
MYSQL: using des decrypt function with lower

Hey, I have encrypted user data in my database using des_encrypt, now when i specify a particular statement as below: SELECT LOWER( DES_DECRYPT( forename, 'ENCRYPT STRING' ) ) FROM Users All the results are NOT returned in lowercase, anybody know what i am doing wrong? or perhaps how another way to do it? p.s ENCRYPT STRING is a r...

How to encrypt data in javascript and decrypt in php?

Is there any javascript function that can encrypt data: For example i want to use encrypted data in my URL passed by ajax GET request, where TDjsavbuydksabjcbhgy an encrypted data equivalent to 12345. Now i want to retrieve that data in PHP by decrypting it, so that i can use the 12345. I...

encrypt- decrypt with AES using C/C++

Hi! How can I encrypt decrypt a file with a 256 key AES in c or c++? Which library do you suggest? Thank you! ...

PGP Command Line Decryption --- How to decrypt file?

I was sent a public key in order to decrypt a pgp-encrypted file as well as a passphrase. I imported the key with: gpg --import publickey.asc And verified it with gpg --list-keys Now, I'm trying to decrypt the file. I put the passphrase in a file called pass.txt and ran this at the command line: gpg -d encryptedfile.txt.pgp --o...

Shell script to decrypt and move files from one directory to another?

So, I have a directory, and in it are several files. I'm trying to decrypt those files and then move them to another directory. I can't seem to figure out how to set the output filename and move it. So, the directory structure looks like this: /Applications/MAMP/bin/ /Applications/MAMP/bin/passtext.txt /Applications/...

C# HMAC Implementation Problem

I want my application to encrypt a user password, and at one time password will be decrypted to be sent to the server for authentication. A friend advise me to use HMAC. I wrote the following code in C#: System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding(); byte[] key = encoding.GetBytes("secret"); HMACSHA256 myhmacsha25...

CheckBox menu item Decrypt in JAVA GUI

I am working on a project and part of ask for: add a CheckBox menu item Decrypt which can be checked for decrypt or unchecked for Encrypt. This item should be tied to the toggle button in the GUI. Both should reflect the current status of encrypting/decrypting in the application which is I not sure how to begin with ...

crc32 decrypt short string

I am retrieving lists of crc32 hashes that contain names of files, not there contents. I need to be able to decrypt the strings which are hashed names like "vacationplans_2010.txt" which are less then 25 characters long. is this possible? ...

PHP/GnuPG Decryption -- Syntax error?

I'm using php to invoke gpg, but I'm getting a pipe error. I thought that if I read in the password from a file, I could then pipe it to the command itself? But, I keep getting: Syntax error: "|" unexpected Here's the code: (Note: The files are being iterated over in a foreach loop...) foreach($files as $k => $v) { $encrypted = ...

decrypt aspnetdb password

hi everyone, i have a problem, i want to decrypt password in aspnetdb, the password created by web administration tool in vs, i want to decrypt it without using MemberShipProvider, i there any way. Please help me. ...

Convert C# code to PHP

private static readonly byte[] IV = new byte[8] { 240, 3, 45, 29, 0, 76, 173, 59 }; public string Decrypt(string encryptedData,string key) { encryptedData = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(encryptedData); byte[] buf = Convert.FromBase64String(encryptedData); TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider des = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider(); ...

Decrypt AES128-encrypted data

Hello, I am trying to decrypt the data from last couple of days. I decrypt the data but the result is not same as original. Please, can anyone suggest how I can do this. I am trying to decrypt the following data: Encrypted Data : "Mmb9tEkmW82oFPJb3vNhHA==" Encrypt Key : "91860F52E5C3A09BA3B827F28070E08D" Original data: "Marco" Pleas...

Decrypt p7m File Using C#?

I have a .p7m (application/pkcs7-mime) encrypted file on my hard drive, and the associated Private Key it was encrypted with. It is encrypted with AES (128bit) and enveloped with RSA (1024bit). I have successfully imported the key from my key store but I dont know how i would go about using it to decrypt a .p7m file. Any suggestions? ...

Decrypting a gpg file with gnupg

I'm trying to decrypt some data from gpg files that I've downloaded. Downloading the files to a directory is no problem, but I'm having trouble actually decrypting them. Here's what I'm doing right now: def extractGPGs(gpglist,path,gpgPath="\"C:\\Program Files\\GNU\\GnuPG\\gpg.exe\""): os.chdir(path) if not os.path.isdir("GPGFiles"): ...

Is it possible to add a "Master" password for an encrypt/decrypt program?

Hi! I've written an encryption program that encrypts and decrypts selected files using a user-entered password as the encryption key. Once en/decrypted, the user will be asked if they want to delete the file that was used, and, in the case of decryption, open the newly decrypted file. My brother came up with an idea for this applicati...

[Rails] Encrypt/Decrypt String

Hey everyone, I have a simple problem for that I'd like to hear your thoughts: I have this URL in Rails I'm getting the 'somehost' part via params[:id]. I'm calling URI.encode on 'somehost' but this does not encode '.' characters. Rails won't recognize ID parts with points in it so I tried to rep...

encrypting service side, decrypting on client (aes)

I hope this is clear enough: I have an Authentication service which queries my aspnet role provider database. Authentication service passes the role details back to the client inside the User object. Using the role, I query my web.config to determine values that a user can see. Security team has done a review, and they can see the Role...

Windows Registry decryption (CryptUnprotectData) WPA keys

Hi. I am writing a program for linux in C to extract the wpa/wep key from a windows registry hive. Initially I was hoping to use wine's CryptUnprotectData function, but I realise now that wine uses a different algorithm and just mimics window's version. I also realise that only the user that encrypted the data can decrypt it. I am usi...