
Smart approach to CSS3

Hi, do You have any elegant approach to benefit from CSS3 features, like border radius or gradients? I am looking for a solution that would avoid browser-specific CSS properties and browser-specific stylesheet files. I find them both hard to maintain and too verbose. It could be a Javascript library that would take care of cross-brows...

Javascript check if a variable is the window

Hi, do you know a good way to check if a variable is the window object in javascript? I tried with: var variable=window;; In Firefox it returns "[object Window]" but in IE "[object Object]" so that's not the right way. Do you know an accurate way to check it? ...

Can I change the border color / style of a SELECT element using CSS in IE 8?

I have seen that the situation is very problematic after reading these: However maybe the situation has changed with Internet Explorer 8. If that is so, I'd expect this piece of code to work in IE8: $(selectObject).css("border", ...

How to display a relative-to-absolute date cross-browsers?

How can I manipulate dates so that they show up as "just now"... "5 mins ago"... "3 hours ago"... "June 22nd, 2010 at 1:45pm" in similar fashion to how SO displays the dates next to the answers/comments to each question? To further complicate matters, the dates stored in my database are in GMT time (which is fine), but I want them to a...

javascript:; vs javascript:void(0);

Hello, I would like to know what is the difference between javascript:; and javascript:void(0); if I use them in href attribure for a anchor (link) <a href="javascript:;" onclick="DoSomething();">Link</a> <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="DoSomething();">Link</a> I see them acting the same on all browsers but what is the technic...

Interview Questions for Javascript Problems

Hi, "What is the most difficult problem you faced in web designing (javascript or css related) and how did you debug and solved it?" This is the question asked to me in an interview. According to my experience I answered it but interviewer expected some more advanced answer from me. Could you pls share with me the problems which you fa...

Recommendations for Searchable Browser-based help files?

I'm going to need to start putting together some end-user documentation for my software I'm working on. I'm looking for a good HTML/Browser-based help file solution. I am NOT looking for the CHM solution. I'm looking for just a good hierarchical/structured HTML help documentation system that is viewable in the browser. Also, if its sear...

making to fit the browser screen with no scroll bars in all size screen monitors

i have a and web application ,and when i run the application in a big screen monitor it fits to the browser screen and there is no scroll bars, but when the application is opened in the small screen monitor it produces the display with scroll bars, i want to make it to fit the browser screen with no scroll bars ...

How do I make a JavaScript animation play at the same speed on all browsers on all systems?

I have a function that calculates the next frame in an animation of various objects moving in both X and Y axis [ I call it frameRender() ] and a function that applies that resulting frame to the objects [ I call that frameDisplay() ]. The objects don't just move from point A to B, they move constantly, always receiving new target coords...

How to get attributes of an XML element in a cross-browser fashion?

Hi. Internet Explorer has support for xml response parsing and lets you do element.xml.attributes.getNamedItem('myAttr') How can I do the same for an xml element in standards based browsers? The type of element is [object Element] ...

SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services: Reports are Compressed

I have a report that I am capable of viewing correctly in Internet Explorer (IE) with the help of Reports from SQL Server 2005 Report Server (SSRS). The problem is that the report is compressed to about 100px by 100px in Firefox and probably other browsers such as Safari and Chrome. Also, I am using IIS6. How can a report be rendered pr...

Which library should I use ?

I need to design an interface, where user can drag drop elements into page and design a web page. User will be restricted to add elements only to content area and elements which are added to content area also can be nested. For example, an image can be nested inside a paragraph. I have tried using jquery and was successful up to some e...

Mobile cross-browser web testing

When building websites I commonly use tools such as to ensure that my pages looks reasonably OK in the different browsers. I am however starting to get complaints about a heap of mobile browsers running on different portable devices. My question is simply how do one best carry out mobile cross-browser tests ? (an...

javascript not working in chrome/opera/IE but firefox is excellent!

I've got this code, working only in firefox. <script type="text/javascript"> function setVideo(url){ url = url.replace("watch?v=","v/","i"); var movie = document.getElementById('movie'); movie.setAttribute('src',url+"&hl=en&fs=1&"); var param = document.getElementById('paramm'); param.setAttr...

Code compatibility with browsers

How to check whether my code is compatible with all browsers or not? ...

WordPress Mystique theme is not getting displayed with IE and Lower Versions of FF and Chrome

Hi, I have installed Wordpress and activated Mystique theme.I simply love the design and functionality provided by the Mystique team. But the problem is when I try to view my site with IE or any of the little older versions of Firefox or Chrome the page is not getting displayed properly.My Site URL is :

how to make firefox cursor be based on line-height, rather than height of textbox

As shown in the picture above, if you have a textbox with padding, the initial cursor size at least on my Mac is the full specified height with padding. Of course, when you start typing, it goes back to normal text sizes (see that 'Password' watermark). Is there a way to make the initial cursor the right size, aside from simply resizi...

What is the difference between "All browser compatibility" and "Cross browser compatibility"?

What is the difference between "All browser compatible" and "Cross browser compatible"? What is the means "Cross" is it means different OS? Can we say for any site that it is cross browser compatible, if it's working fine on Desktop version of IE 7, 8 FF 3+ , Safari 3+? or cross browser means all latest and Ancient browser on all OS a...

Javascript/jQuery outerHeight()

Does $('#idOfLememt').outerHeight(); yield same result for all browsers? Any thing different for IE7? ...

Is it possible to create a CSS-only accordion?

I'm thinking about using an accordion in a "please enable Javascript" page, but I don't know if it's possible with CSS only. I'm almost sure it is for most browsers, but I'm also fearing I'll face some limitation of IE and I'd like to know if any of you tried this already (or not) and could tell me if it's either possible or impossible...