
How to add Outlook.TaskItems to already existing Outlook.Items?

Hi, I've looked all over the internet and could not find an answer for this one... Basically, what I want to do is to retrieve all the TaskItems from all the Tasks folders and put them into one single Outlook.Items list. I know how to look at all the folders and how to retrieve the tasks from these folders, but i don't know how to put t...

How reliable is windows task scheduler for scheduling code to run repeatedly?

I have a bit of code that needs to sit on a windows server 2003 machine and run every minute. What is the recommended way of handling this? Is it ok to design it as a console service and just have the task scheduler hit it ever minute? (is that even possible?) Should I just suck it up and write it as a windows service? ...

Java - Scheduling a daily task

I'm looking for an effective way to execute a method everyday at 3PM regardless of when the application was initially run or how long it has been running. This must be done entirely from the application with no OS intervention (ex. Windows Task Scheduler) I have been experimenting with java.util.Timer in varies configurations but I hav...

How do I conditionally define tags in CruiseControl.NET?

I am trying to clean up my CruiseControl.NET configuration so that the sections are easier to maintain and new projects are easier to create. For instance, I currently have the following: <cb:define name="project"> <project name="$(name) ($(milestone)) [$(env)]"> <category>$(category)</category> <workingDirectory>$(dir)\$(name)\$(...

Eclipse: Limit task tags to current project

Eclipse currently shows the task tags (// TODO) from all open projects. I would be grateful if anyone could point out the preference, where I could restrict the scope of tasks displayed (e.g. only tasks from current project). Thanks! ...

MS Project Server 2007 : Programmatically toggle Task Alerts for Project Resources

I'm getting into SDK documentation, but this site has so many eyes and great answers I figure I'd throw this one out there to get some leads. In project Server 2007, you can manage whether or not you get "task Alert" emails whenever a new task is assigned to you or existing tasks are modified. You can change this manually and individua...

Functionality Scripts

Is it possible to write a program to do things you constantly do on a computer? For example, log into a torrent site and download a .torrent file then start it. Or go through folders and extract any RARed files? Or just do any monotonous thing you do daily on a computer. Just need a kick in the right direction. Thanks, -Pete ...

what is the difference of calling a Web Services using Asynchronous Call vs. Asynchronous Task

What is the difference between Web Services Asynchronous Call and Asynchronous Task's. We are working an a ASP.NET application that requires to make a call to a Web Service Method that will process thousand rows of data. This process usually takes between 2 to 3 minutes (maybe more maybe less it depends of the amount of Data). So we ru...

Is there a python module compatible with Google Apps Engine's new "Tasks"

I'm writing a Python application, that I want to later migrate to GAE. The new "Task Queues" API fulfills a requirement of my app, and I want to simulate it locally until I have the time to migrate the whole thing to GAE. Does anyone know of a compatible module I can run locally? ...

Monitoring a long task in Javascript

Hello, I have a particular page that uses lots of widgets that have to be initialized by Javascript routines (around 400, it's a complex one). This takes some time (even 20 secs on slower machines). Now I was thinking I could show a progress indicator (a simple text field with a percentage label), instead of the page, but I discovered t...

Should a programmer try to list their "Next Actions"?

David Allen's "Getting Things Done" recommends keeping a "Next Action" list to organize your work, where a "Next Action" is the next physical action you will do to make progress towards an objective. In programming, determining what to do next is often almost as hard as doing it (sounds like the halting problem). Most of the work is exa...

How far should you go with estimating your tasks ?

What is the good resolution of time to use for estimating duration of your tasks? is it like 0.5, 1, 2, 5 days or should you go down to hours like 0.5, 1, 2, 4 hours and then continue up to days? should a change to a label text be task at all? ( ETA < 1min ) Suggestions? ...

Run terminal commands from GUI app??

Hey guys, Do you guys know how to run terminal commands from you GUI application? I need the coding for my app. For example, if I type "netstat" in terminal it will give me all the ports. I want to this from my xcode app. Is that possible? BTW it's not just the "netstat" command it could be "sudo.... " Thanks, Kevin ...

How to report TODOs etc. with CruiseConrol?

In one project the use of //TODO, //XXX and //FIXME tags is very common. The problem is that nobody has an overview of all TODO lines. Only Eclipse shows all tasks in one view. I would like to display all TODOs with its filename in our daily build report created by CruiseControl. How can this achieved easily? ...

How does the Reactive Framework (Rx) relate to Tasks in .NET 4?

Asynchronous and concurrent programmings seams to be on everyones minds these days and .NET 4 adds a number of improvements such as built-in thread safe collections and of course tasks. On top of this I've started looking at the Reactive Framework (Rx). Tasks appears to be primarily more focused on concurrency for computation performanc...

Can variable which is declared in same procedure body where tasks are be considered as shared for these tasks?

Variable is used in 1 task only, but the question is: can it be CALLED shared? ...

Easiest way to have a true "file tasks" in ANT

I am still learning how to use ANT well, and I wanted to understand if there is some reasonable way to do file tasks in it, similar to Rake and Make: http://martinfowler.com/articles/rake.html#FileTasks "With a file you are referring to actual files rather than task names. So 'build/dev/rake.html' and 'dev/rake.xml' are actual files. T...

Mylyn Eclipe TODO integration

In Eclipse, I use the Mylyn plugin for viewing my open tickets from a repository. But, also in our code, we have some places where the TODO marker is view. The TODO markers show up on the "Tasks" pane, whereas the Mylyn view shows up in the "Task List" pane. Is there a way to integrate the two so they show up in the same pane and the TOD...

Getting a list of Tasks that belong to a Role from Azman

I'm using the AZROLESLib which is from the COM references "azroles 1.0 Type Library" and I am trying to create a list of the designated tasks for each role that I have currently set in my authorization manager but when I loop through the tasks for the role, I get the role name. I've looked all around but couldn't find anything that woul...

Free team manager application ?

Hi all, recently I start to take a bigger responsability because I was developing a project and now is in production, so im coordinating the manteinance and other developments (with 6 more developers), what I need is to assing/manage task to developers and graphics-designers and see when they are busy or idle to take better decitions. i...