
How to ship gdiplus.dll but not have Windows use it?

i have an application that has a dependancy on gdiplus. i need the application to also run on Windows 2000. i want to include GDIPlus in the application directory, so that Windows 2000 computers will function, but if the machine is Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, etc, i want it to use the version of GDIPlus that ships, and is upda...

? Structuring a Revision Control System (SVN) to Handle Dependencies

Hi, For many years, I have been programming in a simple way: I would save my source files in directories organized by language and project, make the occasional manual backup, and if I’m smart, I make a copy before trying out a new version; that’s pretty much it. I recently decided to begin using revision control. After examining a bunc...

Makefile dependency for unknown files in known directory (for DocBook)

As part of the build I'm processing DocBook file that produces multiple HTML files (one file per chapter). I want to postprocess those HTML files and copy them elsewhere. Those files depend on DocBook source, but I cannot know filenames in advance (filenames depend on DocBook source too). I've got rule that sort-of works if the files ...

Are mutually-dependent child/parent namespaces a code smell?

I was looking at some dependency graphs for my primary personal project recently, and I noticed that I had a mutual dependency between objects in nested namespaces. E.g., I had an object in MyNamespace.Foo that implemented a generic interface in MyNamespace.Foo.Interfaces with that object as the generic parameter in the interface. name...

Maven Dependency Resolution

Hi, I have two maven projects A and B, both of which I'm actively working on the source code for. Project A depends on B. If I want to build project A, does a snapshot (or release) of B need to exist in the repository? Or will maven check the parent directory of A to see if a project B exists (assuming my directory structure looks somet...

How to make configure script check the dependencies

Hi I generated a configure script with autoconf to build my project. It works fine unless I don't have some needed library installed. Make returns error when lacking some files, but it should be actually checked by the configure script i think? So my question is: How to modify an autoconf generated script to seek for dependencies and ...

Maven - add dependency on artifact source

I have two maven modules, one that ends up as a jar, and one war that depends on that jar. I want the jar module to package it's source code together with the compiled classes in the jar, so that the second module is able to access it. I have tried using the maven-source-plugin, but I am confused as to how to add a dependency on the ou...

How can I build a compile graph for Java files?

I have a large number of classes in a project, and I would like to compile all of them from a script. The thing is, the classes should be compiled in a certain order, for example: I have a class named A which depends on a class named B. Let's say class B depends on a class named C. In order for me to compile class A, I would have to comp...

maven compile groovy

I have a situation where some of my groovy code references my java files, but I also have different java files that reference the same groovy code. When trying to compile in maven, I either need to compile the groovy before or after the java, and that won't really work since the groovy code depends on some java files, and different java ...

"require File.dirname(__FILE__)" -- how to safely undo filesystem dependency?

Some Ruby librararies I'm using use require statements like this: require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/specification_helper.rb' lib_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "lib")) require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib/tools', 'version') require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'datautils', 'c...

C#: Finding a Missing Dependency

I'm getting this error message whiile running a Webservice I'm working on. it builds, but this happens when I Invoke: File or assembly name (Redacted).Framework, or one of its dependencies, was not found The stack trace shows that between my code and the target of the exception, there are 3 referenced DLLs and 4 layers of System.Refl...

Are HAML and Sass requirements for working with Compass?

How interdependent are Haml, Sass and Compass? Are all three required in a Compass project? ...

Discovery of Dynamic library dependency on Mac OS & Linux

Hi, On Windows there is a tool Depends.exe to discover dependency of an EXE/DLL file on other DDLs. Which commandline tool is equivalent on Mac OS and Linux? Please kindly advise. Thank you! ...

Java buildtime and runtime dependencies

I am developing a library. I want some functionality to be additionally available in case a certain other library is in the classpath. My understanding is: there would be a buildtime dependency, since I import from that lib and use it in places runtime dependency is there only if the code path reaches the point where I am using somethi...

Is it possible to package all the jar dependencies in one big jar ?

I know this isn't "best practice", but can I include all of the dependencies in one big jar? ...

How to debug java depenendency failure on version of DOMImplementation

I've a chunk of code that works fine in isolation, but used a dependency in a clients project fails. A call to Document doc = impl.createDocument(null,null,null); fails (looks like the problem at The instance of 'impl' in my unit tests is an instance of

Why do so few people use Maven? Are there alternative tools?

I am new to Java, and when I started my development, my friends recommended Maven for project management. I almost immediately realized that it is an indispensable tool, and at that time I was thinking that all programmers use it. But when I see statistics on the NetBeans site, I was in shock: 67% of developers are not using Maven. Why? ...

How to set order for dependency properties Callback change methods?

Hi! I have many dependency properties in my WPF usercontrol and many of them are set directly in XAML. Among these are ItemsSource and Value (my custom properties). The problem is that initial Value selects a concrete item in ItemSource. But to achieve this, ItemsSource must be set first. While debugging I realized that ValueChangeCallb...

C++ Dependencies manager

We have here a pretty big application that is taking a lot of time to compile and I am looking for a way to reduce this compile time. I thought a good way to do this would be to reduce the dependency between the include files. Do you know any good dependency/Includes manager that would be pretty cheap? Something that would draw me a good...

Any implementable code for Loop iteration dependency checking

Are there any readily available implementations (or some open source code) of loop iteration dependency verification algorithms like I-test, Banerjee test etc. ...