
How to animate a non-layer property?

Is there a way to animate properties of my own classes, using the property animation facilities provided by Core Animation? ...

CATransform3DMakeRotation brings view to back

Hello, I have this View class. It adds subviews to itself and then I want to do a CATransform3DMakeRotation on one of them (the last one added with addSubiew). Its on top but as soon as the animation starts it is underneath the oder views. Here is my CATransform3DMakeRotation code: CABasicAnimation *topAnim = [CABasicAnimation anima...

New CATransform3DMakeRotation deletes old transformation?!

I added a CATransform3DMakeRotation to a layer. When I add another one it deletes the old one? The first one: [UIView beginAnimations:@"rotaty" context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.5]; [UIView setAnimationDelegate:self]; CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(-3.14); kuvert.transform = CGAffineTransformRot...

iPhone animation: how do I animate the filling up of an area?

Consider a circle. Now consider a radius of the circle, drawn from the center of the circle towards the right. Now imagine that the radius is rotating about the center of the circle, sweeping out an area as it rotates. My problem is: I want to use iPhone's animation techniques to fill up the swept out area with a different color from the...

Recommended Reading for iPhone Core Animation

Can anyone here recommend any good books for getting my head around Core animation? I've been through the Apple docs and while I'm sure it's all there, I haven't been able to grok Core Animation yet... Is there an a good example I've missed? or some starting document I've overlooked? If not are there any good books out there on Core Anim...

Quartz 2D animating text?

i have to animate text around a circle. The text will also scale up/down. Whats the best approach to accomplish this? (i am using Quartz 2D) My approach is: -- Calculate point using sin and cos methods. -- Move Pen there and draw text with alpha and size. -- Clear the screen -- Calculate next point using sin and cos methods. -- Move pe...

Animating a CALayer's mask size change

I have a UIView subclass which uses a CAShapeLayer mask on its CALayer. The mask uses a distinct shape, with three rounded corners and a cut out rectangle in the remaining corner. When I resize my UIView using a standard animation block, the UIView itself and its CALayer resize just fine. The mask, however, is applied instantly, which l...

how do i get a layer's frame to automatically resize based on its superlayer's frame or its view's frame?

I'm experimenting with using cagradientlayer to draw gradients in our app instead of having a subclass of uiview manage gradients. One snafu that i've come across is that when the view that has the gradient as a sublayer of its main layer gets resized to fit the data i am trying to show, the layer doesn't resize along with it. I end up...

Change animation time for properties of a CALayer.

I have a CALayer to animate a change in its image contents. Now, how can I change how long it takes for this animation to take place? ...

Disable animation when moving CALayers

The following code animates the movement, even though I didn't use beginAnimations:context. How do I get it to move without animating? This is a new iphone view project, and these are the only updates to it. // Implement viewDidLoad to do additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. - (void)viewDidLoad { [super v...

CGAffineTransformMakeRotation and performance

Is there a performance cost to using CGAffineTransformMakeRotation and CGAffineTransformMakeRotation on e.g. UITableView / UIScrollViews? ...

UIView animation VS core animation

I'm trying to animate a view sliding into view and bouncing once it hits the side of the screen. A basic example of the slide I'm doing is as follows: // The view is added with a rect making it off screen. [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationBeginsFromCurrentState:YES]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.07]; [UI...

Purpose of CALayer?

Hi, I'm slightly used as to what the purpose of CALayer's existence is. Why not just put the properties in a UIView? Thanks. ...

Wait before execute istruction

Hi I wan't to perform an animation before quitting a view. The problem is that if I write this code: [self animationMethod]; [self removeFromSuperview]; the animation is not presented because the removeFromSuperview instruction is immediatly executed, i suppose. There's a way to specify thath the removeFromSuperview method must be e...

CATransaction: Layer Changes But Does Not Animate

I'm trying to animate part of UI in an iPad app when the user taps a button. I have this code in my action method. It works in the sense that the UI changes how I expect but it does not animate the changes. It simply immediately changes. I must be missing something: - (IBAction)someAction:(id)sender { UIViewController *aViewControll...

how to make a gauge with core animation on iPhone

Anyone knows how to make a gauge on iPhone? My objective is to show data from a DB not only with a label. It could be two images, first is the gauge and second is the needle ann then rotate the needle (anchor point) based on input from the DB ????! Thanks in advance. ...

Drawing custom graphics on the iPhone: CALayer vs. CGContext

Hi all, I have an application in which I'm doing some custom drawing, a bunch of lines on a gradient background, like so (ignore the text, they're just UILabels): At the moment, that's all done by starting a new CGContext, drawing stuff into it with CGContextDrawLinea...

How to coordinate animation times on multiple CALayers?

Hi I have two CALayers (*layer1 and *layer2). What I want is to start the animation on layer2 when 50% of the layer1's animation time has elapsed. How can I achieve that? I tried using CAAnimationGroup but that works only for animations in the same layer. I have found a workaround in which you have to add the delayed animation to a grou...

Odd background image resizing on animating UIView

I have a UIView in the middle of a view that I am using as a game playing area (in a 2d cocoa view). This image has a background image of the same size as the view. Resizing the view I use animation to make it look smooth (and that works fine). However, when the animation starts, the background image immediately changes size, tiling or b...

What causes this error? "CALayer position contains NaN: [240 nan]"

I've seen this happen whenever i rotate a screen that has a UITableView on it. I've found out that it happens inbetween the willRotate and didRotate method calls in UIViewController My co-workers have seen it in other spots as well, usually around rotation. It hadnt started happening until very recently, and we're stumped as to how we ...