
Which approach would you use for this specific DB Design Issue ?

Just looking for opinions on the following 2 scenarios. We have a table where we store our outbound sms-messages. Everytime one of our services sends a premium rate message, it stores them in this table... to date, all the important information that needs to be stored has been in the same format. SMSMessages ---------------------- ID ...

Asp.Net Custom Control design time question

I'm developing a set of custom controls, one of them are the "parent", any others must be added inside an ITemplate property of this parent. But in the page, at design time, I can see, by intellisense, the other controls at page level, and I can theorically add them everywhere. I want to emulate the behaviour of the asp:Table and the ...

Designing objects for Hibernate

I need some help with a design problem. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how to design an object (or maybe multiple objects) so that I can query the way I would like to. Let me start by showing a sql query that returns exactly the information I want: select distinct rights_table.receiver_guid, from rights_tabl...

What layer should a date be formatted?

What layer of a system should a date be formatted? Should the date be formatted when it is selected from the database (data layer) or should it be formatted at the presentation layer? I am thinking that the formatting is a visual preference so I would tend to put it as close to the presentation layer as possible. Where do you store t...

The relationship between iterators and containers in STL

Good Day, Assume that I am writing a Python-like range in C++. It provides all the characteristics of Random Access containers(Immutable of course). A question is raised in my mind about the following situation: I have two different iterators, that point to different instances of the range container. The thing is that these two ranges ...

high performance udp server. blocking or non-blocking? c

hi, i've been doing a lot of reading on blocking vs non-blocking sockets for udp, but am having a hard time understanding the merits of one over the other. the overwhelming majority of comments on the internet seem to indicate that non-blocking is better, but aren't very specific as to what scenarios they would be better in and i've foun...

How do we determine queue and stack size while working on network processor?

While working on a network processor, how can we determine the size of the queue and the stack. ...

Pluggable Error Handling Strategy

Hi, I have service object (Service A), that has some specific repetitive asynchronous task . This service object also has a supervising object (Service B). I want to handle most of the errors concerning the specific task in Service A and only inform Service B if it needs to take any additional measures (e.g. when Service A does not kno...

Online Credit Card Storage?

I am about to inherit and work on a small business retail website that is very poorly designed. Among other things, the greatest concern is with the current credit card processing. Currently, the owner retrieves credit card information (name, number, CVV2 and expiration date) from an online order form and saves all of that information i...

Where can I find information about Android 2.x icon design guidelines?

Assuming that old Icon design guidelines are not valid anymore, where can we find information about the guidelines to follow to design "new-styled" 2.X launcher icons? Should applications provide icons for both icon styles if they work for both versions? ...

What should a developer know before creating a new XML based format or language?

Let's say you have to write an xml-based (no choice) language that will be some kind of "standard" format in the end, used by billions of applications around the world, or at least you hope for it. That language will be like html for internet, but in another specific domain. Something really simple and descriptive, that will be interpret...

Best Practice: How to Insert into Multiple Tables Through the Business Layer and Data Layer?

I USED to be a developer and part-time db designer, but it's been many years and I'm re-learning... I'm building a web app and have a Person (actually "Profile") table with a number of child tables which have N:N relationships with my Person table, e.g. FavoriteSports MusicalInstruments ArtisticSkills After reading through Scott ...

Database design of web app with payment for services

So I have an web app, where users can pay for certain extra features, and also subscription. At first it was just a few simple things, and I had one Payment table, which had an "item" field, to specify what the user was paying for. But now would need to come other items, with various accompanying parameters. Even the subscription could...

Should I instantiate a collection or inherit from collection?

I've asked myself this question a number of times when creating classes, particularly those involving collections, but I've never come up with a satisfactory answer. It's a OOP design question. For example, in a checkbook register program say I have a class of BankAccount. BankAccounts contain data involving the Name of the account, the...

Php / Ajax / Jquery data submission approach

I have a table/grid system with a 7 days along the top and the various types of data down the side, now for each type of data against a particular day there's a plus and minus sign so the user can increase or decrease the data occurrences. Now given that there's plenty of data types as well as 7 (for each day) values for each type, what'...

Where can I learn advanced (Perl) Gtk2 design?

I've been working with Perl for years and recently started learning how to do GUI via Gtk2. All examples and tutorials I've found illustrate simple one-window type applications. Anything with a second window is limited to a simple text entry or yes/no type dialogue. I want to learn how to build something with that next-step more compl...

java api design - NULL or Exception

Is it better to return a null value or throw an exception from an API method? Returning a null requires ugly null checks all over, and cause a major quality problem if the return is not checked. Throwing an exception forces the user to code for the faulty condition, but since Java exceptions bubble up and force the caller code to handl...

Design considerations when implementing/distributing updates for application

I have already designed an applications that is nothing more than a simple WinForm with one or two classes to handle data and collection. Fairly often I find myself refactoring parts of it or adding new features to it, not huge features but small additions to its functionality. The question I have is what would be the best way to provi...

How to track common UI element placement?

For common elements, such as a logout button on a website, save button in an application, need to be presented to users in an standard, easily discoverable way. How do you go about deciding where in your application to place these elements? Do you research similar apps and try to follow convention? Is there any database that attempts to ...

Searching for a document format.. flowing layout + page control

I am bouncing around the idea of creating a custom document versioning system to use on business rule manuals. These manuals are broken up into outlined sections which contain one rule per section which are outlined in various ways (1.1, 1.2, etc). There are many manuals which contain the same rule for different locations in the country ...