
Find command in unix

I want to perform a find command in a directory, and exclude from the set of results all files that are .gif, .jpeg, and .class. I was wondering if someone could help me out. I've been trying to play with the regex option, but clearly I'm not doing it properly. ...

Django Piston: How can I exclude nested fields from handler results? Is it even possible?

Before the question, the background: I am putting the finishing touches on an API I have written for a Django app utilizing django-piston. The API is able to search by request or IP address which are Request or IPAddress instances respectively. Each request can have 1 or more IPAddress associated with it. So, for example I have an API...

Making sure googlebot is not spamming my mailbox

I have got a website running with an option to report abuse of functionality. This is being done by clicking a link. After the link is clicked the webmaster will get a report of the location where the content is that was reported as abuse. I have added an rel="NOFOLLOW" to the href of the particular links but this is not helping. It seem...

arc4random except some numbers

How can you disallow some nubers from being chosen with the arc4random function? Current code: int random = (arc4random() % 92); (numbers from 0 to 92) I want it do disallow the following numbers: 31, 70, 91, 92 Thank you (: ...

Django queries: how to filter objects to exclude id which is in a list?

How can I filter in a query so the result excludes any object instances with ID belonging to a list? Lets say I have: object_id_list = [1, 5, 345] MyObject.objects.filter(Q(time__gte=datetime.now()) & Q( ... what to put here? ... )) Something in the style of "SELECT * FROM ... WHERE id NOT IN (...)" ...

What command do you use to exclude a file from a Mercurial repository?

I have a large file in my Mercurial repository that is preventing my repository from being uploaded to Bitbucket. I get the error: abort: HTTP Error 413: Request Entity Too Large Fortunately the file extension for this file is different from everything else in my repository so it should be easy to create a rule to exclude it. However,...

Excluding some tags from the Cufon Font system

Hi everybody, I'm using Cufon to load some nice fonts with javascript. And, as I have many tags, I use the following instruction to replace all the tags: Cufon.replace('*', { fontFamily: 'MyFont' }); But, I recently decided to exclude some tag classes from the replacement. Is there an instruction like: Cufon.exclude('TheClassToExclu...

Excluding one category in Wordpress

I just started out using wordpress as a CMS. On the site I have 2 pages I want different posts to show on. So far I understand this small code to post only one particular category one a page (when put infront of the loop: <?php query_posts('cat=8&showposts=5');?> But what do I write when I need to exclude this category on my blog-page...

Django save_m2m() and excluded field

UPDATE: I ended up creating a new forms.Form instead of using a ModelForm hi, in a ModelForm I replaced a field by excluding it and adding a new one with the same name, as shown below in AddRestaurantForm. When saving the form with the code shown below, I get an error in form.save_m2m() ("Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value"), which seems...

How can I copy a directory but ignore some files in Perl?

In my Perl code, I need to copy a directory from one location to another on the same host excluding some files/patterns (e.g. *.log, ./myDir/abc.cl). What would be the optimum way of doing this in Perl across all the platforms? On Windows, xcopy is one such solution. On unix platforms, is there a way to do this in Perl? ...

How to exclude non-browsable members in a sandcastle xml documentation build

I'd like to be able to exclude members that, although Public, are decorated with EditorBrowable.Never. I can't see any where to do it in the options. Is there a plug-in out there where you can specify attributes to exclude? Cheers ETA: Looks like I may have found it - the <exclude /> Tag. I'm just testing it now.... ETA2: Yes it work...

invoking function inside a admin plugin

I am developing a plugin which will exclude the Categories and Pages from Wordpress front page. The plugin is with a Administration Menu which takes the CAtegory/Page IDs as user input and excludes it. Issue: How can I include the Function Hooks for excluding Categories/Pages inside the main Admin Panel? ...

What is the Page exclude filter equivalent to "pre_get_posts" ?

I am trying to include an option page to exclude Pages from showing up in the front page. And the filter "pre_get_posts" works fine with Categories but not with Pages.What is the Page exclude filter equivalent to "pre_get_posts" ? ...

please help!!! this plugin to exclude Pages from the Front Page does not work.

add_action('admin_menu', 'pag_admin_menu'); add_filter('wp_list_pages_excludes','exclude_PAG'); function pag_admin_menu() { add_options_page('Exclude', 'Exclude Page', 'administrator', 2, 'Pages'); } function Pages() { if( $_POST[ 'xclu_pag' ] ) { $message = process_PAG(); } ...

tar exclude tag

I have the following folder structure. myFolder and testFolder have same folders underneath it and I want to exclude only my1 from testFolder and not myFolder "myFolder" which has -my1 -my2 -my3 "testFolder" which has -my1 -my2 -my3 I am trying to use exclude tag along with included folders while creating a tar file. This is what ...

MonoDevelop Exclude a folder from SVN

Is there a way to tell a MonoDevelop project to exclude from source control a folder in the project. The folder has large SQLite databases I don't need/want published. ...

In SQL how to I exclude a record if there are more than 3 characters after a dash..

In SQL how do I exclude a record if there are more than 2 characters after a dash.. Example I only want to return records that match the following AA00000-0 but the table also has recoreds like AA0000-000,AA0000000-00 I need to return only records that have a single digit after the dash ...

Exclude one or more elements from being connected (using connectWith) in jQuery's sortable lists

I have two lists, one with an ID of "vlist" and one with an ID of "hlist". The "vlist" holds elements which should be visible, while the "hlist" holds items that should remain hidden. The idea here is to allow the administrator of the system to specify which elements/fields should be shown on a sign-up page, and which shouldn't. The two ...

Exclude files only in "release" in VS2008 config

Hi Guys, I was wondering how to "Exclude" individual files in the "release" web.csproj config of my solution. I've seen other answers and they all feature "include" - but this is not what I am wanting to achieve. I only want to exclude around 10-15 files from a "release" package ? I don't want to manually edit the web.csproj file - so ...

Poedit - Exlude directory

Hello, is it possible to exlude a directory from the scan path of Poedit? ...