
Object Oriented vs Relational Databases

Objects oriented databases seem like a really cool idea to me, no need to worry about mapping your domain model to your database model, no messing around with sql or ORM tools. The way I understand it, relational DBs offer some advantages when there is massive amounts of data, and searching an indexing need to be done. To my mind 99% of...

Example websites using db4o

I'm very impressed with my initial tests with db4o. However, i'm wondering just how many enterprise class websites are out there powered by db4o, i couldn't see any on the main website? I can't see any reason why db4o should not be used. There appears to be decent enough support for transactions and ways to handle concurrency for examp...

Object database for Ruby on Rails

Is there drop-in replacement for ActiveRecord that uses some sort of Object Store? I am thinking something like Erlang's MNesia would be ideal. Update I've been investigating CouchDB and I think this is the option I am going to go with. It's a toss-up between using CouchRest and ActiveCouch. CouchRest is pretty mature, and is used in...

Can you use a object-database in a production system?

Object-databases are used very seldomly, albeit they offer a way to live without SQL, which is, I think, a benefit of its own. Yet, I have seen them about never in production systems. Is there something fundamentally wrong with object-databases? Can I use a object-database in a production system? Edit: So, maybe I should confess that ...

Can I host a SandstoneDB app on www.Seasidehosting.st?

Hello! Did someone ever manage to make a seasidehosting-hosted web application cooperate with SandstoneDb? It seems that they disallow creating of subdirectories, which is important for SandstoneDb. Am I wrong? ...

Main Memory DB vs Object DB

I'm currently trying to pick a database vendor. I'm just seeking some personal opinions from fellow database developers out there. My question is especially targeted towards people who: 1) have used Main Memory DB (MMDB) that supports replicating to disk (hybrid) before (i.e. ExtremeDB) or 2) have used Versant Object Database and/...

Is there a database like this?

Background: Okay, so I'm looking for what I guess is an object database. However, the (admittedly few) object databases that I've looked at have been simple persistence layers, and not full-blown DBMSs. I don't know if what I'm looking for is even considered an object database, so really any help in pointing me in the right direction wou...

Object database for .NET

Are there any object databases for .NET or with bindings for .NET? ...

Which database engine does Knowledge Flow's Obtain 24/7 product use?

I have been given the unenviable task of cleaning up after a developer who up and disappeared after failing to deliver on a project involving integrating Knowledge Flow's Obtain 24/7 with my client's back office systems. My client own's the source code to the Obtain 24/7 product and has had it extended by some of Obtain 24/7's origina...

Resources and guidelines for porting an object database + data to a relational database

Does anyone have any pointers to information on techniques for object database to relational database conversion? I've done the standard searches and have only come up with Data Conversion from Object-Oriented to Relational database so far. It's a good paper, but I was hoping for more.... ...

Object Database, business intelligence and warehousing

Sorry if this seemed a novice question but I am new to the data warehousing and business intelligence world. From what I have read I can see that a multidimensional database is needed due to limitations of the relational model. Any thing that you need to do with a multidimensional database can be done on an ordinary relational database...

Why dont people simply use "Object Database"s ?

Instead of JDO , Hibernate , iBATIS why we can not simply use "Object DataBases" ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_object_database_management_systems ...

Can the usual ORM solutions interact with OO databases?

For example, can Hibernate handle CouchDb? What about support for other OO databases in other ORM solutions? One of the (not that important) benefits of an ORM solution is the possible ability to swap one database vendor for another. What if you swap a relational database for an object oriented one? [edit] if you feel like giving the ...

Open Source .Net Object Database or Document Database for use in Hosted environment

I am looking at creating a web site and I want to try and learn either a Object Database or a Document Database. I am going to be using a hosting provider so I won't be able to install any software. I am unable to purchase any licensing so I need to be able use either a free or open source Object/Document Database. Are there any free...

What is the difference between graph-based databases and object-oriented databases?

What is the difference between graph-based databases (http://neo4j.org/) and object-oriented databases (http://www.db4o.com/)? ...

Equivalent to Normalization for OO databases

I know about OOFNF (object oriented functional normal form) as an equivalence to normalization process in relational databases. Does anybody knows about any other definitions?? Thank you ...

Design a document database schema

I'm vainly attempting to learn how to use object databases. In database textbooks the tradition seems to be to use the example of keeping track of students, courses and classes because it is so familiar and applicable. What would this example look like as an object database? The relational database would look something like Student ...

Handling data maintenance in Object Databases like db4o

One thing I have continually found very confusing about using an object database like db4o is how you are supposed to handle complex migrations that would normally be handled by SQL/PL-SQL. For example imagine you had a table in a relational database called my_users. Originally you had a column named "full_name", now that your softwa...

.NET project: unified wrapper for object databases.

I am considering doing a project which would provide unified API and tools (import/export, etc.) for object databases (e.g. Caché, Objectivity) for .NET. It would provide: schema generation from CLR classes, generation of C# classes from given OODBMs schema, API for deleting, creating and updating objects, Linq provider, API for calli...

Please refer a GUI Modelling tools for a .Net object database?

I am planning to use an object database, say eloquera (http://eloquera.com/page/home.aspx). If I use RDBMS as storage, there are a lot of GUI modelling tools. But I cannot find one for object database. In other words, a GUI modelling tools to generate .Net (C#) code. If you know one, please tell me. Thanks, Ying Actually I have h...