
Use linux crontab in j2ee app

I have been using Quartz for over a year to schedule jobs in my app. I now have a new requirement to get rid of quarts, and instead use crontab. I have no experience in this area. How do I design something in my app that allows a job to be called by the operating system? Do I need to create a URL for each job that the OS can call? ...

Google App Engine (GAE) cron url: url?keyword=abc

Hi I would like to run cron job on GAE and using python In the cron.yaml, how do i insert the "url" field if consist of some "get" info The: description: whatever url: url?keyword=a schedule: every day 15:00 give me error when deploy ...

Adding php script to cron

What should be given as the url to the script while adding it to cron scheduler. The script is at PS:I am using cPanel ...

script to generate crontab syntax from clean human-friendly input?

Is there a tool or scripting language that will allow me to create a crontab-syntax output after supplying a human-friendly specification or initialization file? For example: when: every 2 hours what: system('/path/to/flush_system_logs') when: 4:45pm every Wednesday what: system('/path/to/system_janitor_script') I would like to ...

Python script run via cron does not execute occassionally

I have a simple python script for fetching tweets and caching them to disk that is configured to run every two minutes via cron. */2 * * * * (date ; /usr/bin/python /path/ >> /path/log/get_tweets.log 2>&1 The script runs successfully most of the time. However, every so often the script doesn't execute. In addition to...

Smart Background Thread Task in Ruby on Rails?

I need to perform a task every 5 seconds, but only when users are using the application. As for now, I use cron that works every minute and activates a task that repeats itself every 5 seconds with sleeps between, for a minute. However, it works also when the application isn't being used. Is there a gem that will do this kind of thing?...

Cron job to run a script at the begining of the month

Hello guys, I would like to write a cron job that has to run a PHP script on the 1st day of each month. Can you please help me with this? Thanks. ...

How to effectively execute this cron job?

I have a table with 200 rows. I'm running a cron job every 10 minutes to perform some kind of insert/update operation on the table. The operation needs to be performed only on 5 rows at a time every time the cron job runs. So in first 10 mins records 1-5 are updated, records 5-10 in the 20th minute and so on. When the cron job runs for ...

Limit the number of cron jobs runnging a PHP script

I have a daily cron job that grabs 10 users at a time and does a bunch of stuff with them. There are 1000's of users that are part of that process every day. I don't want the cron jobs to overlap as they are heavy on server load. They call stuff from various APIs so I have timeouts and slow data fetching to contend with. I've tried usi...

Does this cron expression mean every other Sunday?

Hi, Does the following cron expression mean "execute every other Sunday?" (I'm trying to use it with the Spring Quartz scheduler) 0 0 3 ? * 2/1 *" Thanks Nick ...

Using Cron Manager from within PHP.

Hello, i am wanting to add a section in my php application to add / remove scheduled task. Something similar to what they use in vBulletin Forum. Does anyone have any ideas what they use? are they using Cron Jobs or do they have something custom done. Can anyone guide me on how i can accomplish something similar to that, basically i ...

How to determine bandwidth used by cron job?

I'm not a unix guy. CPanel does a good job of managing cronjobs and that is what I used to run dozens of cronjobs. All of them combined run more than 5000 times every day. Every cron makes a call to an external API. How can I check how much bandwidth are all the cron jobs eating? For my website I use awstats and that shows bandwidth us...

cron stops running when processing multiple items

Cron stops running (no visible error) after a few hours when I add more than 5 jobs in my cron tab. Each job runs every minute. I tried putting all of my php jobs in a shell script and called this shell script instead but the same problem occurs. Cron stops running, no error in the log file, no error email sent out either. The PHP sc...

How to set up a cron job for PHP on IIS?

How would I go about setting up a PHP cron job in IIS? ...

How to create a cron job in PHP for getting the update of modified date and time of files/folders?

How to create a cron job in PHP for getting the update of modified date and time of files/folders? I am a newbie to create a cron job how to get started? ...

Google App Engine (GAE) cron on external url: http

Hi, I try to use GAE for a cron job. But I get a server error 500. Is it because I try to cron on a external url? I cannot find any documentation on this. When I use an internal URL it works fine. But I would like to cron job a php script on my website. Is there another way to do this? I am quite noob... Thanks for any help Christian ...

PHP Segmentation fault when started from crond

Hello, I've a php script that's started each minute from cron. It almost always runs without any problem, except for about 10 times within 24h. The times it fails I get a segmentation fault like: bin/sh: line 1: 21815 Segmentation fault /usr/bin/myscript The number after "line 1:" is always different. I'm running: PHP 5.2.6-1+l...

Is it possible to make a PHP script run itself every hour or so without the use of a cronjob?

I'm pretty sure I've seen this done in a php script once, although I cant find the script. It was some script that would automatically check for updates to that script, and then replace itself if there was an update. I don't actually need all that, I just want to be able to make my PHP script automatically run every 30 minutes to an hou...

CURL request incomplete, suspect timeout but not sure.

I am currently using CURL via a php script running as daily cron to export product data in csv format from a site's admin area. The normal way of exporting data will be to go to the Export page in a browser, and set the configuration, then click on "export data" button. But as the number of products I am exporting is very large, and it...

Best way of reliably updating content at a specific time across VARIOUS files and formats?

Let's say I have to push a change live at 8 AM EST on Tuesday May 18th - this change is across various files: xml file php file 30x static html files with no php processing enabled all of these are hosted on a linux server with cron. Is it reliable setting up a cron job to call a script which takes these files, for example: templa...