
datatable works in winform but not ASP.NET

I have created a class that returns a datatable, when I use the class in a c# winform the dataGridView is populated correctly using the following code DataTable dt = dbLib.GetData(); if (dt != null) { dataGridView1.DataSource = dbLib.GetData(); } However when I try the same thing with ASP.NET I get a Objec...

How to Commit Cell Edit Upon Leaving Cell

I'm using a matrix DataTable bound to a DataGrid. Cell edits aren't committed to the DataTable until a different row is clicked. How can I commit changes when any cell gets focus? ...

C#/DataSet: Create and bind a custom column/property in a DataSet`s DataTable in the XXXDataSet.cs

Hello, I have a DataSet with a DataTable having the columns Number and Description. I do not want to bind both properties to a BindingSource bound again to 2 controls. What I want is a 3rd column in the DataTable called NumberDescription which is a composition of Number and Description. This property is bound only to 1 control/Bindi...

What is it about DataTable Column Names with dots that makes them unsuitable for WPF's DataGrid control?

Run this, and be confused: <Window x:Class="Fucking_Data_Grids.MainWindow" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525"> <StackPanel> <DataGrid Name="r1" ItemsS...

How to handle this string in json?

I am storing a multiline textbox value in my db table... When i converted this value to json it gives me an error Error: unterminated string literal... My sample data was , I am fetching the row to my datatable and then converting it to json, public string GetJSONString(DataTable table) { StringBuilder headStrBuilder = ...

jquery datatable.min.js sorting issue?

In my project, i am using the jquery pagination of jquery.dataTables.min.js. In that when i use ascending or descending in query, it will not displayed properly. The problem is result can be shown in form of : Sl. No. 1 10 11 12 13 | | | 19 2 3 4 5 like this, But i need the result Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 | | 9 10 11 12 13 This is beca...

What data structure would be the least painful DataTable replacement?

I'm storing a lot of sorted ~10 row 2 column/key value pairs in ASP.NET cache-- they're the data for dropdownlists. Right now they are all DataTables, which isn't very space efficient (the rule of thumb is 10x increase in size when data is strored in a dataset). Old Code DataTable table = dataAccess.GetDataTable(); dropDownList.Data...

DataTable with dynamic columns

I am completely new to JSF, and just attempting a proof of concept to decide whether it will be useful for a project. My POC simply consists of a single page, with a table, containing some data. The number of columns (as well as the number of rows) is dynamic, loaded from a database before the page is rendered. With the following, I ge...

Binding DataTable To GridView, But No Rows In GridViewRowCollection Despite GridView Population?

Problem: I've coded a GridView in the markup in a page. I have coded a DataTable in the code-behind that takes data from a collection of custom objects. I then bind that DataTable to the GridView. (Specific problem mentioned a couple code-snippets below.) GridView Markup: <asp:GridView ID="gvCart" runat="server" CssClass="pList" AutoGe...

DataAdapter SelectCommand that excludes current DataTable rows

Is there a clean method of creating a DataAdapter SelectCommand to select rows from the database that are not already present in the DataTable? I am calling DataAdapter.Fill(DataTable) and only want to have new rows inserted into the DataTable. ...

C# ASP.NET Update database with datatable

Scenario: I'm just trying to update my database with the changes made by the user to their information. Here is my code: SqlCommandBuilder cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(da); dt.Rows[0][2] = txtname.Text; dt.Rows[0][3] = txtinterests.Text; dt.Rows[0][4] = txtlocation.Text; da.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(sqlcommand, conn); da.Update(dt)...

Is there a better way to do it : Joins on different Datatables ?

I want to perform a JOIN on two Datatables in a Dataset. For example, I am working on the AdventureWorks database. I need data from the tables [Person].[Address] and [Person].[StateProvince] and once the data is in the corresponding Datatables, I have to perform a JOIN on StateProvinceID column. Data Structure - Address {Address,A_Stat...

Column $ is not defined Jquery

hello, i have jsp and i use datatable (jquery). When i load my page in the console i have this message Column 3 is not defined How can I remove this message? It is an error ..? Thx.. ;) edit: Script HTML <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#clientDatatable').dataTable( { ...

How to find offending column? Can't Convert from string to int32

Hi I am using SqlBulkCopy. So I made a datatable and specifed it's columns then added rows to the datatable and then try to insert it. System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled by user code Message=The given value of type String from the data source cannot be converted to type int of the specified target I keep gett...

How to convert datatable to json string using

How to convert datatable to json using Any suggestion... I ve downloaded the necessary binaries... Which class should i use to get the conversion of my datatable to json? Thus far used this method to get json string by passing my datatable... public string GetJSONString(DataTable table) { StringBuilder headStrBuild...

Design advice. Using DataTable or List<MyObject> for a generic rule checker

Hi, I have about 100,000 lines of generic data. Columns/Properties of this data are user definable and are of the usual data types (string, int, double, date). There will be about 50 columns/properties. I have 2 needs: To be able to calculate new columns/properties using an expression e.g. Column3 = Column1 * Column2. Ultimately I woul...

Populate DataGridViewComboBoxColumn runtime

Hi all! I have this problem: I have a datagridview that reads the data from a db and I wish, for an integer column use a combobox to choose some values... I modified the column using DataGridViewComboBoxColumn type and after, on the init of the form this: DataTable dt = new DataTable("dtControlType"); dt.Columns.Add("f_Id"); dt.Columns....

jQuery table sorter with combined rows

Sorry for this title, I didn't know how to describe it better. I have the following table: <tr class="row-vm"> <td>...</td> <td>...</td> ... </tr> <tr class="row-details"> <td colspan="8"> <div class="vmdetail-left"> ... </div> <div class="vmdetail-right"> ... </div> <...

SubSonic 2.x now supports TVP's - SqlDbType.Structure / DataTables for SQL Server 2008

For those interested, I have now modified the SubSonic 2.x code to recognize and support DataTable parameter types. You can read more about SQL Server 2008 features here:

How to remove a string from Dictionary<>

i have used dictionary to collect the array of values i have value in DataTable . How to compare the values get from DataTable, whether dictionary key contains the name in DataTable. if DataTable has not that value,then remove that key name from dictionary. My code: DataTable dtcolumnsname = clsServiceManager.Instnce.Get_ColumnNames(...