
[object design]Plenty of timed events to synchronize. How to ? :-)

Hi folks ! I'm trying to design an application (in C++ but that doesn't matter I guess, anything object-oriented would work the same) which has to synchronize a bunch of events together. Basically, you would have a several data structure instances which would contain lists of events. An event would have a timestamp and be "runable". T...

What is the difference between framework and architecture?

Really want to know diffenrence between framework and architecture. like dotnetnuke is the framework and mvc is the architecture. so if we take both this as a example. then can anyone tell me difference between. Want to know Which one is using when and Where? Which is good in terms of user requirement satisfaction? ...

Process flow - Is a flow chart still the best way to diagram it?

I'd be interested to know what techniques people use to diagram initial process flow when in the initial design phases of a fairly complicated web application? To be clear I am talking about the route through a process from the users perspective, and how that route branches based on decisions and conditions. I'm not trying to model und...

Is it better to assign variables in a class itself or in the class' constructor?

This is a sort of design question, and I'm sure there are people who do it both ways. But in your opinion, is it better to assign a variable in the class or in the constructor? For example (regardless of syntax or language, this is just to explain): public class Example { private final int TIME_STAMP = Now(); private int num = 2; ...

Is it okay for constructors to throw runtime exceptions?

When checked exceptions are thrown from methods in a constructor that the constructor can't handle is it okay to catch them and throw them back out as a runtime exception if your sure the application can't handle it and will be useless without the object being constructed? ...

Testable design

I have a java class which has a static member created using Facade (Singleton). Class A implements InterfaceA { private static DataStore db = DataStoreFacade.getInstance("BDB"); //singleton instance public void save(final String key, final String val) {,val); } }; Here Class A is used as a member variable for ...

Modeling a Join Table

Hi, I have the following database model: [User] Id Name [Role] Id Name [UserRole] UserId RoleId IsActive And I want to create a nice way to represent this relationship and the property that is in it with objects without creating a class to represent UserRole table. Any ideas? Thanks a lot! ...

When your method fails, but succeeds... Would you return a failure or a success?

I doubt a definite answer exists but I'm quite interested in different opinions on the subject. A communiti wiki therefore. You're designing a method. It serves a purpose, that's why you're designing it in the first place. A caller uses your method and the method fails, but, lo and behold, the ultimate purpose that exuse the existence o...

Composing objects of a class you inherit from?

I have a class Parameter, the purpose of which is to represent the possible values a certain parameter could hold (implements two key methods, GetNumValues() and GetValue(int index)). Often one logical parameter (parameter values are bit flags) is best represented by 2 or more instances of the Parameter class (i.e. a Parameter that can ...

What's the point of 960 Gridder or any grid framework for that matter?

What's the point of 960 Gridder? Is it just useful for laying out websites? I'm not too clear on why exactly these grid frameworks are so beneficial... ...

Need help choosing a research direction for UI field

Hello all, This lot has proved EXTREMELY helpful in the past so I thought I would pose a question with a more open ended answer. I am going to be starting my M.S. in Graphic Information Technology Thesis and I need a topic. I am a web designer and front-end developer working full time in that industry. My adviser prefers we bit off a pi...

Does using a C++ namespace increase coupling?

I understand that a C++ library should use a namespace to avoid name collisions, but since I already have to: #include the correct header (or forward declare the classes I intend to use) Use those classes by name Don't these two parameters infer the same information conveyed by a namespace. Using a namespace now introduces a third p...

Relative advantages of blacklisting IPs vs locking accounts

We are designing a security system to prevent brute force attacks to get into an account. One option proposed is blacklisting by IP. If an IP address attempts to login too many times, any further attempts by that IP address are blocked for a given time. Another option is to do a more traditional account lockout, where too many attempts...

What should I know before moving from Datasets to Linq2Sql ?

Finally, I'm taking a decision to shift from conventional datasets to Linq2Sql. I'm not migrating my existing projects to Linq2Sql but I'll be using Linq2Sql in new projects from this point forward. I'm responsible for primary design of applications where I work so I look forward to have answers from you for things that I must b...

Can I forbid calling static methods on object instance?

I have class with lots of conversion functions: class Something { public: string toXml(); string toJson(); ... static Something fromXml(string); // factory static Something fromJson(string); // factory ... }; Because static functions can be called on instance, it is easy to write code like this: Something...

Is there a styleguide for developing SWT applications?

I'm not a proficient GUI developer, and I have no talent for design. Is there a comprehensive style guide for developing SWT applications? I'm especially interested in standards for developing layouts, what margins and spacing between controls to use, font sizes and stuff like that. ...

What is the Best Workflow for Web Application?

I am about to begin a web application. Before I begin, I would like to get some advice as to what the best work flow/order is for creating a web application such as this. My project will consist of a server-side with PHP and MySQL. The client-side will be XHtml, CSS and jQuery. There will also be AJAX used. I'm sure that it can depend...

Designing an architecture in a technology where expertise is lacking.

At my company we are undertaking a large task of creating a new software architecture for our products. Our current architecture has been in use for many product iterations and lasted a long life and it is time for it to retire. The UI architecture is currently implemented in WTL/ATL 3.0 and COM. We have just completed the design of t...

guidance on precomputed SQL attributes

Often I deal with aggregate or parent entities which have attributes derived from their constituent or children members. For example: The byte_count and packet_count of a TcpConnection object is computed from the same attributes of its two constituent TcpStream objects, which in turn are computed from their constituent TcpPacket objec...

What separates a "private language WTF" from merely bad library/API/DSL design?

Some of the most entertaining Daily WTF stories feature private languages run amok. However, domain-specific languages can be quite powerful and seem to be increasingly popular. And of course we can't program at all without good libraries, but as the adage goes, "library design is language design". Nobody likes a bad API, but is the dif...