
adding custom SOAP headers in MEX response for operation contract based WCF services

I'm having a problem consuming WCF service requiring custom SOAP headers for methods marked with [OperationContract] attributes. Custom headers cannot be explicitly declared in the service because interface methods are not based on [MessageContract]. As a result When svcutil.exe tries to build client proxies the resulting generated code ...

How to get Ribbon custom Tabs IDs?

Hi, I am working with a Custom Ribbon in Power Point, I need to iterate through all tabs and get the ID of them. The Ribbon contains Tabs added from different projects (C++, C#) as addins and I don't know their IDs. I am using VBA to handle the events fired from the Ribbon. How do I do to get the ID from all tabs in the Ribbon using VB...

Sharepoint custom web part property does not show up in the toolbox

I have defined a boolean property as follows: [Browsable(true), Category("Display"), DefaultValue(false), WebPartStorage(Storage.Shared), FriendlyName("Obey Workflow"), Description("")] public bool ObeyWorkflow { get; set; } I'm expecting it to render as a checkbox in the webpart's properties toolbox, however it doesn't show up...

Custom authorization in ASP.NET with child pages

I'm doing a custom authentication method that uses a light session object to hold a user's authorization details. Now I want each page (mainly child pages of masters) to be able to tell whether a user should have access to the page. Should I create a page class and derive the child pages from that? What's the best way for the applicat...

Writing Custom Roles Provider For Master Pages/No Machine.Config

I'd like to write a custom role provider for my application, which has existing users and roles tables. I'm looking for a reference on that, which: doesn't require machine.config changes (I see this a lot in custom role architectures), supports master pages that may be applied to child pages that require different rights. ...

How do I call Initialize on a custom MembershipProvider?

Hi There, I have read through all the related questions, but I still unable to get the right solution for some reason, something is not right on my side, but not sure what's causing it. I have created a Custom Membership Provider, also changed my web.config to : <membership defaultProvider="MyMemberShipProvider"> <providers> ...

Membership, MembershipProvider and MembershipUser relations in ASP.NET?

I store user data in a MSSQL table called Users. What I want to is to have accessible all user's data for actually logged user (email, address, phone, if the user is subscriber etc.). I don't want to use profiles so I decided to use custom MembershipProvider (or do you know some better, less painful way?). What I don't understand is Me...

Java Swing custom text JEditorPane

I have a list of Objects (the model) that are constantly appended to (similar to a log file) and I'd like to display as rich text in a JEditorPane (the view). How can I glue them together? doesn't seem to give enough information to use. ...

Calling my own event code and custom event code in c#

I have made a winforms application and in it i've implemented a custom richtextbox control. Now i'm refering it as a windows control (a dll file)in my project. In my program for the richtextbox i've written functionality inside it's textchanged event. Now i want to do some additional work which can happen only after the textchanged event...

COTS vs. Custom / Build vs. Buy: Decision Tree and Best Practices

Background: I work at a company with a large SAP investment, and we also have dozens of large .NET systems (mostly internally for engineering systems), and Java platforms (mostly for external web applications). As such, we have large development shops on ABAP, C#, and JEE. Question: In short, We need a better way to determine when Com...

Custom STL Containers

I have written code that allows one to traverse mapped data in the order it was entered. The solution I coded a couple of times was: Given a keytype, K, and and data type, D, std::map std::vector When one wanted to randomly find a data entry, use map.find(K). When one wanted to traverse the map in entry order, use std::vect...

Custom clipboard data format accross RDC (.NET)

Hi, I'm trying to copy a custom object from a RDC window into host (my local) machine. It fails. Here's the code that i'm using to 1) copy and 2) paste: 1) Remote (client running on Windows XP accessed via RDC): //copy entry IDataObject ido = new DataObject(); XmlSerializer x = new XmlSerializer(typ...

Custom Video Player in Flex

Hello, I have been developing a custom flash player in flex for use in a web site. I am running into a strange issue and was wondering if I could get some help. I use an hslider component for video navigation. The problem I am running into is when I drag the slider to another point in the video it is not precisely setting the video play ...

Custom ListViewItem

I must customize .NET ListView control. ListViewItem must have following structure: Is there any good tutorial which will help me to make this customization? I am using Visual Studio 2008, C#. ...

flex 3 order of component loading

Hi , i have a custom component (AS3 component) which i include in my main.mxml. The problem is that it takes a bout 2 seconds longer than the main page to load. It has a db call which casues the delay. how can i fix this so that my custom component is loaded and displayed at the same time as my main.mxml file this is my component incl...

How to Stretch WPF Tab Item Headers to Parent Control Width

Is there a way, in XAML, to cause the tab item headers to stretch across the width of the tab control. For example, I have three tabs, red, blue and green. I have a tab control with it's width set to auto, the tab headers will only fill up part of the space above the tab content, I want them to fill up all the space. I have an idea how...

SharePoint branding of error pages

How do we customize the error pages for the following in SharePoint: Bad request 400 Unauthorized 401 Forbidden 403 Not found 404 (Solved through SharePoint 404) Internal Error 500 Not implemented 501 Service not available 503 While I know how to customize the 404 page, how and what is the best way...

Edit .doc in Word via custom Document Library DispForm.aspx

Hi! I have a document library with a workflow that dynamicly sets user permissions to edit these documents when certain criteria is met. The users who need to edit these items are not the brightest users, so to make it failsafe and simple for them I am customizing the DispForm.aspx to only show 2 fields in the Document Library. "Docu...

Browsable picture field in wss3.0

Hello all, I want to have Browsable picture field. any solution to have Browsable picture field in wss3.0?? I have found some links related but they are for MOSS 2007 any for wss3.0??? Need help Thanks ...

Can I write my own mySQL functions to use in mySQL queries?

Can I write a custom function that I can call when making mySQL queries eg. My database table has fields 'filetype' and 'filename'. I want to perform a function on filename before returning the result. $query = "SELECT filetype, MY_FUNCTION(filename) FROM table.."; $result = mysql_query($query); return $result SO $result now has the ...