
how to reset rows to newly added column with its default value

I have created an application that shows data in data table. it also provide user interface for adding new column to a data table with its default value. But problem is, It showing newly created column in data table but default value is not coming. I have to populate data table again to do this which reduces my app performance. So, how ...

How to get Complete list of available Datasets in a Project (VS)

I want to get a list of all available datasets (that I'd creat in my project) After that I want to select a Dataet from the list and get The list of Available DataTable included in that Dataset. Finally I should b able to check all Data Tables Fields How To Do This ? Note that I know VS already has a dataset Panel but that...

Large JSF dataTable backed by database that can handle paging/sorting

If have a large amount tabular data that I'm trying to display in a JSF datatable. Are there any any implementations or components out there that can handle database paging and sorting? I currently have to pull all the rows in the table back and handle paging and sorting client side in JSF. Unfortunately this is not very performant and ...

Is there any addin for VisualStudio debugging to see DataTable content in a nice way?

Hi, Do you know if there is any add-in for Visual Studio, that shows the content of any DataTable in a nice way when I hover on the relevant variable in Debugging? ...

select rows from dataTable - Issue with the values which have singlequote

Hi, I have a .net datatable...from which I am filtering rows using datatable' select function Assume the datatable as below Id | Name | Description | 1 | Anish| "sachin's centuary" | If I search my datatable as..."Description = 'sachin's centuary'") is not returning any rows because of the "sin...

How do you add rows to a jQuery dataTable with hidden columns?

I'm using the jQuery dataTables plugin to upgrade HTML tables. The 1st column of the dataTable contains the row's primary key and is hidden. The only way I could succesfully accomplish this was to add either the CSS style "display: none;" or "visibility: collapsed;" When the table is upgraded to a dataTable, the "aoColumns" for the 1st...

Create combined DataTable from two DataTables joined with LINQ. C#

I have the following code that fills dataTable1 and dataTable2 with two simple SQL queries, dataTableSqlJoined is filled from the same tables but joined together. I'm trying to write a LINQ query that can create the dataTableLinqJoined as if it had been created using SQL. In my example below, it only returns the values from dataTable1. ...

I would like to reuse the ObjectDataSource. How can i?

I mean I have a gridview in aspx. Then I have the ObjectDataSource. It's binding, it looks all right. Got paging allow = true also. I don't want to go again to the database for the same datatable (ObjectDataSource's Selectmethod), so I'd like to do something like: DataTable dt = ObjectDataSource.GetOriginalDataTableLoadedFrom(); Atr...

C# LINQ Joining And where statement not working

I am trying to have the collection of order IDs be used in my where statement how come i can't get this to work? List<int> orders = new List<int>(){1,2,3,4,5}; DataTable dtTable1 = getOrders(); DataTable dtTable2 = getOrderDetails(); var results = from a in dtTable1.AsEnumerable() join b in dtTable2.AsEnumerable() on a....

C# SQL Statement transformed TO LINQ how can i translate this statement to a working linq

I am having trouble with this I have 3 Data tables i use over and over again which are cached I would like to write a LINQ statement which would do the following is this possible? T-SQL VERSION: SELECT P.[CID],P.[AID] ,B.[AID], B.[Data], B.[Status], B.[Language] FROM MY_TABLE_1 P JOIN ( SELECT A.[AID], A.[Data], A.[Status], A....

How to Filter out null rows from DataTable with linq??

Hi, I have a Datable that I have built from excel data, but sometimes excel returns rows in which all the fields are null. I'd like to filter these out generically without regard for column names. I think Linq would do this nicely but having a bit of trouble getting this to happen. So far this is what I got: var nonemptyrows = from...

How to get all rows but specifc columns from a DataTable?

Currently i am having some problems with getting some data out of a DataTable by selecting all rows, but only some columns. To be a little more descriptive here is a little example: Sample Data | ID | FirstName | LastName | Age | +----+-----------+----------+-----+ | 1 | Alice | Wannabe | 22 | | 2 | Bob | Consumer | 27 ...

Getting value from field in DataTable when column name has spaces

I have tried: ObjDTOleDBNFeIntegra.Rows(I)("[Cnpj Cpf]").ToString() //with brackets ObjDTOleDBNFeIntegra.Rows(I)("'Cnpj Cpf'").ToString() //with apostrophe ObjDTOleDBNFeIntegra.Rows(I)("Cnpj Cpf").ToString() //without anything I'm using VB.NET, but comments with apostrophes in here don't seem to be identified. And I get the exc...

How to achieve multiple grids like the SQL server Results pane

Hi guys ! I'm having problems with my project once again :( The front end is C# I need to support multiline querying like MS SQL server and when these queries are executed, naturally there are going to be multiple result sets. Getting the datatables respective to the results is not a problem, but how do i make it appear like its ...

How to make datatable headers span a number of columns

I have a simple JSF datatable, which currently has four columns, one header row and (with current data) three data rows. I have to add three extra columns; that part's easy. I also want to add another header row before the existing header row with headers that span a subset of the columns. The desired result is something like: Column 1...

dynamic richfaces dataTable, ajax4jsf, and reRendering

I have a rich dataTable that's defined inside of an a4j:outputPanel, and that's bound to a session-scoped backing bean that creates the HtmlDataTable. By itself, that part of my code is working fine, and the dataTable looks good. On another part of the page, there are some basic text links that I'm creating as a4j:commandLinks, and whe...

Filtering by date with DataTable.RowFilter while ignoring time

How do I filter for records on a DataTable which are on a certain date? I've tried plain [datecol] = #11 March 2010# and CONVERT([datecol],'System.DateTime') = #11 March 2010#. With no luck. MSDN: RowFilter Expression Syntax Solution [datecol] >= #11 March 2010 00:00# AND [datecol] <= #11 March 2010 23:59:59# ...

JQuery Datatable filter css

Hey guys, I have a really dumb question if you don't mind me to ask :( the thing is that I would like to customise the filter in my datatable to the search field similar to stackoverflow's but i've been struggling so much recently so not sure if i can do it. my datatable looks like the one from the example in the link below: link text...

How to select min and max values of a column in a datatable?

For the following datatable column, what is the fastest way to get the min and max values? AccountLevel 0 1 2 3 ...

Updating Cells in a DataTable

I'm writing a small app to do a little processing on some cells in a CSV file I have. I've figured out how to read and write CSV files with a library I found online, but I'm having trouble: the library parses CSV files into a DataTable, but, when I try to change a cell of the table, it isn't saving the change in the table! Below is the ...