
Modern Equivalent of Visual Studio 6 "Depends" utility

Is there a good tool that will look at a .NET assembly and tell you all of the dependencies it has on other assemblies? Sort of like the old depends.exe from VS6 days. UPDATE I guess the one thing that I am missing from Reflector is verion #'s. Unless I am missing something. How do I tell what framework is required by an assembly? I'm ...

visual dll reference problems

Hello, We have several c# projects, libraries and solutions (a few applications, a few class libraries, windows applications like windows services and winform apps. etc.) which most of them depends each others output dlls. Some of our projects are grouped into solutions and they use project dependency. But some projects are not...

Does a controller create new views?

I'm working on a simple Java application. Currently, I have two view, one for login in and another once you're logged in. So my question is, once the user has logged in, should the controller of the login view creates the second view? The problem is, the first controller needs to know every dependencies of the second view... Edit : t...

Should I link to Google API's cloud for JS libraries?

I'm looking for the pros/cons of pulling jQuery & other JS libraries from Google API's cloud as opposed to downloading files and deploying directly. What say you? My decision The likelihood of the lib already cached on the users system is the overriding factor for me, so I'm going with a permalink to (e.g. ajax.googl...

Java builder with proper dependency handling

Hello SO, After a recent juggling with our ant scripts I've started to wonder if something better is possible. I need a builder that will know to recompile all required .java files for me. For ex. for this structure public class A { ] public class B extends A {} public class C { B b; } For: Compile('C') Will know to compile A,...

ASP.Net website installer references

Are all the dll's in my Website - Property Pages - References tab copied into an .msi istaller by default for a Website project type? The references don't seem to have any options as they would in a web app or desktop app project type (such as Copy Local, etc). My installer includes the Content Files from my website project, and any cl...

How do I create a row specific sql cache dependency?

I want to use data caching on my .net C# application. So far I added data caching and added sql cache dependencies on specific tables. But thats not good enough. These tables will be updated too frequently but not relevant to a lot of the cached objects. This will make the data caching almost useless because it will be flushed to frequen...

Backend module needs URLs from presentation layer - how to avoid cyclic dependency?

URL generation in my web app is in charge of the presentation layer. Now consider another module sending out messages containing URLs. (Not neccessarily triggered from presentation). However, the presentation layer has to know about the module (since it might be the trigger, and the user can configure the module using the frontend). I.e...

problem with loading a jar file which has dependency to another jar file

I have a problem while loading my jar file at run time. My hotel.jar is loaded and a method of it (makeReservation) is invoked using the following code: File file = new File("c:/ComponentFiles/hotel.jar"); URL jarfile = new URL("jar", "", "file:" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "!/"); URLClassLoader cl = URLClassLoader.newInstance(new URL[]{...

makefile query

Hi, I have a few questions about makefiles. I have defined my own version of a dependency file (.d) by creating it in code and called it say .dd(Looks just like a normal .c dependency file except that this is for some internal file format). Now this file I have included in the makefile with the include statement. (There are a whole bunc...

How to sort based on dependencies?

I have an class that has a list of "dependencies" pointing to other classes of the same base type. class Foo(Base): dependencies = [] class Bar(Base): dependencies = [Foo] class Baz(Base): dependencies = [Bar] I'd like to sort the instances these classes generate based on their dependencies. In my example I'd expect ins...

.net remoting dependency / reference issue

I’m doing maintenance on an web app that uses remoting to call a remote server object to order a credit report. The call “works on my machine” but throws an exception “could not load file or assembly ‘choicepointClue’” when run from the production server (which is running the 64 bit version of the .net framework). I resolved the...

Do I have to manually uninstall all dependent gems?

I tried to uninstall datamapper using the command gem uninstall dm-core. But it seems that a whole bunch of dependent gems also need to be uninstalled. C:\>gem uninstall dm-core You have requested to uninstall the gem: dm-core-0.9.11 dm-migrations-0.9.11 depends on [dm-core (= 0.9.11)] dm-cli-0.9.11 depends on [dm-core (= 0.9...

How do I reference a PIA so my build works ona build server

I'm working on some stuff I've inherited that has a slightly untidy project structure. Some of the projects reference a Primary Interop Assembly (PIA) that it expects to be installed in the GAC. There is a note in the solution folder that says (in summary) "Before building this project, first build X, Y and Z and manually install them in...

untangling .h dependencies

What do you do when you have a set of .h files that has fallen victim to the classic 'gordian knot' situation, where to #include one .h means you end up including almost the entire lot? Prevention is clearly the best medicine, but what do you do when this has happened before the vendor (!) has shipped the library? Here's an extension ...

Avoid Database Dependency For Unit Testing Without Mocking

I've got many objects with methods that require database access. We're looking to get into unit testing but are keen to avoid the use of mock objects if possible. I'm wondering if there is a way to refactor the Validate method shown below so that it wouldn't need db access. In the actual application there is usually a fair bit more going...

What are the common dependencies of Weblogic 8.1.6

We still have to use Weblogic 8.1.6. There are some libraries packaged with the server, in common/lib but unfortunately there is only a 3rdparty.jar inside it. The libraries take precedence, so if we use e.g. Apache Commons Lang 2.4 we get a MethodNotFoundError at runtime. So what exactly is inside the 3rdparty.jar and which versions? ...

How can I visualize jar (not plugin) dependencies?

I am currently refactoring a large Java application. I have split up one of the central (Eclipse) projects into about 30 individual "components", however they are still heavily inter-dependent. In order to get a better idea of what depends on what I am looking for some way to graph the compile time dependencies. All tools I have found s...

What data structure should I use to track dependency?

I have a bunch of tables in a relational database which, obviously, are dependent upon one another due to foreign key relationships. I want to build a dependency tree, traverse it, and output INSERT SQL statements. I need to first output SQL for foreign key tables in my dependency tree first because parent tables will depend on values fr...

Xcode: Running a script before every build that modifies source code directly

What I did: I have a script that Read some configuration files to generate source code snippets Find relevant Objective-C source files and Replace some portions of the source code with the generated code in step 1. and a Makefile that has a special timestamp file as a make target and the configuration files as target sources: SRC =...