
CouchDB and Special Characters

Question...I am trying to add data to CouchDB via the _bulk_docs API. For the most part I have this working, but any JSON value that contains a special character (e.g. certain Spanish or French characters exist in my data) results in an "invalid JSON" error given by CouchDB, and the data is rejected. I'm not sure what I need to set in ...

CouchDB Recursive throw-away Queries

Not exactly sure what to call this, but in SQL I often find myself doing something like this while developing: DELETE FROM people WHERE name == "John" This is often used when I've just imported a bunch of data with a batch importer, and want to clear out a few results but not then entire data set. How do I go about doing this in Couch...

How to handle authenticated user access to resources in document oriented system?

I'm developing a document oriented application and need to manage user access to the documents. I have a module that handles user authentication, and another module that handles document CRUD operations on the data store. Once a user is authenticated I need to enforce what operations the user can and cannot perform to documents based upo...

Limit the number of revisions in Couchdb

Is there a way to limit the number of revisions in couchdb? Something along the lines of a hard limit in a config file. I am aware of the fact that I could periodically compact the database, but somehow it feels like a hack. Is there a better way? ...

Picking a database technology

We're setting out to build an online platform (API, Servers, Data, Wahoo!). For context, imagine that we need to build something like twitter, but with the comments (tweets) organized around a live event. Information about the live event itself must be delivered to clients as fast and consistently as possible, while comments about the ev...

Storing Surveys in CouchDB vs. MySQL

Hi there, I am looking into the best ways for storing surveys to a database with Rails. I have checked out this great Smerf Survey Plugin for Rails which stores surveys into a Relational Database with the following tables: smerf_forms: name, code smerf_forms_users: user_id, smerf_form_id, responses (as text) smerf_responses: smerf_f...

How to manage CouchDB code out of it?

I am new to CouchDB way of making things. So, I have a lot of questions about it, but let's focus in one of them. CouchDB has this concept of javascript code (validation + map-reduce + show + ?) being written in the design documents. This is part of the database, like stored procedures or triggers are for more tradittional databases. I...

Could CouchDB benefit significantly from the use of BERT instead of JSON?

I appreciate a lot CouchDB attempt to use universal web formats in everything it does: RESTFUL HTTP methods in every interaction, JSON objects, javascript code to customize database and documents. CouchDB seems to scale pretty well, but the individual cost to make a request usually makes 'relational' people afraid of. Many small busine...

Which NoSQL db to use with C?

Hello all, I'm working on an application that I'm going to write with C and i am considering to use a nosql db for storing timeseries data with at most 8 or 9 fields. But in every 5 minutes there will huge write operations such as 2-10 million rows and then there will be reads(but performance is not as crucial in read as in the write op...

write control in couchdb

Hey SO, reading the couchdb book, I came across the statement, "Writes are serialized, allowing only one write operation at any point in time, for any single database" what does this mean? how does it control write conflict without locks? This is probably a question better suited to the couchdb mailing list, but I wanted a more compu...

nginx as a reverse proxy to limit http verb access

So I've got an app that uses CouchDB as the backend. Couch doesn't really have it's security/user model in place yet, and by default anyone can do anything (including deleting records and even the entire database). But, if we limit access to only GET requests we're much safer. I was hoping I could put nginx out front as a reverse proxy,...

couchdb hovercraft installation

hello all Im about to start using couchdb directly from erlang, and have been reading the hovercraft APi for some time... today I sat down to actually install it and have realized that there's hardly any documentation out there that deals with how to go about doing it... there is a very brief instruction here:

How can I get document field with jqCouch?

Has anyone ever used jqCouch - jquery plugin for CouchDB? Know how to retrieve the fields in a document? with futon i created a document ex: _id "ceb5da7e0ac10c619e81b2a9c2ab115e" _rev "2-9ae589297cf186b6899f5762a40324e5" post "great" I try this for example: var dc = $.jqCouch.connection('doc'); var all = dc.all('testapp'); var all...

How long does it take to generate a CouchDB view?

I've seen it mentioned in a couple of places that it takes a while to generate a view the first time it's referenced in couchDB, but I haven't found any sort of estimate of how long it should take. More specifically, I'm trying to test a view I created and it takes so long to load that I cannot tell if I screwed up the view, or if I'm ju...

Setting up Mongo DB and hosting

Recently I stumbled across mongoDB, couchDB etc. I am hoping to have a play with this type of database and was wondering how much access to the hosting server one needs to get it running. If anyone has any knowledge of this, I would love to know whether it can be set up to work when your app is hosted via a 'normal' hosting company. ...

CouchDB for a forum?

Will couchDB be better for storing the forum posts/topics then MySQL? assuming there is proper caching (i.e memcached being used). It seems at first glance that CouchDB is made for this, the whole document orientated design fits perfectly but I'm more concerned about performance. Any suggestions? ...

Can the usual ORM solutions interact with OO databases?

For example, can Hibernate handle CouchDb? What about support for other OO databases in other ORM solutions? One of the (not that important) benefits of an ORM solution is the possible ability to swap one database vendor for another. What if you swap a relational database for an object oriented one? [edit] if you feel like giving the ...

What is the best CouchDB backend for Django?

I am evaluating using CouchDB in my new Django-project. Is there a good database backend in Django for CouchDB? I have tried searching but the projects that turn up seems very small and/or old and I can't make out what parts are solved regarding QuerySets, Auth, Sessions etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

NoSQL best practices

What are the best practices for NoSQL Databases, OODBs or whatever other acronyms may exist for them? For example, I've often seen a field "type" being used for deciding how the DB document (in couchDB/mongoDB terms) should be interpreted by the client, the application. Where applicable, use PHP as a reference language. Read: I'm also ...

Performance of Long IDs

I've been wondering about this for some time. In CouchDB we have some fairly log "000ab56cb24aef9b817ac98d55695c6a" Now if we're searching for this item and going through the tree structure created by the view. It seems a simple integer as an id would be much faster. If we used 64bit integers it would be a simple CMP follow...