
iPhone app crashes with mach_msg_trap in UIWebView using specific URL

Hi, When I load a specific web page using UIWebView in my iPhone app, it crashes with a mach_msg_trap error. Other websites load fine in my app. Try this URL as an example: [rssArticle loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"

Why would my Visual Studio 2008 close everytime I open a .xaml file?

Visual Studio 2008 has been very stable for months on my computer. This morning when I double-click on any .xaml file to open it, or even click on the tab of an already opened .xaml file, Visual Studio says "initializing toolbar" in the status bar and then 20 seconds later fully closes the whole application without any error message. O...

JNA - Access Violation, JVM terminats

Hi I am calling a DLL with passing a callback functio object to it. One of the functions is simple print. I have then, a loop of 100 iterations, just printing the index and a few prints after the loop. Here is the C code extern "C" int Start(void* callback(CString)) { for(int j=0; j<100; j++) callback(AConvertToString(j)); ...

Function name from offset?

If I have some information like: AppName: myapp.exe AppVer: x.x.x.x ModName: kernel32.dll ModVer: 5.1.2600.3541 Offset: 00012a6b Is it possible for me to determine what function exists at offset 00012a6b in kernel32.dll? ...

What to: Collect Information When Software Crashes

I notice that a lot of desktop apps ( such as Firefox, Google Chrome, VS 2008 etc) have a crash dump that can be sent to the software vendors for analysis purpose. I am intended to create such a crash dump myself. I am doing .Net What are the best practices when comes to what data to collect, so that the data collected is just enough to...

WPF Application Crash (Easy reproduction) - Is it a microsoft BUG??

Issue: Our application crashes when a user type some text into the WPF TextBox. Please help! The easy 3 minutes reproduction appears below Reproduction: Register a WPF TextBox (m_textBox) TextChanged event to the method below private void OnTextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { // This line of code throws Unhandle...

Visual Studio 2008 hangs when debugging classic ASP

So part of the application I'm working on is still written in classic ASP. Visual Studio 2008 was working just fine to debug the classic ASP, and with the addition of a hotfix it wouldn't even crash when I stopped debugging. This was all working very well for a number of months. Yesterday and today, several members of our group notice...

Bluescreen of death during Java development on a Leopard - any ideas how to solve this?

I develop using Java 5 and 6 on Intellij IDEA 7 and 9M1. From time to time (during run/compile) my Mac (10.5.7) will die with a Bluescreen of death. Has anybody else had this issue and somehow managed to solve it? If so, how? Any suggestions other than running the IDE in a VM? ...

Regarding MS Win 2008 Server Issue.

Hi, I have been working for an installer in VC. Although it is working fine with Windows 2000, XP and Windows 2003, its not working under Windows 2008 and Vista after a crash. Interestingly it will work like a charm as and when I changed the executable name. I'll explain briefly what i did in Windows 2008 and Vista. My executable's na...

c# application does not start on another computer

hello, when i try to launch my c# application on another computer than it was developed i get the following error message: System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Widgets3D, Version=1.0.3511.25568, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. This application has failed to start because the...

Visual Studio crashes when I add a .settings file in a C++ Windows form application

I'm trying to add a .settings file in a windows form application by adding a (whatever) file in the project and have it named smthng.settings. Right after it is created, it crashes (if I look into the project's directory the file is there, but it's not "in" the project). Am I doing it wrong or could it be that the problem lies elsewhere?...

I get error 0x8badf00d in iPhone app, and is not the usual suspect

I have a random crash in my app in launching. I'm pretty sure is not the launching time (as explained in because the app launch fast. The worst is that the crash log can't be simbolicate (I can't get the sourcecode line numbers). This is the error: Exception Typ...

What is causing the Java VM on OS X to crash with "Invalid memory access of location java"?

The full message that I got on the console is: Invalid memory access of location 00000000 eip=0117f7e1 Bus error I don't remember seeing the Java VM crashing with this before, and I wasn't running code that was particularly new. Have you ever seen this before? I got this error running Java 1.5 on OS X. The precise version is: java v...

Crash and Socket Failure: 9-signalling Processes with Sudo

The aim of the test is to simulate a serious fatal error, peeking into kernel due to the socket failure. It is good practise in cases such as crash-recovery. 9-signalling all postgres processes ignite errors immediately after the command: $ psql psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running locally...

Strategies/techniques for crash reporting in Java

I'm developing a new Java desktop application and would like to include a crash reporting facility - you know the kind of thing - program crashes, box pops up asking user to click okay to send it, etc. I'm comfortable with how the error will be sent back to our servers - probably via a simple web service. What I'm more unsure about is ...

Why does my iphone simulator's apps keep crashing?

Whenever i run my applications on my simulator it crashes This has never happened before.. any thoughts? ...

My iPhone Simulator Crashes Everyother Time I Run it

The app will run fine, then crash - literally every other time. It seems like the crash cleans up the memory and clean run corrupts the memory. I assume it has to do with memory allocation but I am not sure. - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { static NSString *MyI...

App crashes when updating an highlighted NSMenuItem

Heyho! I've a little app running as LSUIElement with a NSStatusItem. Sometimes the popupmenu's menuitems are updated by the code. But when the updated NSMenuItem (or its supermenu) is "highlighted" the app crashes without logging something. Do you have any idea? Thank you very much for your answers. ...

Analysing a crash in Windows: what does the error message tell us?

A small utility of mine that I made for personal use (written in C++) crashed randomly yesterday (I've used it roughly 100+ hours with no issues so far) and while I don't normally do this, I was feeling a bit adventurous and wanted to try and learn more about the problem. I decided to go into the Event Viewer and see what Windows had log...

How best to debug a crash within objc_msgSend?

I have a crash taking place when an NSAutoreleasePool drains. Presumably the pool is trying to deallocate an object that has been prematurely released by another piece of code. The crash I have is in the midst of objc_msgSend as it is trying to send a message to an object that doesn't exist anymore. Given the stack state, what tips/tric...