .OGG file

Hi, I want to convert .au file to .ogg file using shell. I have found oggconvert but it works as GUI not on the shell. I am having an client server application . The client will send me .au sound file. On the server , I want to convert it to .ogg file. I m using Ruby on Rails as server ...

Visual Basic my.resources icon file as image on button

Hi all, I'm using resources in VB.NET(2008) to manage my files and have 3 icon files that need to be on 3 buttons on my form (clicking the button changes the icon of the form tot the pressed button) ICO_1.ico ICO_2.ico ICO_3.ico but when I try the code below i get the error that "Value of type system.drawing.icon cannot be converte...

Convert PDF to Word offline?

Is there any way to convert a PDF to Word document via code? I'm aware of several online sites that will do it however we cannot use them due to security concerns. Opening the PDF in Adobe, copying all of the text and pasting into Word will not work as all of the text ends up jumbled around the place. Is there any kind of utility tha...

converter for xls to sql converter

Hi , Am looking converter for xls to sql converter . Or Is There any script for insert from xls spread sheet to table , Regards Bharanikumar ...

PDF converter for Classic ASP Application?

Hi, I need my asp page (report) to be converted as PDF format. Is there any free 3rd party control available for Classic ASP? ...

What are the best Spring converter strategies in the case of a String to convert to a set of object ?

I have the following (simplified) form in one of my view: <form:form commandName="entry" method="POST"> <form:input type="text" path="name"/> <form:input type="text" path="tags" /> <input type="submit" value="Submit"/> </form:form> Which is going to be bind to the following JavaBean: public class Entry { private String name; ...

ImageSource dependency property on a user control - XAML value set throws

I've created a small user control consisting of a button whose content is an Image. I created an "ImageSource" dependency property on the user control in order to bind to it from the Image inside the button. However in the XAML where I placed an instance of my user control setting the property throws an error at runtime : <ctrl:ImageBu...

Binding the Foreground of a WPF DataGrid Text Column

Hey, I try to built a DataGrid, and I want to bind one of the TextColums' Foreground property to a Date, so that it becomes red, if the Date is in the past. Here the XAML: <toolkit:DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding Path=Prüfdatum, Converter={StaticResource TimestampToDateConverter}}" Header="Prüfdatum" Foreground="{Bind...

Problem with UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged and StringFormat in WPF

Hi, I have a text box in my application which is data bound to a decimal field in my class and the binding mode is two way. I am using StringFormat={0:c} for currency formatting. This works fine as long as I don't touch 'UpdateSourceTrigger'. If I set UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged , It stops formatting the text that I am enterin...

WPF corelating Multibindings and Converter's values[]

My XAML is as follows <Button.IsEnabled > <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource IsEnabledConverter}" > <Binding Path="aaa"/> <Binding Path="bbb"/> <Binding Path="ccc"/> <Binding Path="ddd"/> <Binding Path="eee"/> <Binding Path="fff"/> <Binding Path="ggg"/> <Binding P...

Online Media Converter

Where can I convert my SWF file to mp4 online? When I say online I mean that I don't have to download a desktop application to do such, all shouldbe done on the website. doesn't seem to work so that's out of the list. Can anybody suggest some other sites? Thank you so much! ...

WPF simple property vs. complex property

Hi! In WPF it's better to create a property "complex" (i.e. of type "Visibility") or a property simple (i.e. of type boolean) and then using a converter to bind the property? The first way is shorter to write, but I don't know what is better about the performances. Thank you! Pileggi ...

is there a good c/c++ to delphi converter(software)

i need a tool that can convert c/c++ code to delphi(object pascal) code, have tried openc2pas but it is pretty much useless and a pain to use is their a usable alternative?(free or commercial) ...

How do I convert a Color to a Brush in XAML?

I want to convert a System.Windows.Media.Color value to a System.Windows.Media.Brush. The color value is databound to a Rectangle object's Fill property. The Fill property takes a Brush object, so I need an IValueConverter object to perform the conversion. Is there a built-in converter in WPF or do I need to create my own? How do I go a...

VRML or X3D to Direct3D object convertor

Is there a tool available to convert VRML or X3D file to Direct3D .x object? Or is there a code snippet for the same? ...