
Open Source .Net Object Database or Document Database for use in Hosted environment

I am looking at creating a web site and I want to try and learn either a Object Database or a Document Database. I am going to be using a hosting provider so I won't be able to install any software. I am unable to purchase any licensing so I need to be able use either a free or open source Object/Document Database. Are there any free...

Project management web app: relational or document oriented DB?

There're quite a few posts discussing relations vs document databases, however they are all quite generic. I'd like to understand their differences in a specific example. Let's imagine we're building another scrum-oriented project management web app. While we'd like to experiment with a new technology, we don't want to sacrifice desig...

Are there any small scale, durable document/object databases?

I have a few .Net projects that would benefit from using a document/object database opposed to a relational one. I think that db4o would be a good choice, but we're not sure how much the cost is. I'd love to use MongoDB but it's design isn't for small scale, single server applications. Are there other options out there that I just hav...

How to register for callbacks on a DB4O server?

I have a DB4O server listening on a port IObjectServer server = Db4oClientServer.OpenServer("filename.db40", 11978); How do i register for callbacks? For example how do i execute some custom code before an object is read or stored? ...

Are there any embeddable document database engines for Java? Something similar to MongoDB or CouchDB?

Are there any embeddable document database engines for Java, that do not require separate server. I am looking for something similar to MongoDB or CouchDB. ...

How can I avoid duplicating data in a document database like RavenDB?

Given that document databases, such as RavenDB, are non-relational, how do you avoid duplicating data that multiple documents have in common? How do you maintain that data if it's okay to duplicate it? ...

How to model structures such as family trees in document databases

I have been looking into document databases, specifically RavenDb, and all the examples are clear and understandable. I just can't find any example where we do not know beforehand how many levels a given structure has. As an example how would you persist a family tree given the following class: public class Person{ public string Na...

Best practices for configuring a Solr schema

I'm currently configuring my schema.xml file and trying to figure out what's the best way to set up my documents. I use a RMDBS and thus many objects are relational. Take this site for instance; a document typically consists of a question, followed by 0 or more answers. Say you'd want to set up fields for this, you would have to declar...

RavenDB: Id Generation For Sub-Documents

I'm trying migrating an existing web application to use RavenDB. I currently have pages in my web application which allow you to view Categories, SubCategories and Resources based on an id in the querystring. However I notice that RavenDB generates ids for aggregate roots, but not for child entities. I don't think subcategory is an ...

Business Intelligence and NoSQL

For a new project I'm working I have the need to store some data into a database. The type of data and access model fits well with the NoSQL model and document databases. We are considering things like MongoDB but are still yet undecided. One of the requirements is to be able to allows Business Intelligence tools to consume some of our ...

What sort of Database system should I use?

I'm planning to write an address book that stored contact information. Each contact could have an unlimited number of fields. Mostly strings and integers. But perhaps references to other Objects. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using an RDBMS with ORM vs OODBMS vs Document DBMS (like CouchDB). Thanks. ...

RavenDB. How to load document with only 5 items from inner collection?

Here is a document in the store: { "Name": "Hibernating Rhinos", "Employees": [ { "Name": "Ayende" }, { "Name": "John" }, { "Name": "Bob" }, { "Name": "Tom" }, { "Name": "Lane" }, { "Name": "Bill" }, { "Name": "Tad" } ] } It is easy to load this document with or wit...

Am I missing something about Document Databases?

I've been looking at the rise of the NoSql movement and the accompanying rise in popularity of document databases like mongodb, ravendb, and others. While there are quite a few things about these that I like, I feel like I'm not understanding something important. Let's say that you are implementing a store application, and you want to ...

When developing web applications when would you use a Graph database versus a Document database?

I am developing a web-based application using Rails. I am debating between using a Graph Database, such as InfoGrid, or a Document Database, such as MongoDB. My application will need to store both small sets of data, such as a URL, and very large sets of data, such as Virtual Machines. This data will be tied to a single user. I am in...

do any source-control systems use a document database for storage?

One of those questions that's difficult to google. We were running into issues the other day with speed of our svn repository. The standard solution to this seems to be "more RAM! more CPU!" etc. Which got me to wondering, are there any source-control systems that use a document/nosql database (mongodb, couchdb etc) for database? It se...

Document Database Design: Multi-level categories (MongoDB specifically)

I'm trying to figure out the proper way to think about this problem for a document based data storage system. I've got the simple case of a two-tier category system, where there are Industries and Industry Groups (think Plumbing and Home Services). My first thought was the document would be Industry Group and it would have Industries i...

Document Databses: Redundant data, references, etc. (MongoDB specifically)

It seems like I run into lots of situations where the appropriate way to build my data is to split it into two documents. Let's say it was for a chain of stores and you were saving which stores each customer had visited. Stores and Customers need to be independent pieces of data because they interact with plenty of other things, but we...

What are some good, fast persistant storage options for key->value data?

For a small PHP app I am writing, we need to store a large number of records that have a hash key, and a few simple field values ('host', 'path'). eg: '4420ffb32a' => array( 'host' => '', 'path' => 'path/to/resource', ); What is the best persistent storage for data like this? Would MySQL be the best choice, or is it overk...