
How to display and edit hyperlinks in DBGrid in Delphi 7?

I use DBGrid to display Hyperlink type field from Microsoft Access database (MDB). Normally dbgrid displays hyperlink values like "(MEMO)", without editing capablity. Is there a way to solve this? ...

how can i create dbgrid with composite columns?

how can i create dbgrid with composite columns, example :dbgrid header | name | | first | last | ...

Delphi 2010 Calcualted Column In DBGrid

I have a Delphi 2010 ADO program that has a DBGrid. Its dataset selects from an Access query. The query has a column defined as, CStr(Amount*UnitCount)+" "+Unit. The query works fine in Access. But the DBgrid refuses to show the values for this column ...

How to get dataset to populate data into dbgrid in Delphi 6?

I have created a DBGrid in Delphi 6 and tied it to a DataSource contained in a DataModule. The Dataset for that source in also located in the same module. In the OnShow event for the form, I activate the dataset and set a label equal to the rowcount for the dataset. This shows several hundred rows but nothing shows in the dbgrid. If ...

Delphi - restore actual row in DBGrid

Hi! D6 prof. Formerly we used DBISAM and DBISAMTable. That handle the RecNo, and it is working good with modifications (Delete, edit, etc). Now we replaced with ElevateDB, that don't handle RecNo, and many times we use Queries, not Tables. Query must reopen to see the modifications. But if we Reopen the Query, we need to repositioni...

Delphi - Update field in a dbGrid while selection is on another row

Hi, I got a dbGrid with X rows. I want to update a field-value in the second row with a timer (for example, show a countdown). Thats no problem, but I want to be able to change the selected row and keep updating the second row. When the selection changes in the grid, the current record of the connected dataset changes as well, and that...

How to determine value of DbGrid cell during OnMouseMove event

I have OnMouseMove event, during which I want to find a value of certain cell (not neccesarily the one under the mouse). Basically the question is: How to access cell data using its x and y coordinates without selecting it, changing focus etc? ...

Delphi DBGrid Format Display Values

Hi I need to format values in a DBGrid to display in a certain format ex '#,##0.00'. Any idea how to do that? Regards, Pieter ...

Delphi - Using DBGrid to select rows from a search

I have searched a database using a query. The results of the search are displayed in a DBGrid component for the user to select the row s/he wishes to proceed with. DBGrid always sets the record pointer to the first record in the results set, so a row is always "selected" by default. I need to change this behaviour to no row being...