
scheduling different crontimers with the same job id

how to schedule the different timings for same job. For ex: I have a job(asssume job name is = "job1") the job1 have diff timers(20 * * * * ?) and (0 0/2 * * * ?) First timer need to schedule every 20 seconds and second timer need to schedule every 2 minutes. My problem is the last timer only scheduling. ...

Why using a cronjob in a cms/website?

I am working on an existing CMS. We were thinking if it would be usefull to work with a cronjob. When thinking on this, we could only think on updating the search index for the cronjob, so we have no idea if we should add the cronjob to our CMS or not ... What do you think? ...

Writing a Cron Job That Can Access User Data

I'm trying to write a cron job that runs a report, and emails the result to an address defined in my user's ~/.bashrc file. I had this working perfectly on Fedora, but when I switched to Ubuntu, my solution no longer works. The command my cron job currently runs is: . /home/myuser/.bashrc; /home/myuser/bin/runreport If I run that comm...

Why does this Ruby statement throw an exception? (Arrays/Bools)

I'm not a Ruby guy, I just play one on television. I have to modify someone's old Cron job to pull down some JSON and convert it into objects. Here's the code raw_json = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("url removed to protect the innocent")) tags = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(raw_json) puts tags.count tags.count will accurately trace as 5, ...

Sending a large email mailout through Gmail or maybe even Google App Engine?

I have a client that I'm wanting to move to a virtual private server. I'm trying to keep his server as simple as possible, not even having an email server on there (or at least that is the plan). The reason being I've read that email servers are complex to setup and take up alot of resources. I'm not sure what to do here. He has a newsl...

Cron job to put files on server

Let me start by saying that I know nothing about Cron, so sorry. How can I make a php or perl script get files from my computer and upload them to my web server everyday at midnight? The webserver is linux. The computer from which the files need to be retrieved is Windows. ...

How to change the time cron.daily is run in linux

I have a script in cron.daily that runs at a certain time every morning. I need to change the time that it is run. How do I change the time cron.daily runs the scripts? ...

CRON behaves exactly like running a script in the browser?

I never used CRONs and I don't know hot to set up one so I use online cron websites to do it. Now I'm using free account for testing. I use this service to run a script that fetches data from the web. The script uses PHPs file_get_contents and cURL. I want to know if running a CRON is behaves the same way as ...

How can I capture the stdout from a process that is ALREADY running

I have a running cron job that will be going for a while and I'd like to view its stdout. I don't know how important the fact that the process was started by cron is, but I figure I'd mention it. This is on OSX so, I don't have access to things like... /proc/[pid]/..., or truss, or strace. Suggestions of executing with IO redirection ...

Locating most recently updated file recursively in UNIX

For a website I'm working on I want to be able to automatically update the "This page was last modified:" section in the footer as I'm doing my nightly git commit. Essentially I plan on writing a shell script to run at midnight each night which will do all of my general server maintenance. Most of these tasks I already know how to automa...

What is best practice technique for scalable, routine processing of a large user base?

Suppose you have a database of users, which is constantly moving, and getting big. You want to do something to each user, every 24 hours, without fail. It doesn't matter what that something is, maybe send them each an email, or maybe something more complex that takes an unpredictable length of time. For a small site, I can imagine a sim...

How to call drupal cron multipe times until done

I'm working on a wamp development environment and testing how long it takes to get the site indexed. I'm doing this by running cron manually. The problem is that if there's 700 jobs in the job_queue, each run of cron does only some of them, so I need to run cron several times. How could I keep calling cron in a loop until there are no ...

Quartz Cron Expression: Run Job Every 10 minutes starting NOW

Hi, I am using Quartz Scheduler using Spring. I want to configure the same with following schedule: Run Job Every 10 minutes starting NOW I am using following expression for the same. 0 */10 * * * ? I thought * in the minutes field would make it run the first minute, but it does not do that way. It runs the first 10th minutes f...

how to make a special cron job?

hi, i need to make a cron job to run a java program every 40 minutes on unix server. considering that: 1)it should run from 8h30 to 12h30 and from 14h to 18h from monday to friday 2) take consideration of holidays. i've read a lot about it and found this */30 8..13,14..19 * * 1..5 as the closest solution. i wanna know if crontab can d...

Running a python script for django via cron

I have a python script that connects to an external host, fetches some data, and populates a Django database with the data. The python script that populates the database uses these lines to setup the django environment: path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..')) sys.path.append(path) from import setu...

Cron error with using backquotes

The following works fine from command line /usr/bin/mysqldump -uUser -pPass Db_name > /var/www/db_backup/db.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`.sql but when I try to do that in cron, I get the error: bad ` sign errors in crontab file, can't install I saw someone else on the net solve the same problem by escaping the percent signs, but that didn't...

How can I setup a system to tell me if a cron job is NOT running fine?

Hi, This is more of an "general architecture" problem. If you have a cron job (or even a Windows scheduled task) running periodically, its somewhat simple to have it send you an email / text message that all is well, but how do I get informed when everything is NOT okay? Basically, if the job doesn't run at its scheduled time or Windows...

Run cron jobs on rails (deployed over several servers)

What is the best way to run cron jobs on rails, when different machines have different jobs to do? For example, server 1 runs cron job A, while server 2 runs cron job B Is there a way to deploy the cron files along when we do a regular cap deploy? ...

Rsync a site directly to Subversion repository

I have a live drupal website community. I have gone ahead to host the project publicly on Google code. Due to slow internet connectivity, I have not been able to successfully upload my initial copy to the repository (I've also tried svn import). So I thought, I will write a script that backs up my entire site excluding the database, sa...

How to set up a cron job to run an executable every hour?

I need to set up a cron job that runs an executable compiled using gcc once every hour. I logged in as root and typed crontab -e Then I entered the following and saved the file. 0 * * * * /path_to_executable However, the cron job does not work. I see that when I type /...path_to_executable I get a segmentation fault. I can only ex...