How is the process called when getting persistent objects out of the persistent store?
"fetching ... " ... fetching what? Persistent objects? What's the scientific term when I send a request to an persistent store to get back an managed object? ...
"fetching ... " ... fetching what? Persistent objects? What's the scientific term when I send a request to an persistent store to get back an managed object? ...
Is it fine to say that core data "deserializes" objects when fetching them from an persistent store? ...
Hi I have a Core Data Entity that needs to hold onto the NSManagedObjectID of some other Entity. To do so I was considering converting the ObjectID to a string that is an approved type of an NSManagedObject attribute. I can read from the documentation that I can get a URI representation of the ID by: NSURL *uriID = [[myEntity objectID...
Apple is giving the example, that I could make a MyColor class for holding color data, and use this with an NSAttributeDescription object by calling the -setAttributeValueClassName: method. But what's missing there is this: How's MyColor persistet? And what do I have to provide in -setAttributeType: when I do that? There's no type like ...
Apple says in the NSFetchedPropertyDescription class reference: Note, however, that unlike a playlist a fetched property is static—it does not dynamically update itself as objects in the destination entity change. Nice, but what exactly does that mean: static property? Not dynamically updating in the destination entity chan...
I have a question. You can export an NSManagedObject subclass from xcode xcdatamodel file when you create an Entity. Is there a way to import NSManagedObject subclass to the xcdatamodel diagram??? Thanks ...
I have a fetchedResultsController that has returned all records for my entity "Account". I would like to quickly search all Account records for the attribute "lastName" == value, and give me back the Account object, or at least the indexPath of the object in the fetchedResultsController. There should only be 1 object returned. Other th...
I have 4 buttons on main screen, each one sends me to a viewController. The third one, sends me to a view on which I wanna set the managedObjectContext. If I use the class name to create an instance, it's all right. But I'm looking for a way to use just one method that uses an array to retrieve the name of the Class for the needed viewCo...
I am new to CoreData and am struggling to work out the correct way to model a particular relationship. I have an entity called 'Friend' with a few attributes such as 'name', 'age', 'sex' etc. I would like to be able to model a score between two instances of Friend and am having trouble getting my head around the best way to do this. Fo...
How would you update a CoreData store with a new/updated data model? ...
I have an application where I allow the user to add an image for their account. I wish to know how to store an image (obtained from the camera or photo library) using Core Data, as I may offer a backup facility for the user and would be looking to transfer the image data to a server. I have come across the design suggestion of creatin...
How do you update a existing core data entry? ...
I am considering backing up data from an iPhone application using the Google App Engine (GAE) - I was also considering using Python to build a RESTful app to deal with incoming/outgoing data. On the client side I am using Core Data to store the information I wish to back up, and retrieve using the GAE. I was wondering whether there we...
Hi all, I've run into a problem with an iPhone core data application that I'm working on. I have a table that lists objects. If I select one of those objects, I go to a new ViewController that shows the detail for the object. In the detail view, I have a back button that takes me back to the main list view. I can select any number of...
I have quite a few places in my iPhone application with a line like this: if (![context save:&error]) { /* Replace this implementation with code to handle the error appropriately. abort() causes the application to generate a crash log and terminate. You should not use this function in a shipping application, although it may...
Hey, I want to set up my app as a free version and unlock it with in app purchases, just so I'll get more exposure. The free version should be limited and therein lies my problem. My app uses core data heavily and to make the free version, I just want to limit all records displayed to 1 row in each tableview, or if anybody else has any ...
I am just starting out with Core Data and ran into an issue where I need to save the new object with the appropriate ID. I'm trying to add the next number in the row as an ID for the object the user adds: NSFetchRequest *request = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init]; [request setEntity:[NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"Favorites" inManage...
Hi, my iPhone application should store some data persistantly by using Core Data functionality. Here is a code snippet: NSManagedObject *entity = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"anEntity" inManagedObjectContext:self.managedObjectContext]; // ... CGContextRef context; // ... [entity setContext:context]; NSError ...
I'm familiar with Core Data basics and have done some dabbling, but have not really done any major apps. Now I need to plan for one. And the question is not specifically about Core Data, but more about data design in general, though I am going to use Core Data to implement it on iPhone which is important for considering performance. Ima...
Hello I am trying to create a Core Data iPhone application. One of the entities I'm tracking is cars, and one attribute of each car is "manufacturer". In the "edit car" section of my application, I have a UIPickerView that needs to be loaded with each of the unique manufacturers that have previously been entered into the system. What...