
Minimalistic Database Administration

I am a developer. An architect on good days. Somehow I find myself also being the DBA for my small company. My background is fair in the DB arts but I have never been a full fledged DBA. My question is what do I have to do to ensure a realiable and reasonably functional database environment with as little actual effort as possible? ...

ncover with nunit2 task in NAnt

Is there any chance to get this work? I want my tests to be run by nunit2 task in NAnt. In addition I want to run NCover without running tests again. ...

What tools are available for a team leader & members to manage tasks (Agile programming)

I are working in a small development team of 4 people. We are trying develop "Agile style" - story points, small tasks, etc... Unfortunately, we are currently managing our tasks in a (shared) excel table. We looked at some available tools (Mingle, TFS, Scrum for Team System), but all of these looked like they would be too much overhead ...

Tasklist replacement for Visual Studio

I would like to use the task-list in Visual Studio but it really lacks almost any useful feature a task-list should provide. So I use Todo-List externally, to keep track of the things I need to get done. Would be nice to have it all in one place. So does anyone know of a cool replacement Add-On for the tasklist in Visual Studio? Thanks...

Best Hosted Calendar?

Can anyone suggest or recommend a great online/hosted calendar system that is, hopefully, free, but if not then less than $10 per month? Anything other than Google? Must be accessible via any web browser. ...

How to logically organize recurring tasks?

What's the best way to create recurring tasks? Should I create some special syntax and parse it, kind of similar to Cronjobs on Linux or should I much rather just use a cronjob that runs every hour to create more of those recurring tasks with no end? Keep in mind, that you can have endless recurring tasks and tasks with an enddate. ...

Infopath doesn't render background colors/pictures w/ Outlook Task/Sharepoint

I am using Infopath forms to collect information to trigger my Windows Workflow sitting on Sharepoint 2007. The Infopath forms have logo's and branding which only show up on the Sharepoint portal but the infopath forms which are emailed when tasks are created during the workflow look different as in the background colors (Infopath Theme)...

How to get access to the Websphere 6.1 ant tasks from vanilla ant (not ws_ant)

I guess I need to know what I need in the classpath (what jar) in order to execute WebSphere 6.1 ant tasks. If someone can provide an example that would be perfect. ...

How to retrieve a list of tasks and bugs from TFS in a batch file?

I would like to access the work items in our TFS programmatically. Shouldn't there be an obvious command line tool to extract such information? Or a WebService I can just call? I already have checked into using Excel - this is neat, but I want more hardcore... ...

Scheduled Report(task) Monitor

I have to develop a system to monitor the generation/transmission of reports. System data will be stored in database tables (Sybase) Reports will be generated with different schedules ("mon-fri 10pm", "sat 5am", "1st day of the month", etc.) System will just monitor that the reports were created. It will not create the reports itself....

How can I apply David Allen's "Getting Things Done" as a programmer?

Off and on I have read David Allen's "Getting Things Done" productivity books but never really implemented it. What tools do you use to track tasks and projects? How do you organize tasks when 95% of your tasks would be in the @Computer folder? ...

todo.txt and task management

Apologies if this has been covered frequently, but I was wondering about how other people approach personal task management. I've read (parts of) GTD, proceeded to get excited, installed a tonne of plug-ins all over the place, then let it all fall by the wayside. I've used todoist, outlook, google calendar, project. I've tried writing ...

Are there programming tasks you consider so critical that you always do them thoughtfully and slowly?

There are some tasks, especially the ones that involve deleting folders as SU, that I do thoughtfully and slowly before I press the Enter key. I think if others saw me do these at the careful pace that I do they would cringe. Are there critical programming tasks that you perform that you believe deserve this thoughtful and careful consid...

Scrum Burn Down Charts: Tasks or Stories?

There are several ways to do burn down charts in Scrum. Some people suggest using the story points of unfinished stories left as your burn down charts in Scrum. Pro: Only finished stories lower the chart Contra: Chart doesn't move down in the beginning and then rapidly falls off Others suggest to use the number of tasks left Pro: Ch...

How does SSIS decide which task to execute next if more than one is available

For example if I add four (blank) script tasks A1, A2, B1, and B2, where A2 has a constraint to run after A1 and B2 has a constraint to run after B1, but neither A1 nor B1 have constraints, then what order will the tasks run? When I try this it seems to do A1, then B1, then A2, then B2. But why? This question out of curiosity. Edited...

C++ bound method queue (task manager/scheduler?)

Is there a method/pattern/library to do something like that (in pseudo-code): task_queue.push_back(ObjectType object1, method1); task_queue.push_back(OtherObjectType object2, method2); so that I could do the something like: for(int i=0; i<task_queue.size(); i++) { task_queue[i].object -> method(); } so that it would call: obj1...

Scrum-board / Task Board and Color Coding

What would you recommend as far as a good color-coding for use on a Storyboard? Is this a good pattern from your experience? http://maxheapsize.com/static/ScrumBoardCheatSheet.pdf What is the most standard color-coding? ...

FindBugs not accepting bcel.jar in ANT script

I installed findbugs into my ant lib directory and added the following code into my main ANT script: <target name="findbugs" depends="init"> <findbugs home="C:\\findbugs\\" output="html outputFile="C:\\findbugs\\out.html" jvmargs="-Xms512M"> <sourcePath path="${messageaggregator.src}" /> <class location="${messageag...

Outlook 2007 DASL query tasks

Hi, I'm going crazy on this one. Basically I want to retrieve a task based on the EntryID of this task. so what I do is the following: Outlook.MAPIFolder outlookTasksFolder = Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderTasks); string filter = String.Format("@SQL=\"urn:schemas:tasks:entryid\" like '%{0}%'", myEn...

Thread pool with dependency support?

Does anyone know of a thread-pool like implementation for .NET that supports the following features: dependencies between tasks task priorities sub-tasks Basically I'd like to throw a bunch of tasks at this pool, with some inter-dependencies (ie. make sure task A completes before task B is allowed to start). Priorities would be used...