
.NET: Which strategy is better for populating a gridview? using a Data Table and bind it or using a data reader?

hi ASP.NET: Which strategy is better for populating a gridview? filling a Data Table and bind it or using a data reader ? Which one has a better performance? ...

How to get row by one column faster in C#?

I have a DataTable with column Value and column Name that has 30000 rows. Now i would like to get very fast Name from row that Value has specified. How to do this fast? I have like 40000 requests with various Values to this table. I'm interested in solution in C# and not on the database side. ...

Add columns to a datatable in c#?

I have a csv reader class that reads a .csv file and its values.... I have created datatable out of it... Consider my Datatable contains three header columns Name,EmailId,PhoneNo.... The values have been added successfully.... Now i want to add two columns IsDeleted,CreatedDate to this datatable... I have tried this but it doesn't seem t...

Flex actionscript datatable column names are encoded - how to decode?

Hi, I am returning a .NET datatable to Flex Actionscript via a web service. Once I have the datatable then I want to grab the column names. The following code outputs my column names: for each (var tcolumn:Object in datatable.Columns){ trace('Column:'+tcolumn); } This works ok, but the column names are somehow encoded, so a colum...

Is it possible to remove a duplicate value from a datatable in c#?

I have a datatable with a column MobileNo.... My datatable has 150 rows and each row has MobileNo... Now how to check every MobileNo is unique by parsing all the datarows of the datatable in c#? EDIT: "This datatable is being created by reading a CSV file" ...

DataTable.Select Behaves Strangely Using ISNULL Operator on NULL DateTime Column

I have a DataTable with a DateTime column, "DateCol", that can be DBNull. The DataTable has one row in it with a NULL value in this column. I am trying to query rows that have either DBNull value in this column or a date that is greater than today's date. Today's date is 5/11/2010. I built a query to select the rows I want, but it di...

SQL ORACLE - Datatable in where clause

Currently I have a sql call returning a dataset from a MSSQL database and I want to take a column from that data and return ID's based off that column from the ORACLE database. I can do this one at a time but that requires multiple calls, I am wondering if this can be done with one call. String sql=String.Format(@"Select DIST_NO FRO...

Conditionally display row using JSF Datatable

I have some JSF code that currently works (as shown below), and I need to modify it to conditionally suppress the display of certain rows of the table. I know how to conditionally suppress the display of a particular cell, but that seems to create an empty cell, while what I'm trying to do is to not display the row at all. Any suggesti...

DataView.RowFilter Vs DataTable.Select() vs DataTable.Rows.Find()

Considering the code below: Dataview someView = new DataView(sometable) someView.RowFilter = someFilter; if(someView.count > 0) { …. } Quite a number of articles which say Datatable.Select() is better than using DataViews, but these are prior to VS2008. Solved: The Mystery of DataView's Poor Performance with Large Recordsets Array...

VS.NET 2008 - Stop Giving me a Table Adapter.......

I'm trying to see if there is a way to stop VS.NET 2008 from doing something which is very annoying to me and our particular standards of coding. When you create a blank dataset and then drag over from the server a table (or tables), VS.NET automatically creates a table adapter for that table, puts the connection information into the X...

Sending a DataTable's content in an html email, what is the preferred way to generate HTML from a DataTable?

Sending a DataTable's content in an html email, what is the preferred way to generate HTML from a DataTable? ...

how to get rows created with DataTable.NewRow() in C# / ADO.NET 2.0?

Now I use Select and use a criteria which select only new rows. But is there any kind of GetInsertedRows-method. If I remember correctly there is status for each row so naturally one can loop through them all but that's not elegant. -Cheers -Matti ...

C#: Using one Data Table in order to fill 2 different comboboxes?

Hi all. I have 2 comboboxes on a form (form1) called combobox1 and combobox2. Each comboboxes should be filled with data stored in 2 different tables in Sql server 2005: table1 and table2 I mean: combobox1 --> table1 combobox2 --> table2 I fill data table with proper data and then bind the comboboxes to it separately. My pr...

JQuery Datatable Question: Centering column data after data insertion

I have a data table that is initially empty and is populated after a particular Javascript call. After the data is inserted into the table, I'd like to center all of the data in one of the columns. I tried specifying this at the initialization step in this way: dTable = $('#dt').datatable({ 'aoColumns': [ null, null, { "sClass" : "cente...

Converting a C# DataTable instance to xml that contains HTML or binary data

Hmmmm ... Although it works in most cases, one column has html data in it. It seems that doing this ... StringBuilder xmltarget = new StringBuilder(); XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(xmltarget); tableData.WriteXml(xmlWriter); ... doesn't identify where this html or binary data exists and wrap the data in cdata tags as...

C# Same DataSource + Multiple DataGridViews = Data Binding Issues?

Here's what I'm doing: I have (2) DataGridView controls DGV #1 is bound to the DataSet, DGV #2 is bound to a DataView of the SAME DataSet Now, what I'm needing to accomplish here is this: When a user checks a boolean column on the original DGV, the second DGV should now display the newly checked row also. The context is that the fir...

npoi export from datatable

I have an website that will generate some excel files with 7-8 sheets of data. The best solution so far seems to be NPOI, this can create excel files without installing excel on the server, and has a nice API simillar to the excel interop. However i can't find a way to dump an entire datatable in excel similar to CopyFromRecords...

JSF session issue

I have got a situation where I have list of records say 10,000, I am using datatable and I am using paging,(10 records per display). I wanted to put put that list in the session as: facesContext........put("mylist", mylist); And in the getters of the mylist, I have public List<MyClass> getMyList() { if(mylist== null){ my...

Combine multiple dataset columns to one dataset

I have multiple datasets that I would like to combine into one. There is a common ID field that can be associated to each row. Calling Merge on the dataset will add additional rows to the dataset, but I would like to combine the additional columns. There are too many fields to do this in one query and therefore would make it unmanagea...

Create Custom values for the cells in the YUI datable or gui: dataTable

Hi i would like to know how to create custom values for the dataTable. For example I want to do some calculations for the values that will be placed in the dataTable. But what happens is that I get an error: ERROR errors.GrailsExceptionResolver - Executing action [dataTableJSON] of controller [com.MeetingController] caused exception: ...