
Problem with running Ruby with Cron

My ruby file is like this. `mkdir #{HOST} -p` It works fine by: ruby mycode.rb But in a cron job 0 * * * * ruby ~/backup.rb >> backup.log It will a -p folder. Why? ...

Where to get 1440 free cron jobs a day?

I'm making a program for my own use. In this program, I need to set up cron job. The cron job should run every minute (24 hr * 60 mins = 1440 times). Thus, I'll need to set up a cron job with a frequency of 1 minute. I think Google App Engine gives free cron job. But I'm very new to it. I downloaded the java SDK and read the document bu...

Set php file permissions so only my server's curl can run

I have a PHP script that I don't want anyone to be able to run through their browser. It sends emails and is called via curl by my server's cron, yet needs to be in the public www directory. What permissions or owner do I need to set the file to to allow only my server's curl to execute (or do I mean read) the file? I'm on centos. ...

add php script in cron for scheduled task from php?

is there a way to add a php script (file) in cron for running this script every ten minutes or at a scheduled time? cause i want the user to be able to schedule when to send newsletter to a lot of emails he choses. so i have to create a cron job from php to run a php file on that scheduled time. is this possible if you have a shared w...

What do I use when a cron job isn't enough? (php)

I'm trying to figure out the most efficient way to running a pretty hefty PHP task thousands of times a day. It needs to make an IMAP connection to Gmail, loop over the emails, save this info to the database and save images locally. Running this task every so often using a cron isn't that big of a deal, but I need to run it every min...

Best practice -- Content Tracking Remote Data (cURL, file_get_contents, cron, et. al)?

I am attempting to build a script that will log data that changes every 1 second. The initial thought was "Just run a php file that does a cURL every second from cron" -- but I have a very strong feeling that this isn't the right way to go about it. Here are my specifications: There are currently 10 sites I need to gather data from and ...

How can I keep curl output out of mail from my cronjob?

I have written a Perl script that runs as a daily crontab job that uploads files to Amazon S3 via CURL. I want the output of the cron job emailed to me which works fine but I don't want that email to include messages related to the CURL upload (only those message my script is outputting). Here are the CURL related messages I'm seeing in ...

Suggestions for performance improvement surrounding sending email notifications?

It takes around a couple of seconds for my app to execute the code to send an email right now on a test server with nothing much else running. Not sure if this is typical/expected. I'm also using the php framework Kohana's email helper and not php's mail directly out of convenience if that matters. Is it always just better to schedule a ... cannot open shared object file.

I want to schedule a task on linux by icrontab, and the task is written in python and have to import cx_Oracle module, so I export ORACLE_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH in .bash_profile, but it raise the error: cannot open shared object file. Since it is ok to run the task by issue the command in shell like python a.p...

User Crontab + Python + Random wallpapers = Not working?

I have a python script that correctly sets the desktop wallpaper via gconf to a random picture in a given folder. I then have the following entry in my crontab * * * * * python /home/bolster/bin/ And syslog correctly reports execution Apr 26 14:11:01 bolster-desktop CRON[9751]: (bolster) CMD (python /home...

python script to download xml files on my server

I need a python script that will do the following: connect to a URL, and that URL will return a number like 1200. Use the number, to download xml files named: 1 to x where x is the number from #1. store the files in a particular directory. Sorry I've never written a python script, so if you could guide me along that would be great (m...

Setting up a 'find' command cron/bash script, which emails if there are any results?

I'd like to setup a cron job that checks e.g. every 24 hours to see if a 'find' command like the one below (which checks for malicious shell hacking scripts) has any results: find /home/username/public_html -type f -print0 | xargs -0 egrep '(\/tmp\/cmd(temp)?|SnIpEr_SA|(c99|r57|php)shell|milw0rm)' And if there are any results, then I ...

Php run cronjobs

How can i run an cron job from php, and the cron to start in that moment? I have a sitemap script, and i want to turn to a sitemap link, without waiting for him to do his job, to send information to call my job horn Sitemap. Sorry my English ...

What is my Cronjobs problem?

Hello there, I have no idea whats going on. But I have a script that looks like this. Cron job refuses to run it: include_once 'class_lib/mime_mail/mimeDecode.php'; include_once 'class_lib/Mail/IMAPv2.php'; include_once 'inc-functions.php'; include_once "$_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT]/class_lib/DbFuctioneer.php"; $dbFuctioneer = new DbFuctio...

CLI include paths to run zend framework via cron

I wrote a command line utility using Zend Framework to do some nightly reporting. It uses a ton of the same functionality the accompanying site. It works great when I run it by hand, but when I run it on cron I have include path issues. Seems like it should be easily fixed with set_include_path, but maybe I'm missing something? My direc...

help with inline images/mail with cron - php?

I've got mailings that need to be sended using cron. When I load the script manualy all works fine. With cron i get broken images. to change the src of my img i used: $body = eregi_replace("managersrc_logo","images/managers/acertainlogo.jpg",$body); Because i thaught that it is importent to use absolute paths i also tried: $body ...

Mac : Run Foundation Tool app as cronjob?

This may not be completely programming related ... In Xcode I wrote a little Foundation Tool application for maintenance. Copy files from A to B , delete logs and so on. Now I want to run the application in background once a day or once an hour. How do I set this up? Can it be done with a Foundation Tool application or is there another...

Bash commands not executed when through cron job - PHP

Hi there! I have a cron job running a PHP script every five minutes; the PHP script executes two bash commands at the end of the script. I know the script is running due to a log file it appends to. When I run the PHP script manually via the Ubuntu Gnome Terminal both bash commands execute flawlessly; however when the PHP script is tr...

PHP cron detect via php?

Is there a way to find out if Cron Jobs are available on the server? I mean I want to detect this in a PHP script.. ...

SQL housekeeping tasks on Herkoku

Hi, I'm not sure how to do this... I have a database which contains a messages and categories tables. The categories table has a field which has a count of the number of messages related to it. Sometimes however I need to deactivate (active = 0) a message, at the moment this doesn't then update the category table... I will implement ...