
Use jQuery's dataTable plugin with a nested Ajax call

I am trying to use a nested ajax call to populate a table, and once the table is built, use jQuery's dataTable plugin to pretty it up. The problem I am running into is an order of operations question. When do I call the dataTable function so that I can be assured that the table is built AFTER the values are populated? When I try the f...

Adding action in component in CakePHP

Hi, I'm trying to create a CakePHP component for JQuery datatables in server-side mode. I've got the datatable working but I want to componentize it so I can reuse it in multiple controllers. When I include my new component in a controller I want it to create a new action on that controller called tabledata to handle the XHR queries f...

Datatable and Datagridview.

I have datatable table like id name address phoneno 1 abc kfjskl 798798 2 bcd kjdsfl 808909 3 899009 fjsh kjllkjl 5 jfkd And I am displaying this value in the datagridview by code dataGridView1.ColumnCount = Table.Columns.Count; dataGridView1.RowCount = Table.Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView1.Ro...

How to travel into an ArrayOfXelement ?

Hi everyone, I get an ArrayOfXelement for a result by a webservice. But now I wish to bind this data into a chart in Silverlight also I need to create a datatable. My question is how to travel my ArrayOfXelement ? Any ideas ? Linq to XML ? Regards. Narglix ...

Refresh Excel ListObject from a Commandline appliaction

Hello, I'm trying to update the information of a listObject hosted in a Workbook created by an Excel Addin (example Code1) with an commandline application. I've tried creating an instance of Excel and accessing at all the listObjects but GetVstoObject always returns null objects. I think is a security problem, but I don't know how to r...

field<t> invalid cast

I'm having problems when using linq on a datatable.asenumerable(). This throws InvalidCastException. DateTime date=r.Field<DateTime>("date"); This works fine. DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(r.Field<string>("date")); What am I missing? Regards Sven ...

ICollectionView.SortDescriptions sort does not work if underlying DataTable has zero rows

We have a WPF app that has a DataGrid inside a ListView. private DataTable table_; We do a bunch or dynamic column generation ( depending on the report we are showing ) We then do the a query and fill the DataTable row by row, this query may or may not have data.( not the problem, an empty grid is expected ) We set the ListView's It...

Storing the records in csv file from datatable.

I have datatable and I am displaying those values in the datagridview with the helping of code : dataGridView1.ColumnCount = TableWithOnlyFixedColumns.Columns.Count; dataGridView1.RowCount = TableWithOnlyFixedColumns.Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView1.RowCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < dataGridView1.Colum...

Can I configure a strongly typed data set to use nullable values?

If I have a strongly typed data table with a column for values of type Int32, and this column allows nulls, then I'll get an exception if I do this for a row where the value is null: int value = row.CustomValue; Instead I need to do this: if (!row.IsCustomValueNull()) { int value = row.CustomValue; // do something with this v...

inserting a datatable to the database in c#

i have filled a datatable with rows. now i need to insert the rows of the datatable to a table in my database. how can i do this? et la 2ayre mahadan yridd!! ...

Strange DataTable behaviour

There´s a strange behaviour in my code which I can´t explain... I have worked arround it but I´d like to know the reason of this behaviour. My Code: If dataset.Tables.Count > 0 Then Dim rows() As DataRow = dataset.Tables(0).Select("FileID = " + fileid.ToString) For Each row As DataRow In rows... the one and on...

Synchronization of datagridview and datatable.

I am sorting datatable datewise like TableWithOnlyFixedColumns.DefaultView.Sort = "TradingDate asc"; then assign this datatable to datagridview to display the sorted records like. datagridView1.DataSource =TableWithOnlyFixedColumns.DefaultView; But the problem is when datatable is updated means is changed then according to datatabl...

C# datatable to listview

I like to be able to view datatable in windows form I managed to get the headers only with ListView how to get the data in there DataTable data = new DataTable(); data = EnumServices(); //create headers foreach (DataColumn column in data.Columns) { listView_Services.Columns.Add(column.ColumnName); } I just want to sho...

Synchronize datatable/dataview for read write

Hi All, I have application in .net 2.0 in which I have a DataTable object globally in my application and have different dataviews in whole application. When an action performed i have create many threads lets say 5 in which data is read from different dataview, meanwhile while 2/3 threads are reading data(not all 2 more left to read da...

Modify values on-the-fly during SqlAdapter.Fill( )

What would the proper way be to modify values on the fly as they are loaded into a DataTable by SqlAdapter.Fill()? I have globalized my application's log messages. An integer indicating the event type and serialized data relevant to the event is stored in the database as show below. When I display the logged events through a DataGridVie...

How to make totals of the datatable cells and construct a new column in that datatable ?

There are three columns in the datatable Amount Commission Others 1000 200 100 2000 100 200 Now I want to build another column based on these three columns name totalAmount that is the sum of these three columns like the column will be totalAmount 1300 2300 I got the records of the three columns Amount,Commission...

VB.Net Linq Datatable Exists

I would like to use Linq instead of below function : Friend Function IsCollectionInTable2(ByVal apps As DataTable, ByVal collectionId As String) As Boolean For Each row As DataRow In apps.Rows If row("CollectionId").ToString = collectionId Then Return True Next Return False End Function The best I can do is below: ...

Page expired issue with back button and wicket SortableDataProvider and DataTable

Hi, I've got an issue with SortableDataProvider and DataTable in wicket. I've defined my DataTable as such: IColumn<Column>[] columns = new IColumn[9]; //column values are mapped to the private attributes listed in columns[0] = new PropertyColumn<Column>(new Model<String>("#"), "columnPosition", "columnPosition"); ...

How do you change the style of cell in a JQuery.DataTable?

Hello fellow coders, I have a question about setting the style attributes for a data cell in the jQuery.DataTable. I was able to set the width for each column when initializing the dataTable using the following: oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { "aoColumns" : [ { sWidth: '40%' }, { sWidth: '60%' } ] } ); ...

How to make addition of two columns data for another column where those two columns are type of string ?

I have datatable and there two column which is type of string and I want to make addition of that two columns data for another column how can I do that ? My column name contains special character and I have used "[" "]" to escaping special character and my columns are type of decimal I am doing TableExtractedFromFile.Columns[TOT BRO...