
Demystifying Web Authentication

I'm currently researching user authentication protocols for a website I'm developing. I would like to create an authentication cookie so users can stay logged in between pages. Here is my first bash: cookie = user_id|expiry_date|HMAC(user_id|expiry_date, k) Where k is HMAC(user_id|expiry_date, sk) and sk is a 256 bit key only known ...

Rails 3: Disable session cookies

I created a controller to serve dynamic stylesheets, so I can use the image_tag helper and add some cache control. The problem is that every time the css file is loaded at the browser, I can see 'Cookie xxx changed" message in firebug. I would like to disable or bypass session cookies for this controller. I read somewhere that using ...

why after validation is false HttpContext.Current.Request.IsAuthenticated

I've created a login on my website using forms authentication, I do not understand why after creating the ticket and adding it to the cookies if I check for HttpContext.Current.Request.IsAuthenticated i get false. Only on the successive request the user become authenticated this is my code var fat = new FormsAuthenticationTicket( ...

Javascript getCookie functions

I found two functions to get cookie data with Javascript, one on and one on I would like to know which one I should use? For example I believe I read somewhere that there was a problem with some browsers splitting the ; semicolon? w3schools: function getCookie(c_name) { if (document.cookie.length > 0) ...

OAuth : help me understanding OAuth

OAuth like google OAuth. Let's put the communication between Consumer server and OAuth server aside. Let's talk about the browser side and consumer server communication, at least, browser must hold a cookie to identify the session between consumer server. Right? But, I didn't see it. ...

Sending Cookies over WCF using the ChannelFactory

I use an IOC container which provides me with IService. In the case where IService is a WCF service it is provided by a channel factory When IService lives on the same machine it is able to access the same cookies and so no problem however once a WCF Service is called it needs to be sent those cookies. I've spent a lot of time trying to...

Secure Cookies?

I am slowly moving my (unreleased) CMS from $_SESSION to $_COOKIE. Content on the internet seems to be biased more towards $_SESSION (I assume because ease of use). I am looking for security tips on saving cookies. Currently, I am storing (somewhat similar WordPress) a cookie in the format: 'logged_in_%hash_key%' => "username | %hash_p...

php cookie cross 2 top level domains

Hello all i have 2 domains e.g. and and i need user login cross at this 2 domains. both domains run on same server, i hobe for help, :) ...

How to create a Cookie using SSL pages?

Hi, I have an ASP:NET MVC 2 web site that is on SSL. I want to create a cookie like this: FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(validatedUser.UserName, false); FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, validatedUser.SecureToken, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10), false, String.Empty); HttpCookie coo...

is a cookie secure in a HTTPS conection?

well, my question is simple, is a cookie secure in a HTTPS conection? ...

How do you Set cookie to remember open tab? Tabs are created with Coldfusion & Javascript

This is probably more simple than I'm making it but I just can't figure out how to do it. What I've got are tabbed sections created in Coldfusion. The output is that the selected section has a class name that contains the string "tab_selected (+ the UUID created in coldfusion)" versus the unselected tab sections whose class names contain...

What is the name of cookie-like creature on git homepage logo

Hi, For years I suffered from a question of what is the name of creature, that looks like a cookie, and located at git homepage header logo. And are there any pictures of same creature? :) ...

WCF, ASP.NET Compatibility Mode and custom authentication using membership providers

Hello all, I need help in following:) To begin with I work on the large application, that has a WinForms client and server. Server in our case is the set of WCF services. There is one service that is responsible for authentication of users. The logic of authentication is custom and complex and authentication service uses different memb...

Hijacking Facebook with FireSheep; What is the best solution, and how does it work?

Regarding this security issue: Is it true to say "any time a user logs into a site, and isn't redirected to SSL/TLS/HTTPS connection, that the session cookies are vulnerable"? What is the best solution to protect a Fac...

Why would Perl's CGI::cookie be able to set a cookie in IE, but not Firefox?

I have a bit of Perl CGI code which I'm trying to run in the project web space of a SourceForge account. The code is able to set a browser cookie just fine when talking to IE, but the cookie is not set when talking to Firefox. When I test with Apache on "localhost", both browsers work fine. It's only on the remote SourceForge URL that...

How to keep a url param across pages

I wan't developers who embed my webapp to be able to pass a param in the url like ?style=dark which will alter the css accordingly. Is there a better way to keep this setting as the user navigates than appending ?style=dark to all links? I've considered cookies etc. but if one user is viewing two pages which embed my app with different ...

problem fetching a jsp page using curl

I'm using LIVE HTTP headers to sniff the HTML traffic and to mimic it using curl. The page I'm trying to get is a .jsp and I noticed that some data has been added to the cookie. I'm using the cookie I retrieved when log in to the site. This is the link:

Can't set session cookie browser for one particular user

Hi, We've got a rails 2.3.10 application running with restful authentication. We have a user who is running Windows XP and Firefox 3.6 / IE9. The user can't seem to get the session cookie (_app_session) to save on the local machine even through the set cookie header includes the _app_session cookie (verified in firebug). Other users, in...

Cookie always is NULL in Session_Start

Hi, I want in Session_Start method check if cookie with specific key exists and if not create cookie with this key. if (Request.Cookies[key] == null) { SetCookie(); } But in Session_Start it is always NULL. If check it in another place I get cookie's value. Why is it always NULL in Session_Start? Thanks, Raya ...

How can I change a cookie value from a WebMethod ?

Hi, I have this: [WebMethod] public static void SetTheme(string theme) { Guid studentIdentifier = SessionData.LoggedInUser.Identifier; Student student = (Student)ItemFactory.GetItem(studentIdentifier); student.Theme = theme; } And I want to change the cookie that is also named "theme", at the end of this WebMethod. Ho...