
Java AWT/SWT/Swing: How to plan a GUI?

hello I've already realized some applications with a small graphical user interface. Nothing complex, but I've encountered several problems that components aren't displayed or just not behaving as expected. Now my question: How do you plan those user interfaces? What do you do when you need to make changes? How do you debug strange be...

how to design a tag system for a localized website?

Let say i have a basic tagging system (for a craiglists "clone") such as: Tag (id, tagname) ad(id, title, body) adTag(tag_id, article_id) This will fit for a non-localized website but what will be the correct aproach for a website that is used by people speaking diferent languages? Users probably will post ads in diferent languages ...

Grails: Templates vs TagLibs.

In Grails, there are two mechanisms for modularity in the view layers : template and taglib. While I am writing my own Grail app, I am often facing the same question when I need to write an UI component : do I need to use a template or a tagLib ?After searching the web, I didn't find a lot of best practices or rules of thumb concerning ...

Dividing file to be processed partly, then batching results

Please, We have the following situation: Component X that divides a request file into parts, sending each part to an independent processing component Y -through a network- that will reply with a result to component Z , component Z collects all the results of the file parts into a batch result file. Note:- Request file: file contains ...

customising sharepoint site design

My work has recently deployed Sharepoint and I'm currently trying to get to grips with it. I'd like to be able to completely customise the way my blog looks but I have no idea where to start. I had a look through Microsoft's developer site and it does look like they have a lot of stuff there but it all seems to be pitched at a much high...

Advanced Search Design for Large Objects

I’m looking for some advice. I recently wrapped up a project where I inherited some terrible code. I got the application running but it’s safe to say there are a number of performance and design issues, specifically with the advanced search functionality. I have now been asked to do a very similar project but much larger in scale. I have...

How to implement multiple-level filters in an extensible manner?

Should make it extensible. When I say make it extensible,I mean that the detail of filter options can be added later on with ease. By design,it's better that parsing and rendering are independant.(?) During parsing,need to show the next level filter options if neccesary. I mean it should be within filtering length of each filter labe...

Web data grid design principles

I am looking for good reading references of styling data grids for web. Not necessarily the technical details (how to do it), but more guiding principles (what to do). Something like the Apple's Human Interface Guidelines, but for web and more specifically for data grids. ...

How to make a string length limited to a specific number ?

In C#, if we have a class 'Employee' and it will have a property called 'Code' that must consist of 7 characters in the following format: (A-Z) + (1-9)+(0-1)+(0001-9999) for example 'Code' = A501234 or Z910002 So if we make a property 'Code' in the Class 'Employee' is there any way to force developer when 'Code' is set, to check if i...

What to call the intermediate layer of the program?

We have a program consisting of three parts. There's the backend which is the NT service handling the requests. Also there's a COM object that implements a predefined interface, is consumed by client software and passes the requests to the service. Since we need to have both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the COM object we split it into...

Does anyone know of a good reference for DSL design?

I've been looking into designing some Domain Specific Languages which I will probably implement in Clojure, but I really don't have any idea of what's involved. The languages I have in mind are intended to be abstract languages that are readable by domain experts with little or no programming background. Does anyone know of any tutoria...

What design pattern should I use for import/export?

I have a calendar event object. I have plans to make it compatible with CalDAV/iCal/vCal protocols/file formats, which require the event be serialized and de-serialized to and from different formats. I could write an ImportICal, ExportICal, ImportVCal, ExportVCal, etc. set of methods, but that doesn't seem like a very good approach, bec...

What's the best way to create a 'history' type model in django?

I'd like to create a feature for my Django app similar to Django admin's 'Recent Actions', in order to store history information on my other models. For example say I have two models called Book and Author. I want to have a third model that stores information such as what action was performed on a given object in a model (add, modify, d...

What data structures can I use to represent a strongly-typed 2D matrix of data in .Net?

I'm trying to represent a scoreboard for a competition and am struggling with the best data structures to use. I have a list of Player objects, a list of Round objects, and for each combination, I need to store a RoundScore object (there are various parts to the score for a round). What I'd like is some overall Scoreboard object where ...

Making render method virtual?

I'm starting with C++ in more depth while building a simple 2d game engine. In my engine I have (or want to have) an "Abstract" GameEntity class, which carries the methods draw, update, and maybe position (x, y). I will add more stuff while it occurs to me. Classes to inherit from GameEntity would be anything that could be drawn on scre...

How to create a absolute element overlapping several rows in a calendar (table) design?

Hi Im trying to create a calendar in an HTML table design with css element div elements as appointment blocks in absolute positioning which is working fine. But since the block is absolute, which makes me able to overlap as many rows as I want to create appointments, it dosnt stretch horizontally which is what I want. How can I make the...

Architecture of very complex php applications ?

I want to know which php architecture strategies developers use in complex php applications . So far , i know the mvc structure which consists of models, views and controller (and controller plugins which handle with common tasks such as user access controller ). I know some good php frameworks which makes some common stuffs easier .But...

Persistable and Repeatable Commands

Imagine that we have stuff we want done in the system and sometimes exceptions are raised while doing it. We want to give the end users a report of those errors so they have an opportunity to fix the root of the problem and then re-invoke the thing that caused the error. This obviously means we need to capture the "thing" in a way that ...

Up2date techinques/tools to create proper CSS/XHTML

I figured, that iam currently "trying" to style the HTML/CSS in the plain *.css textfiles... My problem is, that i need to create a complex WebApp and need to figure out the best way to start with this designstuff... Problem: I am a hacker, no designer ^^ so, my current plan would be: Buy a nice css-book ( as i am really lacking of kn...

IoC container object scoping

I am interested in implementing an IoC container in my project but I haven't seen an example out there that does what I need. Here is the situation, my application is built in WPF and uses the MVVM pattern to create a player for an infrared video format. In this format, each video is actually made up of multiple "subframes" (think of i...