
How to install .exe as cron job or scheduled task? C#

I have a small program that I would like to turn into an installable windows.form. It needs to automatically be run as a cron job/scheduled task. How can I do this? C# ...

How can I set up cron job in my site using PHP?

I want to mail after 6 hours automatically to my user who hasn't fully completed form on my website. Help Me ...

cron jobs or PHP scheduler

Hi, I am using MYSQL as my database and PHP as my programming language.I wanted to run a cron job which would run until the current system date matches the "deadline(date)" column in my database table called "PROJECT".Once the dates are same an update query has to run which would change the status(field of project table) from "open" to ...

Can someone explain the limitations of cron job scripts to me?

I think I'm confused about exactly what the difference is between running a PHP script as a cron job versus accessing it with a browser. When I test test.php by hitting it with Safari, it writes to a text file as expected, makes DB entries, etc. When it runs as a cron job, it does everything except write to a text file. I already dealt ...

Does php execution stop after a user leaves the page?

I want to run a relatively time consuming script based on some form input, but I'd rather not resort to cron, so I'm wondering if a php page requested through ajax will continue to execute until completion or if it will halt if the user leaves the page. It doesn't actually output to the browser until a json_encode at the end of the file...

How to use cronjob

I have my application hosted on a shared web host which uses cpanel. The control panel has a web interface to cronjob. I want to use cronjob to execute a file at a certain time everyday. The challenge am having now is the right command to enter in the "Command to run" text box. I'll be very glad if someone can help me out with this. Tha...

Cron on XAMPP (windows)

I am developing a site locally using xampp. I would like to configure cron, so the dev environment is the same as the production environment. However, my system is windows vista. Is there any way to do this, or am I forced to accept that my dev and production environments will be forks? ...

Cron job: keep last 20 lines

I have a process that dumps millions of lines to the console while it runs. I'd like to run this in a cronjob but to avoid sending multi-MB mails, I'd like to restrict the output in the case of a success (exit == 0) to 0 lines and in case of an error (exit != 0) to the last 20 lines. Any ideas to achieve this with little effort? Maybe a...

How to Modify a Cronjob Email Subject

I am running a half dozen different cron jobs from my hosting at When a cronjob has been executed I receive an email with the output of the script. The email comes in the format of: From: Cron Daemon Subject: Cron /ramdisk/bin/php5 -c /home5/username/scheduled/optimize_mysql.bash The problem with this is that the s...

Cron job stderr to email AND log file?

I have a cron job: $SP_s/ >$LP_s/MirrorLogS1.txt Where SP_s is the path to the script and LP_s is the path for the log file. This sends stdout to the log file and stderr to my email. How do I?: 1) send both stdout AND stderr to the logfile, 2) AND send stderr to email or to put it another way: stderr to both the logf...

cron to be setup

I have an already setted up cron job. Now i have a file whose cron i have to setup such that my file should run at 9:00 am,11:00am,1:00pm,5:00pm and 7:00pm Idont have much idea about cron So can anyone please help me in setting up this cron for my file at the aboove given timings !! ...

If I echo a statement and no one hears it, does it ever get echoed? (PHP cron job question)

So I have a script that I debug with a bunch of echo statements. This is run every 3 minutes on my server by cron, and I sometimes leave the echo statements in there. They're not going to a browser, they're just going... anywhere? This is a vague question I guess, but what happens when there's no end-user or output for an echo statement...

Using date to append filename to database backups made by cron

Hello, The title says it all. I want to maintain multiple dated backups via cron but I can't seem to figure out how to concatenate the file name in cron. Currently I just use the following: /bin/mv /var/www/vhosts/ /var/www/vhosts/ /usr/bin/mysqldump --add-drop-table -...

How do I run a command as a different user from a root cronjob?

I seem to be stuck between an NFS limitation and a Cron limitation. So I've got root cron (on RHEL5) running a shell script that, among other things, needs to rsync some files over an NFS mount. And the files on the NFS mount are owned by the apache user with mode 700, so only the apache user can run the rsync command -- running as root...

Cron job for big data

Hello guys I'm working on a social network like Friendfeed. so when user add his feeds links I use the cron job to parse each user feeds.Is this possible with big number of users ? like parssing 10.000 links each 1h or can make problems? if isn't possible what the technicals are used on Friendfeed or RSS readers to do that ? ...

Adding/Removing cron job using PHP

Here's my situation: We have an outside provider that will be pushing XML files to our server every 30 seconds at a specified time in the week.  That time will vary each week. So, I would like to give my users an interface on the management side of our site where they could "push a button" and trigger the capturing of data. (and in the s...

Unpredictable log file writing in PHP

Hi there. I have a script that runs every two minutes for a "Tweet-getter" application. In a nutshell it puts tweets onto Facebook. Every now and then it hiccups and despite my error checking, reposts old tweets continuously, every two minutes (the cycle of it being run as a cron job). I have a log.txt that in theory would help me determ...

Calling Rubygem tmail from Dreamhost CRONjob

I have a cron job to run a Ruby script, which runs fine on the command line (from user "user"), but the cron fails because it cannot find a ruby gem TMail. I manually installed the tmail gem to my ~/.gems/ dir, pointed to by my ~/.bashrc script, as suggested by Nate. When invoked manually from the shell (on deadpool server) ./home/...

cron job problem with soapclient included in php

I have a php script, and need to run it everyday. This script has a soapclient, and it works fine if I run it as a script using browser directly. However, some fatal errors if I set it as a cron job. The script is very simple as "crontest.php" <?php $mage_url = 'http://******.com/api/?wsdl'; $mage_user = '*****'; $mage_api_key = ...

Possible for Google Bot to Execute PHP Script

Hello, I have a CRON job php script that I just set up not too long ago. However, I noticed that the PHP file executed (without the cron job activating). It appears that it happened when a Google Bot crawled the file, because I noticed that the following engine visited my page: My question is: 1) Is ...