
Using core plot for iPhone, drawing date on x axis

I have available an array of dictionary that contains NSDate and NSNumber values. I wanted to plot date on X axis. for plotting I need to supply xRanges to plot with some decimal values.I don't understand how can i supply NSdate values to xRange (low and length). And what should be there in this method: -(NSNumber *)numberForPlot:(CPP...

Create masking effect over a view

I would like to create a masking effect over a UIView in order to accomplish the following. I will display a sealed box in the screen and the user will be able to touch (scratch) the screen in order to reveal whats behind that image(UIView). Something similar to those lottery tickets where u r suppose to scratch some cover material thats...

Serialize mkcoordinateregion to store in core data?

Hi all, What is the best way to store an MKCoordinateRegion using core data? I assume there is a way to convert this to binary data somehow?? Many thanks Jules ...

core dump during std::_List_node_base::unhook()

I have a program where std::list is used. The program uses threads which act on the std::list as producers and consumers. When a message is dealt with by the consumer, it is removed from the list using pop_front(). But, during pop_front, there is a core dump. The gdb trace is as below. could you help getting me some insights into this ...

iPhone - Drawing 2D Shapes

Hi guys! I have an array of 2D points which make an irregular polygon. What I want to do is draw the borders of it and then fill it with a color. I am using Cocos2d to code the game around, but I have not found a fill function in Cocos2d, only the ccDrawLine and such. Is there a simple way to draw filled shapes in Cocos2? I have ...

Programmatically created AirPort connection persistence

I have a Mac software client that sets up a Mac for a new internet connection via a DSL modem. Some devices have a WiFi access point and so the software sets up the user's Mac so it can connect to it wirelessly as well. This all works fine on Mac OS X 10.4.x to 10.6.x (the latter via CoreWLAN framework now). Once. The problem is that t...

Make a Joomla Section Menu Item drill into a Category Blog layout, display issues

I followed the "third option" in the instructions at: and the results are as expected, except... when I drill into a category to see the blog layout... the articles are in a single column for the first article, and then it's two columns after that... and i...

refresh a part of a page using struts without using ajax .

Guys, is it possible to refresh a part of a page in struts without using ajax. kindly let me know. ...

Control a Core Animation with the Accelerometer

Hello, I have just started working with Core Animation and I have an animation which moves an image from top to bottom. theAnimation=[CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"position"]; theAnimation.duration=5; theAnimation.repeatCount=1; theAnimation.autoreverses=NO; theAnimation.removedOnCompletion=YES; theAnimation.fromValue=[NSValu...

working with core data which maintains primary key and foreign key relations in iphone app

hello all , I am developing Iphone app that reads data from url and after parsing i should save that data for persistance.(Because of getting app in offline also...). I want to use core data for this. Such that first time only we will read the data from url and save into objct model, so from second time onwards we can fetch the data fro...

How to retrieve particular emp object from a list without looping through datastructure

Guys , I have 65000 records of employees in a database . i am retreiving all the records and storing as employee object in a list as a cache. when customer enters the emp id in the browser , the record should be fetched from the list on one condition , without looping through the list. how can we acheive it. using indexOf(Object ) we...

what does "BUS_ADRALN - Invalid address alignment" error means?

We are on HPUX and my code is in C++. We am getting "BUS_ADRALN - Invalid address alignment" in my executable on a function call. What does this error means? Same function is working many times then suddenly its giving core dump. in GDB when i try to print the object values it says not in context. Any clue where to check? Thanks in Adv...

How to pass an array object from jdbc code

Hi, I have a stored procedure get_data(estargs set(char(1000) not null)) in the informix 11.5 database. I have to use this stored procedure in order to get a value from the database. I tried using this way but it fails: conn = dataSource.getConnection(); String [] arrayObj={"and code = 'Value1'","and lmt= 10000.000"}; ...

Core Data editing attributes and getting at the unique object to edit

I'm coming from SQL and n-tiered systems and trying to work through how to use Core Data effectively for this usage: insert new managed object - I'm having no problem there delete existing managed object - I'm having no problem there editing existing managed object - problem. The problem is how do i identify that object as unique and...

explanation for behavior from SimpleDateFormat

Try this: DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("y"); System.out.println(df.format(new Date())); Without reading the javadoc for SimpleDateFormat, what would you expect this to output? My expectation was "0". That is to say, the last digit of the current year, which is 2010. Instead it pads it out to 2 digits, just as if the format ...

In Objective C why are my core data objects never being deallocated?

I am having a lot of trouble getting m core data objects to be deallocated. I even tried the simplest test I could think of and I watched the retain count and it always seems to be higher than I expect. I also put a breakpoint on the dealloc routine for the core data objects and it doesn't seem to get called (at least not unless I specif...

How to control treble, bass, volume on Iphone/ipad

Hello I need some help/hints on how to control the ipad's volume, how to control the bass and treble in xcode for an iphone app. Thanks ...

Force C# application to use a single core in a PC with a multicore processor

Hi guys this question might seem weird, but I'm using the Haptek People Putty player for my C# application and I've seen people say in the forums that it doesn't work well with a multicore processor. My application runs well on my Core 2 Duo laptop but it lags a lot when I try running it on a Quad Core desktop. I was thinking of investig...

iPhone/iPod coregraphics speed

Hi, I'm writing a piece of software for the iPhone/iPod. I've tested it on the simulator and lately using my first gen. iPod touch. To my surprise the code is a bit sluggish on the iPod device. My program (using core graphics) draws a large background image, a couple of other images, a large radial gradient fill, uses transparency (alp...

Extending the code of Python - adding language features

I have been programming in python exclusively for 4 years and have never really looked under the hood at the C code in which python is written. I have recently been looking into a problem that would involve modifying python at that level. The code seems pretty consistent, and thus relatively easily understood. However, it's complex en...