
Difference between Document-oriented-DB and Bigtable clones

Can someone give a head-to-head comparison between them? We are looking for a suitable storage engine for our weblog history data. We looked at Bigtable's paper and understand it is suitable to us well. However, I also understand that Document-oriented-DB such as MongoDB seems to provide a little more powerful schema power -- i.e, it c...

Which CouchDB API to use for Rails?

I am currently investigating possible applications of CouchDB on my current project (written in Rails) and would like to get some feedback from people who have actually used these APIs. Which would you recommend and why? ActiveCouch CouchFoo CouchRest CouchRest-Rails CouchPotato ...

Is it better to use a relational database or document-based database for an app like Wufoo?

I'm working on an application that's similar to Wufoo in that it allows our users to create their own databases and collect/present records with auto generated forms and views. Since every user is creating a different schema (one user might have a database of their baseball card collection, another might have a database of their recipes...

Map/Reduce on an array of hashes in CouchDB

Hello everyone, I am looking for a map/reduce function to calculate the status in a Design Document. Below you can see an example document from my current database. { "_id": "0238f1414f2f95a47266ca43709a6591", "_rev": "22-24a741981b4de71f33cc70c7e5744442", "status": "retrieved image urls", "term": "Lucas Winter", "urls"...

Error about 'invalid JSON' with couchDB view but the json's fine...

I am trying to setup the following view on CouchDB { "_id":"_design/id", "_rev":"1-9be2e55e05ac368da3047841f301203d", "language":"javascript", "views":{ "by_id":{ "map" : "function(doc) { emit(, doc)}" },"from_user_id":{ "map" : "function(doc) { if (doc.from_user_id) {emit(doc.from_user_id, do...

How does CouchDB handle UTF-8?

I'm quite puzzled by CouchDB: if I send a PUT request with some JSON string fields encoded as UTF-8, the non 7 bit ASCII characters get converted to the "\uXXXX" escape sequence. Is there any way to tell it not to escape UNICODE? ...

Where to find Python CouchDB tutorials?

I've been hunting around for a Python CouchDB tutorial and haven't been able to find anything very thorough. The only thing I've really found is this site, which I haven't gotten to work because I keep getting a 'connection refused' error when I try to create a database. Does anyone know where I would look for a tutorial to help me with...

How can I get a view of favorite user documents by user in Couchdb map/reduce?

My Couchdb database as a main document type that looks something like: { "_id" : "doc1", "type" : "main_doc", "title" : "the first doc" ... } There is another type of document that stores user information. I want users to be able to tag documents as favorites. Different users can save the same or different documents as fav...

Getting an empty response when calling CouchDB over ajax

I'm new to CouchDB, so please bear with me. I have an instance of CouchDB running on a VM. I can access it just fine through the browser via futon or directly at: Calling that URL in a browser returns the proper JSON. But, when I try to call that exact same URL via ajax, I get nothing: var...

Does this schema sound better suited for a document-oriented data store or relational?

Disclaimer: let me know if this question is better suited for I want to store information on music, specifically: genres artists albums songs This information will be used in a web application, and I want people to be able to see all of the songs associated to an album, and albums associated to an artist, and artis...

Is Using Python to MapReduce for Cassandra Dumb?

Since Cassandra doesn't have MapReduce built in yet (I think it's coming in 0.7), is it dumb to try and MapReduce with my Python client or should I just use CouchDB or Mongo or something? The application is stats collection, so I need to be able to sum values with grouping to increment counters. I'm not, but pretend I'm making Google an...

CouchDB, HDFS, HBase or which is right for my situation?

Hello all, This question is regarding data storage systems such as CouchDB, HDFS and HBase, specifically, which is right. I am looking at making a simple and customized Document Management System for my organization. Basically, we need the ability to store some Word Documents, PDFs and other similar files. I also want to store metada...

CouchDB Find One not working

I am a couchDB newbie and am doing the examples in the O'Reilly CouchDB guide. I have a problem using a view to retrieve a document by key: curl"2009/01/15 15:52:20" gives the reply: curl: (52) Empty reply from server but just retrieving all rows: curl http://127.0.0....

How do I do the SQL equivalent of "DISTINCT" in CouchDB?

I have a bunch of MP3 metadata in couchDB. I want to return every album that is in the MP3 metadata, but no duplicates. A typical document looks like this: { "_id": "005e16a055ba78589695c583fbcdf7e26064df98", "_rev": "2-87aa12c52ee0a406084b09eca6116804", "name": "Fifty-Fifty Clown", "number": 15, "artist": "Cocteau Twins...

SQL (MySQL) vs NoSQL (CouchDB)

I am in the middle of designing a highly-scalable application which must store a lot of data. Just for example it will store lots about users and then things like a lot of their messages, comments etc. I have always used MySQL before but now I am minded to try something new like couchdb or similar which is not SQL. Does anyone have any ...

KeepAliveException when using HttpWebRequest.GetResponse

I am trying to POST an attachment to CouchDB using the HttpWebRequest. However, when I attempt "response = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse();" I receive a WebException with the message "The underlying connection was closed: A connection that was expected to be kept alive was closed by the server." I have found some articles...

Which PHP library I should choose to work with CouchDB?

I want to try playing with CouchDB for a new project I'm writing (as a hobby, not part of my job). I'm well versed in PHP, but I haven't programmed with CouchDB at all, and also I have little experience with non-SQL databases. From looking at CouchDB's "Getting Started with PHP" document they recommend using a third-party library or wri...

Are there any e-commerce websites that use NoSQL databases

I have read a lot lately about 'NoSQL' databases such as CouchDB, MongoDB etc. Most of the websites I have seen using this are mainly text based websites such as The New York Times and Source forge. I was wondering if you could apply this to websites where payment is a huge issue. I am thinking of the following issues: How well can yo...

Select top/latest 10 in couchdb?

How would I execute a query equivalent to "select top 10" in couch db? For example I have a "schema" like so: title body modified and I want to select the last 10 modified documents. As an added bonus if anyone can come up with a way to do the same only per category. So for: title category body modified return a list of...

CouchDB query performance

If the number of documents is more will the querying of data gets slower in CouchDB? Example Scenario: I have a combobox in a form for customer name. When the user types the customer name, I have to do autofilling. There will be around 10k customer documents in the CouchDB. I understand that i have to create a view to do the same. C...