
Nested databases in CouchDB

It seems you are unable to nest databases in CouchDB. How do people work around this limitation? For example, assume I want to create a blogging engine where each domain has a separate database. Within each database I might want a Users database, an Orders database, etc. to contain the various user documents, order documents, and so fort...

CouchDB a real world example

Hello stackoverflow gurus, Tonight in my daily tech googling I came across couchDB, after seeing tons of presentations about how it perform ten to hundred times better then any RDBM, how it would save us from SQL languages, tables, primary keys and so much more. I decided myself to try it myself.Only problem it seems I am unable to figu...

couchdb vs mysql speed

What can you tell about speed of couchdb and mysql databases? I mean, very simple requests like getting one row (or one document) by unique id and simple requests like getting the 20 ids/rows/documents with the biggest date (of course, using indexes and views etc - don't really know how it works in CouchDB but I'm pretty sure there is s...

Comparing ruby hashes

Hi I have two ruby hashes (which are essentially models) and am trying to find the differences between them, one is an old instance of an object where the other has new values assigned to some attributes. I'm trying to determine which keys have changed, but there doesn't seem to be anything built into the Hash for this. I can think of...

Temp View Caching?

I'm using CouchDB with a home-grown C# interface library. The most common method of accessing CouchDB with this library results in a temp view being created. I've optimized the library so that it uses keys when possible. My question is this: are temp views cached by CouchDB? It seems that the first time I run one of these temp views it r...

couchDB , python and authentication

I have installed couchDB v 0.10.0, and am attempting to talk to it via python from Couch class downloaded from couchDB wiki. Problem is: Create database 'mydb': {'error': 'unauthorized', 'reason': 'You are not a server admin.'} I hand edited the local.ini file to include my standard osx login and password. I now have full access via f...

Small "embeddable" database that can also be synced over the network?

I am looking for a small database that can be "embedded" into my Python application without running a separate server, as one can do with SQLite or Metakit. I don't need an SQL database, in fact storing free-form data like Python dictionaries or JSON is preferable. The other requirement is that to be able to run an instance of the data...

How are CouchDB Document ID's Calculated?

How are the CouchDB Document ID's calculated? BA1F48C5418E4E68E5183D5BD1F06476 Thanks! ...

Middleware for MongoDB or CouchDB with jQuery Ajax/JSON frontend

I've been using the following web development stack for a few years: java/spring/hibernate/mysql/jetty/wicket/jquery For certain requirements, I'm considering switching to a NoSQL datastore with an AJAX frontend. I would probably build the frontend with jQuery and communicate with the web application middleware using JSON. I'm leanin...

I need an advice about NoSQL/MongoDb and data/models structure

Hi everyone, Recently I'm exploring NoSQL Databases. I need an advice about how to store data in the most optimal and efficient way for a given problem. I'm targeting MongoDB, now. However it should be the same with CouchDB. Let's say we have these 3 Models: Story: id title User: id name Vote: id story_id user_id I want ...

representing a many-to-many relationship in couchDB

Let's say I'm writing a log analysis application. The main domain object would be a LogEntry. In addition. users of the application define a LogTopic which describes what log entries they are interested in. As the application receives log entries it adds them to couchDB, and also checks them against all the LogTopics in the system to see...

What is the "revpos" value used for in CouchDB attachments?

Here is an example: "_attachments": { "002-imgsq.jpg": { "stub": true, "content_type": "image/jpeg", "length": 80074, "revpos": 3 }, "016-imgsq.jpg": { "stub": true, "content_type": "image/jpeg", "length": 100095, "revpos": 4 ...

CouchDB View, Map, Index, and Sequence

I think read somewhere that when a View is requested the "map" is only run across documents that have been added since the last time it was requested? How is this determined? I thought I saw something about a sequence number. Is this something that you can get to? Its not part of the UUID trailing on the _rev field is it? Any way to for...

NoSql - which is best for my needs - i am having mental breakdown

I am building a Reddit clone in Erlang. I am considering using some erlang web frameworks but this is not the problem. I am having a problem selecting a database. How it works; I have multiple dedicated reddits. Examples, science, funny, corporate, sport. You could consider them sub reddits. Each sub reddit has categories. A user c...

couchdb for /really/ distributed replica

let's say i want to implement a distributed database (each node being the replica of the others); i hear that cdb is able to easily sync between two nodes and at least support some form of conflict resolution. unfortunately i don't know couchdb therefore i have to ask: how's the situation for a "graph" of nodes? let's say we have a thou...

couchDB: storing MB per document

I am analyzing couchDB at the moment. Is it possible to storage MB worth of data per document? E.g. a JPEG image. I understand I would need to encode (base64 or something) the said data in order to fit the JSON container. Practical advice sought please. ...

Storing Ordered Child Documents/Values in CouchDB/JSON?

What is the best way to store ordered documents in CouchDB? Say I have 100 articles and I want to order them by just visibly placing them in an order I like, or I have 10,000 images and I want them to appear in a specific order other than by date/category/etc. Is this best stored at the parent ("page" or "album" level), or child (image...

Selective replication with CouchDB

I'm currently evaluating possible solutions to the follwing problem: A set of data entries must be synchonized between multiple clients, where each client may only view (or even know about the existence of) a subset of the data. Each client "owns" some of the elements, and the decision who else can read or modify those elements may only...

clean up strange encoding in ruby

I'm currently playing a bit with couchdb. I'm trying to migrate some blog data from redis (key value store) to couchdb (key value store). Seeing as I probably migrated this data a gazillion times from and to different blogging engines (everybody has got to have a hobby :) ), there seem to be some encoding snafus. I'm using CouchREST to a...

In CouchDB, how to get documents limited on value in related document? In terms of SQL, how to make WHERE on JOINed table

Crossposting from [email protected] Assume we have two kind of documents in CouchDB. Person and Car: Person: _id firstname surname position salary Car: _id person_id reg_number brand So there is one to many relationship. One person can have many cars. I can construct map function to get every person and his/her car next ...