
Regular Expression to exclude set of Keywords

I want an expression that will fail when it encounters words such as "boon.ini" and "http". The goal would be to take this expression and be able to construct for any set of keywords. ...

SQL query to exclude records if it matches an entry in another table (such as holiday dates)

I have two tables: Application applicationid (int) applicationname (varchar) isavailable (bit) and Holidays applicationid (int) holidaydate (datetime) I need to get the isavailable flag for any given applicationname but it should only return if the day if is not a holiday. The isavailable flag is independent of ...

script-file vs command-line: problem with rsync and --exclude

Hi all I have a simple test bash script which looks like that: #!/bin/bash cmd="rsync -rv --exclude '*~' ./dir ./new" $cmd # execute command When I run the script it will copy also the files ending with a ~ even though I meant to exclude them. When I run the very same rsync command directly from the command line, it works! Does some...

RegExp in ActionScript 3: How to exclude a complex prefix?

Hi, AS3 RegExp engine (and ECMAScript based JavaScript) do not support complex "lookbehind" expressions. (lookahead expressions are fully supported.) For example: (?<=<body>)(.*?)(?=<\/body>) will work but; (?<=<body\b[^>]*>)(.*?)(?=<\/body>) will not work in AS3. What I need is to match a complex prefix but exclude it in the ...

XCOPY exclude list ignored after first exclusion

Hey, I have a batch file I've created which uses xcopy to copy a dir, and child dirs, and merge them into one file. (ie. all my modulised development css stylesheets merged into one production stylesheet). Everything is good, apart from the fact that when I reference the excludelist.txt, it only excludes the first line, and not the sub...

Can't seem to get the exclude in the convert extension working using a filemap with Mercurial

Hello, I am trying to use the convert extension in Mercurial to create a repository from a folder currently in our "Main" repository. I am using the filemap to move (rename) this new repository to a new location however it keeps copying over all files. I know in the filemap we can have an exclude but it does not seem to work. Sample o...

Exclude Xenu's Link Sleuth from Google Analytics

I've just added the Google Analytics tracking to my website (cca 350 static HTML pages). I realized that I run Xenu's Link Sleuth to check my links pretty often, nearly after each change in my HTML files. I guess such checking will be counted as regular accesses to my website by Google Analytics. I would like to exclude the Xenu checkin...

working with .git/info/exclude too late

I usually do this: git init git add . git commit . And then I realize that it's about to add my nbproject directory, which I want excluded/ignored. Sometimes, I even check in this directory. Had I added it to .git/info/exclude before running git add., everything works fine (it's excluded). So then I modify .git/info/exclude and then...

svn / subversion: Get ALL files on new check out, but then exclude certain files from update/check in

After a fresh checkout, I want to get ALL files, specifically this file: etc/config.ini However, once I modify etc/config.ini, I do not want it committed with "svn commit ..." nor should it be reverted on a "svn up". This would allow you to get default values on an initial checkout (convention over configuration), but then after config...

scp -r ... but leave out (exclude) a specified subdirectory

Here's the directory structure: /a/ /a/b/ /a/c/ I want to copy everything, EXCEPT for the /a/c/ subdirectory. scp -rp myserver:/a . # this will copy everything Q: How would I specify a directory to leave out in the scp command ? ...

Exclude individual JUnit Test methods without modifying the Test class?

Hi all, I'm currently re-using JUnit 4 tests from another project against my code. I obtain them directly from the other project's repository as part of my automated Ant build. This is great, as it ensures I keep my code green against the very latest version of the tests. However, there is a subset of tests that I never expect to pass ...

mod_rewrite redirect all urls except /wiki

I'm new to mod_rewrite and have just been going by trial and error so far, I'd like to redirect all URL requests to /drupal-6.13/ and hide the /drupal-6.13/, but if the URL is www.site.com/wiki not to rewrite anything. I'm also using the pathauto mod in drupal to create /content/title links for story content. I think it's the last sectio...

maven deploy exclude

I want to exclude one dependency when I'm doing deploy, I need it when I use the jar locally, but it should not be in deployed jar. is there any way to do it? ...

Exclude .svn directories from grep

When I grep my Subversion working copy directory, the results include a lot of files from the .svn directories. Is it possible to recursively grep a directory, but exclude all results from .svn directories? ...

Exclude specific columns in select query in MYSQL

I want to select 15 columns from a table of 20 columns. Is there a way to exclude those 5 columns instead of specifying other 15 columns. ...

How can I exclude values from a third query (Access)

I have a query that shows me a listing of ALL opportunities in one query I have a query that shows me a listing of EXCLUSION opportunities, ones we want to eliminate from the results I need to produce a query that will take everything from the first query minus the second query... SELECT DISTINCT qryMissedOpportunity_ALL_Clients.* FRO...

Exclude Statement in SQL

Hello StackOverflow Community, I had a quick question on how to exclude data from an SQL database using an SQL statement. My situation is I have a user login to their profile page where they will be able to friend people. I want to display all users except themselves that are found in the SQL database. Thanks for all the answers! Roha...

Flex JSON: ignore certain properties?

Is there some library for flex, that will let me: define properties to fully exclude from serialization define classes to serialize without the property names (as if they were an array) thanks... ...

Zip3.0 exclude file list

Does Info-Zip's latest release Zip3.0 support exclude list file? As in, can one pass a file(containing names of the files to be excluded) name as a parameter to zip? I could see that one can pass only exclude patterns as arguments. Is there any limit on the number of exclude patterns that one can pass? ...

.htaccess mod_rewrite - how to exclude directory from rewrite rule

Hello all! I have 8 lines of rewrite rules in my .htaccess file. I need to exclude two physical directories on my server from these rules, so they can become accessible. For now all requests are sent to index.php file. Directories to exclude: "admin" and "user". So http requests: http://www.domain.com/admin/ should not be passed to ...