
What are your thoughts on Raven DB?

What are your thoughts on Raven DB? I see this below my title: The question you're asking appears subjective and is likely to be closed. Please don't do that. I think the question is legit because: Raven DB is brand-spanking-new. RDBMS's are probably the de facto for data persistence for .net developers, which Raven DB is not. Giv...

.Net Finalizer Order / Semantics in Esent and Ravendb

Help me understand. I've read that "The time and order of execution of finalizers cannot be predicted or pre-determined" Correct? However looking at RavenDB source code TransactionStorage.cs I see this ~TransactionalStorage() { try { Trace.WriteLine( "Disposing esent resources from finalizer! You should call TransactionalStorage....

How can I avoid duplicating data in a document database like RavenDB?

Given that document databases, such as RavenDB, are non-relational, how do you avoid duplicating data that multiple documents have in common? How do you maintain that data if it's okay to duplicate it? ...

Id with / causes problems with routing

I'm playing around with Raven DB and MVC 2. By default, the id in Raven will be e.g. "suggestions/1234" for an entity called Suggestion. This causes problems with routing when I write like this: <%: Url.Action("Delete", "Suggestion", new { id = suggestion.Id }) %> The url will be /Suggestion/Delete/suggestions/14337 which won't work....

How to model structures such as family trees in document databases

I have been looking into document databases, specifically RavenDb, and all the examples are clear and understandable. I just can't find any example where we do not know beforehand how many levels a given structure has. As an example how would you persist a family tree given the following class: public class Person{ public string Na...

Securing document-style databases (MongoDb, CouchDb, RavenDb) for client (browser) access

Document databases that support REST-style JSON over HTTP access seem ideal for supporting AJAX-rich applications where the browser is making direct calls to the database, bypassing the traditional web server / application logic components. An example of this might be retrieving user preferences once a user has been authenticated. (BBC H...

Lucene Boolean Query on Not ANalyzed Fields

Using RavenDB to do a query on Lucene Index. This query parses okay: X:[[a]] AND Y:[[b]] AND Z:[[c]] However this query gives me a parse exception: X:[[a]] AND Y:[[b]] AND Z:[[c]] AND P:[[d]] "Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.ParseException: Cannot parse '( AND )': Encountered \" \"AND" I tried this on complexed index and simple reproduce ...

Updating documents in RavenDB

If you add, delete or rename a property on a persisted entity, what's the easiest way to update the documents in RavenDB? ...

How to create a RavenDB explorer?

I'd like to write my own simple desktop based RavenDB explorer, similar to the Web UI. This is for learning Raven, mostly. So my first task is to read all documents from the db, doesn't matter what app they belong to. I'd like to achieve this using the client API, but it seems like both session.Query and session.LuceneQuery require clas...

RavenDB: Id Generation For Sub-Documents

I'm trying migrating an existing web application to use RavenDB. I currently have pages in my web application which allow you to view Categories, SubCategories and Resources based on an id in the querystring. However I notice that RavenDB generates ids for aggregate roots, but not for child entities. I don't think subcategory is an ...

RavenDB: Grammatical and phonetical analysis?

I'm a little confused about the level of integration between Lucene.NET and RavenDB. Lucene supports grammatical and phonetical analysis of texts (like word stemming, Metaphone) to allow searches that match the document based on similarity. Now Lucene is used for querying indices, and from what I take from the documentation, also for bu...

What level of performance should I expect from RavenDB?

I've been looking for a good NoSQL database for some of our projects for quite some time and I recently discovered RavenDB which looks pretty awesome from a .NET support perspective, so I decided to try it out and write a little benchmark. First order of business was testing insert speed, using the following code: class Program { pr...

Are document databases good for storing large amounts of Stock Tick data?

I was thinking of using a database like mongodb or ravendb to store a lot of stock tick data and wanted to know if this would be viable compared to a standard relational such as Sql Server. The data would not really be relational and would be a couple of huge tables. I was also thinking that I could sum/min/max rows of data by minute/ho...

RavenDB: How to do a simple map/reduce aggregation

Ok given a collection of documents like this: { "Name": "A", "Price": 1.50 } How do I perform a simple aggregation on the prices in the list? I don't want to perform any grouping, just a simple scalar result. ie. sum, avg etc I have tried both of the following without success: Map only: for doc in docs select new { sumPrices ...

Using RavenDB as a persistent cache

I have currently have a web application that caches a large amount of data (several hundred thousand entries) in memory for quick lookup and then in SQL Server as a persistent cache. Basically the information consists of geocodes of addresses where the geocode is retrieved via a remote web service which takes time if needed to be called ...

RavenDB. How to load document with only 5 items from inner collection?

Here is a document in the store: { "Name": "Hibernating Rhinos", "Employees": [ { "Name": "Ayende" }, { "Name": "John" }, { "Name": "Bob" }, { "Name": "Tom" }, { "Name": "Lane" }, { "Name": "Bill" }, { "Name": "Tad" } ] } It is easy to load this document with or wit...

RavenDB ASP.NET session provider?

A little background: I currently make use of Memcached Providers for managing session state in my ASP.NET application. It provides facilities for using SQL Server as a fallback storage mechanism (when sessions need to be purged from the memcached cache). I'd like to look at creating a provider for RavenDB as it would be much more perform...

How can I run RavenDB in a shared hosting environment?

RavenDB has the ability to run in 'embedded' mode, which as far as I understand, should allow it to be run in a shared hosting environment. Does anyone have any idea how it would work in an ASP.NET MVC application, and what the best practice for doing it would be? Are there any dependencies in the hosting environment that I need to be ...

Anyone using RavenDB in a production environment?

I'm doing research on the maturity of some document-oriented stores, which includes an overview of applications and websites that use the database in production environments. There are several lists and case studies available for CouchDB and MongoDB, including: CouchDB In The Wild MongoDB Production Deployments I'm having a hard time...

Looking for guidance on embedded .NET database (such as db4o, NHibernate, or RavenDB)

I have an object model that I want to store using an embedded database. I have so far been looking at db4o, NHibernate to SQLCE (w/ linq), and RavenDB. This would be used in a desktop C# application. The key features I am looking to leverage are: Linq or similar for queries (no SQL or HQL), Embedded data engine, pocos, poco first model,...