
What is the Cocoa Touch equivalent to NSArrayController?

Been starting to work with Core Data a bit, and while I've figured out how to use it in regular Cocoa applications, it seems it works a bit differently in Cocoa Touch. How do you bind entities to objects such as table cells in Cocoa Touch? ...

What is the range for the DATE type in Core Data?

I'm putting together an application that will require the recording of dates as far back as the BC range; can Core Data's date type handle this, or do I need to define another entity to properly record and format dates? ...

Displaying fixed and editable items in a Source List

Background I am creating a Source List for my application and I want it structured in a way similar to that of iTunes, with two types of items: "Fixed" items – these do not change and can't be moved around – at the top Editable items underneath, which can be changed by the user – moved around, renamed etc (in the iTunes example, like ...

Bindings MInefield in Xcode and Interface Builder.

All right, after having worked through Cocoa Dev Central's "Build a Core Data Application" tutorial I started experimenting with building my own application, using the code and .nib file from the tutorial as a reference to make sure that things are put together properly. Overall I've been managing pretty well with it, however I seem to ...

How do you override sectionIndexTitlesForTableView using core data?

I'm would like to create a table that displays the date in full for the section headers, eg. @"EEEE dd MMMM yyyy". Then in the the fast user index on the righthand side use the @"MMM" value to provide quick access to a given month. I can get the index to work using the default value of first character from the core data. So the fetchedR...

How do I share a Core Data store between processes using NSDistributedNotifications?

Background I've already posted a question about the basics of sharing a Core Data store between processes. I'm trying to implement the recommendations given and I'm running into problems. My Goal I have two processes - the Helper App and the UI. They both share a single data store. I want the UI to update it's NSManagedObjectContext ...

One to Many Tableviews with Core Data

Although there is sample code in the ADC for parent/child (one to many rather than inheritance) core data, the child relationship is managed by simply loading all of the related objects into a set, and then into an array. The application I have in mind may have huge amounts of related data per parent object, therefore I would like to use...

New to mac development - where should I begin?

Hi I am new to mac development (I've been into iPhone dev so have a good idea of Objective-C). I want to create a simple application which gets/shows data to the user and uses SQL to save the data. Any sample apps that I came across are either Core Data apps or Document-based apps. Document based apps are definitely not what I want. Bu...

Test build of Cocoa application not compatible with tester's version of OS X.

I've been building a basic Cocoa application with Core Data and Interface Builder, and no extra coding, frameworks, or header files. I sent it to someone to test on their machine (a last-gen G5 iMac), and they got a message saying that their machine couldn't run it. I discovered the switch to compile for PPC, so I built a PPC version o...

Iphone NSPredicate how to do an INNER JOIN?

Hello, I have been looking thru the documentation and some other posts in this site, but I simply cannot understand how to work this out, which is actually very simple in SQL. Basically I have 2 entities Instruments and Deals. And the "Deals" use an "Instrument" to perform a desired operation. Now I want to list Deals attributes and t...

What is the proper usage of NSManagedObjectContexts when editing/creating new objects (iPhone)?

I am trying to figure out the proper way to use NSManagedObjectContexts when you are viewing, editing, and creating NSManagedObjects. I feel that the documentation and examples have explained how to use them in the most basic cases, but I'm not sure what the proper methods are in a slightly more complex setup. The setup: 3 main screen...

implementing core data to an existing iPhone-project

Hi Folks, I´ve some trouble with implementing Core Data to my existing iPhone-Project. First I wanna give you a more detailed view on it: Some of my classes are nested into each other: The class "Game" has an NSArray with objects of class "Player", the class "Player" has an NSArray with objects of class "Item" in turn. What I wanna do...

Problem with core data migration mapping model

I have an iphone app that uses Core Data to do storage. I have successfully deployed it, and now I'm working on the second version. I've run into a problem with the data model that will require a few very simple data transformations at the time that the persistent store gets upgraded, so I can't just use the default inferred mapping mode...

Can Core Data content be edited directly?

I've been using Core Data for about a week now, and really loving it, but one minor issue is that setting default values requires going through and setting up a temp interface to load the data, which I then do away with once I have the data seeded. Is there any way to edit values in a table, like how you can use phpMyAdmin to manipulate...

Core Data Relationship Fault

Tracking a familial relationship in Core Data (1 parent entity + 2 types of children, one of which is recursive), trying to create a drop-menu in Interface Builder that lists the names of the parent entities so that the user can choose one to associate as the parent of the entry being edited. I've got the bindings all set, but when it r...

NSManagedObject subclasses and setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:

I am initializing a NSManagedObject subclass using: - (void)setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)keyedValues I am also knowingly giving it the undefined keys, which of course should through an exception. So, I have implemented: - (void)setValue:(id)value forUndefinedKey:(NSString *)key If a key is undefined, I map it to ...

What's easier to encrypt on iPhone: Core Data or Property Lists?

What type of persistent data storage would be easier to encrypt on the iPhone- core data, or property lists? By "easier" I mean require less time and complicated steps to implement. ...

Calling up a specific record in Core Data

I'm setting up an edit window for a player to edit his user data. I've got all of the fields on the edit form bound to the appropriate Core Data entity (via an NSArrayController), and I've got an awakeFromNib method installed to handle calling the record, but I'm not sure what to put inside the method to get the record to display. Ulti...

The entity xxx is not key value coding-compliant for the key "(null)".

I am trying to write a simple table view editor for a Core Data entity. Unfortunately I'm running into problems. The error occurs when adding the very first entity to the table. The process for bringing up the modal dialog is as follows: NSManagedObjectContext *context = [fetchedResultsController managedObjectContext]; NSEntityDescript...

Is this a tableView issue or a CoreData Issue

I have a CoreData-driven navigation app and I'm trying to figure out why It's crashing. I've got a hierarchy which is 3 view Controllers deep, all related by coredata relatioships, like this. TableViewA =relationship= TableViewB =relationship= TableViewC I'm honestly a novice at core data and I think my problem lies in the fetched res...