
shell script to c converter

Does anyone know of any tool which can convert shell script '.sh' into a C file '.c' ? ...

Converter stops filter working

I am trying to display filenames in a listbox, retrieved from a particular directory. They are stored in an ObservableCollection of FileInfo objects: public ObservableCollection<FileInfo> ProjectFiles { get { if (SelectedFolder == null) return null; DirectoryInfo d= new DirectoryInfo(SelectedFolder); if...

Are there any programs out there that will convert Java code to C++?

Are there any programs out there that will convert Java code to C++? ...

The 'clr-namespace' URI refers to a namespace that is not included in the assembly.

Hello all. I'm trying to include in my XAML some classes which convert values. However, I'm getting the following error when I compile: Undefined CLR namespace. The 'clr-namespace' URI refers to a namespace 'View.Summary.Converters' that is not included in the assembly.(View\View) And the XAML it's erroring on: xmlns:c="clr-name...

Looking for a Code Converter to Convert a Normal Java Code to Reflection-Style Code

I'm looking for a converter to make a reflection-style Java code from a normal Java code. I'm doing this to prevent exceptions like NoClassDefFoundError (I want to be dependent to a class, but I want Java to simply ignore the code if the library I'm using doesn't have that dependency class). I expect converter like this: initial code:...

Is there a definition freely available for the colorspace conversion from MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2 to MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24 ?

I'm currently looking to implement a directshow filter to convert the colorspace from the output of the standard SampleGrabber to the Video Mixing Renderer. All of the video decoders I'm using output the MEDIASUBTYPE_YUY2 and I need to convert to MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24. Does anyone know of a freely available filter or definition of this con...

JSF: Is it possible to create a custom converter for this

I am using JSF 2.0 btw I have an attribute X type Integer, that has default value 0. In my JSF page, I create a component that I want it to be disabled if X is 0, and enabled otherwise. <h:selectBooleanCheckbox disabled="#{X}"/> and I got this error Cannot convert 0 of type class java.lang.Integer to class java.lang.Boolean ...

convert html to javascript

Hi, Does anybody know if there is a tool around that can convert html to javascript. For example: <div> </div> would convert to aDiv = document.createElement('div'); document.appendChild(aDiv); etc I'm am doing a few html templates for UI components and am using MooShell for prototyping. It would be great to be able to auto-gen...

Is it possible to have WPF/SL4 perform operations on a property binded to another control?

Using SilverLight, one can bind the value of a control to a property from a datacontext. That's fine. It is possible to use StringFormat along with the binding declaration to format the value. Again, that's cool! However, I can't find a way to have the binding with some operation done to it before it gets displayed. I know I can code a...

Convert LaTeX to ePub

I'd like to convert some university papers from LaTeX into ePub format - without using PDF as intermediate format. You know, PDF is page-oriented, while ePub is more flow-oriented. While I found several hints, I failed to find a good 'standard' solution. Could someone please propose the ideal way? One which keeps mathematical formulas ...

how to reference a class defined inside the same page in silverlight

for example: I have: public class MyPage : XXXPage { ..... public class HahaConverter: IValueConverter { ......... .... } } In my xaml, can I do this: <Page.Resources> <????:HahaConverter :Key="dateConverter" /> <Page.Resources> I just wondering how to get ????. I could not reference myself? Thanks ...

How to apply single item converter to ItemSource property?

I set up ItemSource for the ListBox with converter: <ListBox Name="FunctionsListBox" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Functions, Converter={x:Static app:CreatorWindow.FunctionConverter}}"/> However this looks for me ugly, because converter converts entire collection -- I would prefer more versatile converte...

How to write a custom converter when working with Primefaces' components that contain POJO

My particular problem is with picklist <p:pickList converter="????" value="#{bean.projects}" var="project" itemLabel="#{}" itemValue="#{project}"> ...

How do I access EJB bean when inside a custom Converter

This converter is called from my JSF. I already register it inside faces-config.xml public class ProjectConverter implements Converter{ @EJB DocumentSBean sBean; @ManagedProperty(value="#{logging}") private Logging log; public ProjectConverter(){ } public Object getAsObject(FacesContext context, UICom...

WPF - Generic IValueConverter?

Hey all, I have a need to convert a number of different objects and I'd like to avoid writing a converter class for each one. Each of the objects inherits from a base class and I need to use the Id to get the Description (which is handled in my call to my CacheManager). For each class (I have about 30 of them) I have the following cod...

How can I convert a double into HH:MM:SS in ObjectiveC

I've got a double 0.27392 and I know it is 6:34:27 AM. This is simple in Excel, but I can't get NSDateFormatter to work its magic. ...

Convert PDF to anything which can be opened by Word

Want to do it via C#, all inline, no Process.Start()...and free...could be RTF, HTML, whatever the case may long as I can open in Word, which I can then save off as RTF, which I can then load within a RichTextBox. I'm aware similar questions have flooded this forum over the years, nothing that seems to address what I am asking t...

Conversion of XML from PubMed Central into MediaWiki

I am looking for a tool for converting articles from PubMed's XML to MediaWiki format. Any pointers are appreciated. A prior discussion of the matter is at - with no workable solution in sight. ...

Special chars in single and double quoted strings

Hey! I fetch a field from a database that contains a rtf document. For Example this could look like this: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1031{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang7\f0\fs22 asdfasdf\par a\par sf\par asd\par fasd\par \b dfas\b0\par ...

Customizing XStream output

I have a class that resembles something like this: class foo { List<String> bar; ... } I add four Strings to the list bar: bar.add("1"); bar.add("2"); bar.add("3"); bar.add("4"); Using xstream, I've managed to get output that looks like this: <foo> <bar> <blah>1</blah> <blah>2</blah> <blah>3</blah> <b...