
is there anyway to remove the Search bar and footer in the jquery datatable plugin

i am using this but i want to remove the search bar and footer (showning) how many rows there are visible. I basically just want to use this plugin for sorting. ...

alternative backcolor broken after sorting using jquery datatable plugin

i am using the jquery datatable plugin. i have the following code that sets up alternative backcolor on an html table. $('#dependenciesTabletr:odd td').addClass('odd'); $('#dependenciesTabletr:even td').addClass('even'); $('#dependenciesTable').dataTable({ "bPaginate": false, "aaSorting": [[2, "desc"]], "bJQueryUI": false, ...

Seeing named datacolumns in Visual Studio debugger?

When I'm debugging a datatable, say in the watch window, I'll often choose the Rows property, and then a particular index-- 0 or 1, often times. When I do that, I see an ItemArray list with numeric indexing, representing the columns for the row. But the columns have names, and I'd like to see them. So instead of myTable.Rows[0][6] ....

using jquery datatable plugin, does fnAddAdd() add rows to the top or bottom of a html tabld

i have tested this and the reason i asked the question is that it seems to be doing different things for different tables. i couldn't find any documentation on if this is configurable or not. I would have thought it would do the bottom but i have a few examples where i see it adding rows at the top or even in the middle sometimes. it ...

is there anyway to get the current record count in a html table thats using jquery datatable plugin

i tried using this: var rowCount = $('#locationsTable tbody tr').length - 1; but the one issue is that you can't tell if there is 1 record in the table or 0 records because, when there are 0 records, jquery datatable plugin shows one extra tr row that says "No records matched" is there a better way to get actual valid row/record cou...

Silverlight - sharing data between pages

I'm trying to develop my first Silverlight navigation application. This application has 2 main pages, "Data", and "Analysis". The Data page is where the user can load in a csv file into a custom datatable object :-), whilst the Analysis page is where the user can analyse the datatable. How do I expose/share the datatable on the Data pa...

DataTable does not support schema inference from Xml.?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <PHP_Adapter> <Adapter> <ID>11</ID> <Provider>22</Provider> <Connectstring>33</Connectstring> </Adapter> </PHP_Adapter> This my Xml file what wrong? bool CheckAdapterExist(string aid) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.ReadXml(axml); MessageBox.Sh...

update the filter bar after calling fnFilter when using the datatable jquery plugin

when using the jquery datatable plugin when you call fnFilter in the datatables plugin, it filters the table but doesn't actually put the value you set in the filter bar. Is there anyway to stick the value you programatically set into the filter bar. ...

Is it possible to insert DataRow into a DataTable at index 0?

This question answers how to insert a DataColumn at position 0. Is there a way to do the same thing with a DataRow? Or is that impossible? Thanks. ...

Problem while nesting DataTable

Hello. I am trying to achieve nesting in DataTable, i.e. a column of DataTable is a DataTable. My code is something like this: DataTable table = new DataTable(); DataColumn column = new DataColumn("Qualifications", System.Type.GetType("System.Data.DataTable")); table.Columns.Add(column); I am getting a runtime error message at li...

custom extension methods collide with framework extension methods. Why?

Hi, I have a strange behavior in our application. I want to iterate over the rows of a table (DataTable). I wanted to use the AsEnumerable() extension method from DataTableExtensions class. Sonmething like: foreach(var thing in table.AsEnumerable()) { ... } When it compiles, it complains that I need to reference some ESRI DLLs (GIS a...

How do I do a Client side sort of a DataTable using LINQ

How do I sort a DataTable on the client side using LINQ? (Server side sorting is not supported with my data store) I was doing something like this which doesn't work IEnumerable<DataRow> dr = GetDataTableData().AsEnumerable(); if (sortDirection == "Ascending") { dr = dr.Or...

Checkbox in Datagridview cannot be changed.

I've created a Datagridview bound to a Datatable. This Datatable is updated by a event to reflect statistical information as it changes (sub second resolution). I have a checkbox to determine if a row is available for other functions and can be toggled on and off normally if my eventhandler is not receiving my updates. If my bound Datat...

please help me to show image in gridView when image source is defined in datatable

i have got a datatable in witch i have got image url. i dont want to create a tamplet column. i just want to assign my datatable as datasource of gridview and it should show image in its field like: dim dt as new datatable dr = dt.NewRow dr("HotelName") = "citypalace" dr("image") ="<img src='" & "" & "'/>" 'but t...

please tell me how to convert xml file to datatable

i am using following code to convert xml file to datatable but its just creating multiple tables (but without data) and i want tables with data.. Dim myDS As New DataSet Dim xmlStream As System.IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(Server.MapPath("~\xmldoc\result_availhotel.xml")) myDS.ReadXmlSchema(xmlStream) Respons...

Datatable select with multiple conditions

Hi I have a datatable with 4 columns A, B, C and D such that a particular combination of values for column A, B and C is unique in the datatable. Objective: To find the value of column D, for a given combination of values for column A, B and C. I guess looping over the set of data rows should do it. Is there a way to use Datatable.Sel...

How do I place an error message in the corresponding row of a JSF DataTable?

Say I have a editable datatable, with a custom converter that throws an exception if the edited field is somehow wrong, how would I display the error message in the corresponding row of the datatable? here's some code, as simple as I can make it. <h:messages /> <h:datatable> <h:column> <h:inputText value="#{}">...

binding datatable to grid view

Hi, I have the following code Imports System.Data Partial Class Students_AddWishes Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Public dt As New DataTable Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load dt.Columns.Add("ID", System.Type.GetType("System.Int32")) dt.Columns.Add("univirsity", S...

Compare DataRow collection to List<T>

I have a List<string> and I have a DataTable. One of the columns in a DataRow is ID. The List holds instances of this ID. The DataTable gets populated on a Timer. I want to return items from the List that are not in the DataTable into another list. ...

YUI DataTable sort number with link

I have columns that are basically <td><a href="somewhere">399.99</a> If I set parser:"number" on the column, I get a blank column, but if I don't, the sorting is not a numeric sort. Is there a better parser that can handle links around the number? The code is for ...