
How to set a complex custom crontab in google-app-engine (java)?

I am building an app for which I need to set up cron jobs. What I want to do is to set the specific minutes in a hour where specific crons should run. For instance: Task1 at 1st minute of the hour Task2 on every second minute of the hour Task3 every 2 minute only in the second half of the hour Building this in the standard Unix cron ...

MediaTemple cron jobs working on 1&1 Internet?

I've having to get a cron job that's currently working on MediaTemple (Grid Service) to work on a new 1&1 Internet account. I've yet to do this yet, but is there anything I need to take into consideration? Or... effectively... cron jobs are cron jobs, they'll work where ever? It's a cron job to send out a mailing list from a database. ...

Cron send email with STDERR but NOT STDOUT?

I have some python scripts that run on a daily basis in cron. How can I have cron send me an email ONLY WHEN THERE IS STDERR OUTPUT from my script? I want to be able to mail multiple recipients, and set the subject line individually for each cron entry. I tried this: ./prog > /dev/null | mail . . . but it didn't work -- I still rec...

using curl to cronjob a url

Hi , I have an application on php-Codeigniter hosted on MediaTemple and I want to have a cron job runing a controller, the support told me to use CURL I tried using without any succes, example: curl My controller inserts some information to a database, the curl doesn't display error but the ins...

Cronjob every 25 hours?

How do I set up a cronjob that runs every 25th hour? ...

Cron, Email, Performace

I am building a system for my client. Its a lot like There are 2 types of user: Service Provider and Service Buyer. Service Buyers post projects. Service Providers are notified of any new projects posted, which fit into their classifications. Assume: There are approx 100 qualifications. Service Provider can choos...

Auto add to database on last day of month

I have a database which stores the work my staff do. One particular query I run tells me how much money I owe them for the current month (month to date), based on the hours that I have recorded for them. However, I would like to store this information into a table itself, for various reasons, not least to record whether I have actually...

How to set and enable new php content by date in php?

I would like to set 5 new content items for monday through friday, but don't want to have to enable them each day. Would it be best to set a timestamp in a mysql field, then something like this. Set up a crontab with php that runs if timestamp is equal to today set "on" to 1. What date/time format would be best, also if I put dates 0...

Setting up cron in windows without getting a popup?

I know that the scheduler can be used to create a cron job, but in my case, that job involves accessing a url. Problem is, if I use WGET or a batch file, a window keeps popping up. Any suggestions on how to get passed this? ...

Cron API: is there such a thing?

Is there such a thing as a Cron API? I mean, is there a programmatic way of adding/removing Cron jobs without stepping onto Cron's toes? ...

Cronjobs in Django

I'm writing a database application where certain parts of the database might need updates based on time, not based upon user actions. For example, there may be certain values that are updated daily, and certain other values that must be updated say, four hours after the database entry is created. Thus I need some way to update values r...

Cron fails on single apostrophe

The following does work as expected: date +'%d-%b-%Y-%H-%M' 28-Sep-2009-14-28 But none of the following 4 entries from crontab are working. * * * * * date +\'%d-%b-%Y-%H-%M\' >> /backup/shantanu/testing.txt * * * * * date +'%d-%b-%Y-%H-%M' >> /backup/shantanu/testing1.txt * * * * * date +"%d-%b-%Y-%H-%M" >> /backup/shantanu/testing2...

Will cron execute php files or only CGI scripts?

Can .php be used in Crontab function on Linux or wil it execute only .CGI scripts? I'm using Plesk Control panel, I did the settings as per the Crontab doc, but i think it's not executing the php files. Does any one have the Idea about what more to do with ...

Upload clocking script

How can I make a script that, once a day, will upload a file via ftp to several different servers, then take note (in a log) of how much time the uploads took? Thanks to Rajax I have the cronjob set up to execute this so far as the script, let's say it's called #!/bin/sh HOST='' USER='MYUSERNAME' PASSW...

Run a script based on timestamp entered in MySQL database

Hi I have a requirement to run a server script on scheduled times entered by the user. This is for a program for scheduling emails. A user can enter the specific times when they want to send the mail. I have a table which stores the userid, the email text and the time at which the mail is to be sent. This time is defined in minutes. I d...

Run a task every hour on the hour with App Engine's cron API

I need to run a task every hour on the hour (00:00, 01:00, 02:00, ..., 23:00) every day of the week, but can't seem to find an example in App Engine's docs of how to do this. There is an example of running at ask every hour, but this doesn't fit because the "start" of that hour depends on when you deploy the application. That is, if I d...

Streaming, Daemons, Cronjobs, how do you use them? (in Ruby)

Hey there, I've finally had a second to look into streaming, daemons, and cron tasks and all the neat gems built around them! But I'm not clear on how/when to use these things. I have a few questions: 1) If I wanted to have a website that stayed constantly updated, realtime, with my Facebook friends' activity feeds, up-to-the-minute ...

Why do processes spawned by cron end up defunct?

I have some processes showing up as <defunct> in top (and ps). I've boiled things down from the real scripts and programs. In my crontab: * * * * * /tmp/ /tmp/ The contents of (which is of course marked executable): #!/bin/bash # the real script does a little argument processing here "$@" The conte...

How to run .NET exe using cron job on cloud server

Has anyone run an exe using cron job? I want to run an exe at scheduled intervals on a cloud server. The scheduled exe is created using .NET. The cloud server has facility of running Cron jobs using ruby, php, perl, python and http I do not have much knowledge of what a cron job is. What would be the best way of scheduling the EXE? It...

Parse a cron entry in Python

All. I am trying to find a python module that I can use to parse a cron entry and get the next time it will run. With perl I use the Schedule::Cron::Events module but I would like to convert to python. Thanks in advance. ...