
UIButton AppStore buy button animation

Do you have a sample code for the UIButton animation of the AppStore Price -> to Buy button. I tried a lot, but it doesn't work well with CAAnimationGroup (scale+translation) and it doesn't work with just setting it to the new frame-size in a UIView beginAnimations. The animation first sets the new width(immediatelly) and then the new or...

How can I show a sequence of buttons highlighting?

Similar to the Simon games of old, I want to show the user a button sequence & then have them repeat it back. The place I'm stuck is showing the first button highlighted for, say, 500ms, waiting 100ms, showing the second highlighted for 500ms, waiting another 100ms, showing the 3rd & so on. From other Stackoverflower'ers I've gotten to...

View swap using push animation

I want to swap out one view with another by pushing the old view aside to slide in a new view (the kCATransitionPush type). To use CoreAnimation I need to work with CALayers with my views. The problem is that attaching a backing layer to my window content view through setWantsLayer distorts everything in the view. I'm not sure if this h...

Best way to vibrate a UI item?

I'm trying to vibrate/shake a UI element, namely a control, as if it were struck, and is resonating. I can use Core Animation to shake it vertically, horizontally or both, by one pixel: CABasicAnimation* rotationXAnimation; rotationXAnimation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"position.y"]; rotationXAnimation.fromValue = [NSNum...

Animating custom callout for MKAnnotationView in MKMapView with "pop in" effect

I finally managed to put together a custom callout UIView that gets shown when a MKAnnotationView is tapped. I did this by overriding - (void)setSelected:(BOOL)selected animated:(BOOL)animated; in my custom MKAnnotationView subclass. Note: I prevented the main callout from showing by setting the canShowCallout property to NO. I'd ...

Transparent layer-backed views

I'm trying to perform some simple animations using CA layers on transparent window and corresponding view. The problem I have is that every time I turn on the layer backing (either through wantsLayer in code, or with IB) the view stops being transparent. I've tried setting layer's backgroundColor to something with low alpha and I took f...

CALayer renderInContext

I use CATransform3D rotationAndPerspectiveTransform = CATransform3DIdentity; rotationAndPerspectiveTransform.m34 = 1.0 / -500; It's success, but I use "renderInContext:context" get CGImage from context, I found the image effect is not changed ! How can I get this effect image from CALayer? ...

How would I implement animation along a path using the iPhone SDK?

i am developing game application for iphone.In my application there is one object(fly).In my application this object move straight forwared using animation but i want to move object path should be curve.please advice me about my question. Edit:how can I create path with arc like flying an object from one place to another us...

iPhone layer management - best practice

Louis - Thanks for your input. Here is what I did, and my current issues, which i don't understand. The menus (2) are UIImageViews that respond to touch. Each is it's own class. The 'sprites' as you called them also respond to touch. In the .m where I add the menus and sprites to the layer, I created two container layers, via this code...

Animate the enabling of a UIBarButtonItem?

Is there a way to animate enabling or disabling a button? I've tried the following with no success. I'm guessing at this point that the enabled property cannot be animated like opacity can – but I hope I'm wrong. [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0f]; theButton.enabled = YES; [UIView setAnimati...

how to implement an iPhone view transition animation with both flipping and scaling?

how can I implement the animation we see in the iPhone Music app's coverflow screen? when you click on a small view, it flips and scales up to another view? how can I do this? I can use core animation to flip and scale a view, but how can I do the transition to another view? thanks ...

Unable to see second animation started from separate animationDidStop

I'm having some problems getting CoreAnimation to perform multiple animations in succession on the iPhone simulator. I have many layers in my application that I animate – these layers are all sublayers of the layer associated with a UIView in my application. After I animate the first sublayer's position (using explicit animation - CAKeyF...

Animating a shape with CoreAnimation

Hello folks, I approaching core animation and drawing empirically. I am trying to animate a simple shape; the shape in question is formed by 3 lines plus a bezier curve. A red line is also drawn, to show the curve control points. My main controller simply adds this subview and calls the adjustWave method whenever touchesEnd. Here is t...

CALayer filters and bounds

Hi, I'm just starting writing some Core Animation code and I've just spent a frustrating day trying to figure out a particular problem. I have two layer-backed views that together make up a wizard/ assistant style user interface: 1) a custom background view that fills the entire window with an edge-to-edge gradient and a nice image on...

Weird scaling-effect going on when rotating a UIView with Core Animation

I'm rotating it like this: [rotationView.layer setValue:value forKeyPath:@"transform.rotation.z"]; wrapped in a UIView animation block with beginAnimations... and commitAnimations.... Basic stuff. That view contains a stack of three other views which are rotated also. It's a clock, basically. What happens: When the superview of all...

Objects do not retain the frame that I give then when using CGAffineTransforms with Core Animation

Hi, I'm making a game where when a card is touched, it grows so that it is focused, and when you 'let go', it goes back to its original size and place. This seems pretty standard, however, when I add cards and move the hand around to accommodate different numbers of cards, touching the card makes it go to its original place, and not to...

iPhone animation

I trying to do an animation on the iPhone and I hope someone can help me out here as I'm stumped. I am using CAKeyframeAnimation with CAPath to animate views around. I have these settings set: animation.removedOnCompletion = YES; animation.fillMode = kCAFillModeRemoved; So that the animation is removed from the layer when the anima...

Animating a falling feather using Core Animation on the iPhone.

Hello Animators! The scenario: The user has touched and moved an image to a certain position, he/she then release the object. It should now in a realistic way fall to the bottom of the screen, see this video for some inspiration. The touching and dragging parts are already implemented using: - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withE...

Can you animate gradients using Quartz in an iPhone?

Hi, I am new to iPhone development and am currently toying with recreating a charting tool I developed for Silverlight. Currently I'm using a gradient to 'fill' a rectangle representing a bar within a chart. Is it possible to animate this gradient so it changes colour when a user touches the bar within the chart. I have looked through...

iPhone animation efficiency solutions, layering questions

I'm working on writing a rather basic app. It uses minimal touch input, and mostly just plays fancy animations. There isn't much animation, but the way it's currently done seems super inefficient and uses far too much memory. The view is split into two parts, the bottom 1/5th is just one image that doesn't ever change. The rest of it i...