To animate multiple objects in a view, do we have to use seperate timers for each of the object?
Currently I have four objects for which I am using four timers. How can I do it using a single timer?
how to rotate CALayer at one selected point.
@all Thanks in advance.
Hi all,
I am trying to get the following code from a book to work. It animates the layer of a UIImageView called the Chicken :
[CATransaction setValue:kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut forKey:kCATransactionAnimationTimingFunction];
[CATransaction setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:1.0] forKey:kCATransactionAnimationDuration];
I've got a custom image browser view with IKImageBrowserCell subclass where I've added a little sign graphic that I would like to animate on some occasions.
It's kind of like the "i" sign on Panic's Coda Sites view (which I'm guessing is an ImageBrowserView customized.. right?). On Coda's sites view, if you hover on a project the l...
I am developing a board game. I am wondering how one can use Core Animation or any other technology to design a chess board like (someone else's app):
In the picture, the chess boards has a thick border which I am not sure how to model. Should we model the chess board as an image and place chess pieces onto the image? But then it...
Hi i want to rotate the image in clockwise or anticlockwise corresponding to the user touch drag with its speed. i think this can be do with some math logics. any one give me the little bit code sample for this. thanks in advance
My app architecture / hierarchy looks like this:
CALayer | CALayer | CALayer | CALayer .... (and a few hundred more)
These CALayer instances represent small square dots in a dot matrix display for an fast countdown clock. I'm updating their backgroundColor as often per second as possible. Actually what I want is 60 times...
I have a view that plays an animation and an audio clip. if the user leaves the view and then returns the audio replays from the point where they left the view.
I simply want the audio and the animation to start over as if it was their first time coming to the view.
I thought I had solved it with the following code:
Is there a difference in the performance of UIView animation vs CA Animation blocks? I understand they are all interfaces to Core Animation, but am looking to squeeze the most performance vs resources per animation. Thanks.
Anyone know of a good tutorial on how to animate/transition an UIImageView into view like how they did in the ABC aplication
hi all,
I am making an iPad application. In that for moving image from left to right and vice-a-versa. I am using following code for making the animation
animation = [CATransition animation];
[animation setDelegate:self];
[animation setDuration:AnimationDuration];
[animation setType:kCATransitionPush];
[animation setSubtype:kCATrans...
Dear fellow Stackers,
I'm currently working on some core animation stuff for the iOS and really enjoying myself. This question is regarding the many different ways one can implement an animation. Say you would like to rotate a UIView a few times but with different timing functions for each animation cycle. To the best of my knowledge th...
How can I animate UILabel to disappear like the text would be cleaned from blackboard? The animation is like hiding pieces of text rectangle with couple shape animations. Is it possible with Core Animation? I don't really want OpenGL.
in some iPhone/iPad Apps you can see screens sliding in and out.
How does the straight slide in/out work?
I could only find Curl and Flip for animation:
Hello stackoverflow,
I am trying to animate backgroundColor property of UILabel class and being unsuccessful so far. Here the snippet of my code
-(void) blink {
UIColor* originalColor = lblDescription.backgroundColor;
lblDescription.backgroundColor = [UIColor yellowColor];
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView ...
Hi i'm creating a Keyframe animation from multiple images. My problem is i would like the animation to instantly change from one image to the next rather than a fade.
CALayer *animLayer = [CALayer layer];
animLayer.bounds = CGRectMake(0, 0, width, height);
animLayer.position = CGPointMake(0, 0);
CAKeyframeAnimation *cus...
I have my very own minimal view class with this:
- (void) awakeFromNib
[self.layer setDelegate:self];
[self.layer setFrame:CGRectMake(30, 30, 250, 250)];
self.layer.masksToBounds = YES;
self.layer.cornerRadius = 5.0;
self.layer.backgroundColor = [[UIColor redColor] CGColor];
[self s...
I have added sublayers to my UIView's layer. However, the root layer(UIView's layer) is visible at background as white rectangle. How can I effeciently hide superlayer so there will be no resourses spent on compositing with sublayers?
Do I have to move the layer frame or apply translate matrix transformation to layer? Or perhaps I can move the contents inside of the layer? If contents is not movable inside of layer, how it would position initially?
I have a game that's moving fewer than 10 small animated UIImageViews at once, maximum. I'm driving their animation with a CADisplay timer running at 60fps. Here is an example of how I move the views in my update method:
// for each insect in insectArray = insect.hitCenter // I pull a position from my model object