
How to define TeamBuild Item Collection with built executables and libraries

After a TeamBuild project built all files, how can I create a collection of all built .exe and .dll files? For instance, I update all AssemblyInfo versions by creating a property and an itemgroup like so: <PropertyGroup> <AssemblyInfoSpec>AssemblyInfo.*</AssemblyInfoSpec> </PropertyGroup> <Target Name="AfterGet" Condition="'$(IsDesk...

MSBuild CreateItem condition include based on config file

I'm trying to select a list of test dlls that contain corresponding config files MyTest.Tests.dll MyTest.Tests.config I have to use a createItem as the dlls are not available at the time of the script loading <CreateItem Include="$(AssemblyFolder)\*.Tests.dll" Condition="???" <Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="Tes...

Trying to exclude certain extensions doing a recursive copy (MSBuild)

I'm trying to use MSBuild to read in a list of files from a text file, and then perform a recursive copy, copying the contents of those directories files to some staging area, while excluding certain extensions (e.g. .tmp files) I've managed to do most of the above quite easily using CreateItem and the MSBuild copy task, whatever I do t...