
WIX c# CustomAction, what am I doing wrong?

I'm using VS2010 and WIX 3.5. 1) I created WIX Setup Project. 2) Then I added to the solution C# custom action project and called it 'CustomActions' namespace CustomActions { public static class CustomActions { [CustomAction] public static ActionResult CustomAction1(Session session) { Debugger.Break()...

Install Driver using Executable

I am working on writing a WiX installer that needs to install a driver as a prerequisite. There is an executable that needs to be run that installs the driver on the PC. I don't want to install this executable on the host machine. There is both a x64 and x86 version and, depending on the platform, one or the other needs to be installe...

Custom action not binding to custom content type

I have created a custom content type and want to add a custom action to it but it is not working. I have tried editing the registrationid to the standard item content type id (0x01) and is works but not with my content type. Is it possible to add custom actions to custom content types??? ...

Setup Project CustomAction. How to access file

I created setup project. And then a custom actions managed code dll. Now, how can I access files in setup project or in merge module from inside of my custom actions library code? Thank you UPD: I guess there is no way to access to the files from inside of a custom action's code. So I'm thinking about embedding those files inside my d...

Issue with Custom Action to Start Program After Update. Installer Stays Open Until Program Exit

Thanks to StackOverflow I found out yesterday how to add a custom action to the Visual Studio Installer to start my program after an update. The problem I now face is that at the end of the installer the program does open but the installer never finishes until I exit my app. Is there a way to ensure the app starts only after the user cl...

Will this code create an EventLog at installation time?

Following the advice of Henk, I've created a Setup Project in VS10 with the aim of adding a custom action. This custom action will hopefully add an EventLog whilst running as admin (ie during installation) rather than having my app throw an exception on OSes with UAC. Unfortunately, I don't ordinarily have access to an OS that uses UAC....

Setup Project Custom Action in C++ "[TARGETDIR]"

I am trying to copy file into the setup target directory. I am using this: TCHAR destPath[ MAX_PATH ] = &L"[TARGETDIR]"; wcscat_s(destPath, L"[email protected]\\Capture.png"); CopyFile(L"C:\\Users\\waldek\\Desktop\\Capture.png", destPath, 0); if I use this: CopyFile(L"C:\\Users\\waldek\\Desktop\\Capture.png", L"C:\\Program Files (...

Setup project Window Handler in CustomActions class

I have a CustomInstaller class (System.Configuration.Install.Installer) and basically I'm opening a dialog form at Install method. I wonder if it's possible somehow to say that 'Parent' property of that form would be the setup process window? How can I do that? ...

Setup project custom actions. How to get the info that an app is already isntalled?

Well. I have a setup project with CustomActions library from where I open a WPF Form. I know this sounds crazy, but that's what it is. And Of course I removed all crappy Setup project dialogs at Start, Progress and at the End. Now. Installation goes alright. But. When I try to use my installation for the second time, It says... nothing...

How to interrupt installation from manage CustomActions code?

How can I SILENTLY, without any messages can interrupt an installation from its CustomActions dll written on c#? ...

How to reuse a Wix custom action?

I have been experimenting with Custom Actions in order to encrypt part of the App.Config file on installation (as per how-do-i-encrypt-app-config-file-sections-during-install-with-wix) I have the basic CA process working but I am missing something in my understanding of Wix/msi installations. My Wix configuration for the CA looks a bit...

How to prevent from Installer.Commit() from running?

I need to prevent of running Installer.Commit method in my CustomActions managed code. If I just do nothing inside overrided Commit method, it still commits (it creates an element in Programs and Features list) and I don't want that. If I say base.Commit(null) it stops, but popups an error. How can I do this silently without any message...

Combine Windows in Win-7 style

Is it possible to combine two dialogs on taskbar in windows 7 fashion, if one of them is an unmanaged window. For example - I have a setup project and CustomActions library written on managed code. I'm opening a form in my CustomInstaller class. I know it's sounds crazy, but I suppose there is a way to combine them together on the taskb...

MsiSetProperty from C# custom action

action1How do I set a MSI property from within a C# custom action, so far I have this but how do I get the handle? [DllImport("msi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] static extern int MsiSetProperty(IntPtr hInstall, string szName, string szValue); public void SetProperty(string propertyName, string propertyValue) { MsiSetProperty(ha...

Sharepoint 2007 - custom context menu for certain file types

Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me out with Sharepoint 2007. What I want to do is to add a custom menu item to a context menu (the menu that opens when you click a document or another item). Right now, the menu looks like this: picture I want to add an item, "Do stuff" for example, to this menu. Major problems: I wish thi...

InstallScript MSI Project - Custom Action as dialog result

Hi, I have an InstallShield - InstallScript MSI project and a custom action defined that calls a method from a dll. I can't seem to find a way of running this custom action as a dialog result, for example when the installation is finished and the user hits Finish button. Any suggestions are more than welcomed. Thanks. Edit I was not...

CustomAction succeeds on development computer, fails on deployment computer

I'm creating a WiX installer to install a program which connects to a database. To help with this, I've created a C dll which checks to see if a certain instance of SQL exists on a server: extern "C" UINT __stdcall DBConTest(MSIHANDLE hInstaller) { FILE *fp; fp = fopen("dbcontestdll.txt", "w"); _ConnectionPtr pCon; int iErrCode; HRE...

msi Installer to run twice

I have an program that gets installed via an msi. The msi was built using a VS2008 deployment project and has a custom action to run the program once the install is complete. Once the msi has been run, I can simply update the version number, generate a new product code and the msi can be run again on the same PC. However, what I wan...

MSI: Start service unless user choses to reboot machine

I am working on MSI installer which installs and starts the service. It may or may not replace files in use. When it does, there is a prompt to reboot machine at the end of install. Service runs lengthy initialization on the first startup, which is undesirable to interrupt by shutdown. What I am trying to do is to prevent service from s...

Wix C# Custom Action .Net 4 Error

I am trying to use my first custom action in Wix and I am receiving error 2896: Executing action CustomActionTest failed. I am using VS 2010, Wix 3.5, 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, .NET Framework 4 Here are what I think are the relevant sections: <Binary Id="JudgeEditionCA" SourceFile="..\JudgeEditionCA\bin\Debug\JudgeEdition.CA.dll" /> ...