
What would be better, (1 database + 4 tables) or (2 databases + 2 tables each) ?

Hi there, I would like to be advised on what would be better (in regards to performance) A) 1 DATABASE with 4 tables or B) 2 DATABASES (same server), each with 2 tables. The tables size and usage are more or less similar, so the 2 tables on Database 1 would be similar usage/size to the 2 tables on database 2 The tables could have...

Should I use registry or a flat file to save a program's state?

Hi All, We have a lot of products that are saving their "states" on the registry. What is the best practice on saving program states? What are the advantages/disadvantages of saving program states as a registry entry or saving program states to a flat file such as XML? Thanks! ...

Navigate between screens in WPF

This should be a very basic design question, but for some reason it doesn't seem to be well documented (maybe due to its simplicity?). If I'm building a dashboard application in WPF that brig up different CRM tasks and I want to navigate between screens, is this the best way to do this, or is there a better way? So for example I have L...

CSS Caching and User-Customized CSS - Any Suggestions?

I'm just trying to figure out the best approach here... my consideration is that I'd like my users to be able to customize the colors of certain elements on the page. These are not pre-made css they can choose from, but rather styles that can be edited using javascript to change the style, so they cannot be "pre-made" into separate style...

CSS for top right corner of the page

How would I have a top right corner div as shown in the image. I want to do something similar though not exactly the same. I think the text is not an image. Also, I have seen some websites that has a page hover effect when a mouse is over the top right section. Any idea how to do that? ...

How do I create breadcrumbs like in this Apple site ?

I've seen this page here and I really like the breadcrumbs at the bottom. How do I achieve this behavior ? The breadcrumbs at the bottom stays at the bottom and nomatter if you're scrolling down, it is still there. Please so...

Constructing human readable sentences based on a survey

The following is a survey given to course attendees to assess an instructor at the end of the course. Communication Skills 1. The instructor communicated course material clearly and accurately. Yes No 2. The instructor explained course objectives and learning outcomes. Yes No 3. In the event of not understanding course materials the ins...

session facade Vs Singleton object design patterns in ASP.Net

Hi, Can any one tell me which one is better in "Session Facade Class" and "Singleton Object" design patterns in ASP.Net? Also, please state the scenarions where specific design pattern is advisable to use. Thanks Rupa ...

Creating JMS Queues at runtime.

I am working on an application where the app user can create / delete queues . Also , he would be able to move a message from 1 queue to another, delete a message , rearrange the messages in the queue based on some filter. One possible design is to use activemq for queues and apache camel for various other operations having integrated ...

What's the best way to store Logon User information for Web Application?

I was once in a project of web application developed on ASP.NET. For each logon user, there is an object (let's call it UserSessionObject here) created and stored in RAM. For each HTTP request of given user, matching UserSessoinObject instance is used to visit user state information and connection to database. So, this UserSessionObject ...

Does my API design violate RESTful principles?

Hello everybody, I'm currently (I try to) designing a RESTful API for a social network. But I'm not sure if my current approach does still accord to the RESTful principles. I'd be glad if some brighter heads could give me some tips. Suppose the following URI represents the name field of a user account: people/{UserID}/profile/fields/n...

overflow-x AND Middle Mouse Button Moving

My Page is 980px in Width, but I have a few design elements (which belong with the background). I positioned them with position: absolute;. This creates a horizontal scrollbar for those who have a =< 1024 resolution. I disabled that scrollbar with overflow-x:hidden on (and for IE7 and etc). However, when I hold my middle mouse button,...

NoSQL vs. SQL when scalability is irrelevant

Recently I have read a lot about different NoSQL databases and how they are being effectively deployed by some major websites out there. I'm starting a project in which I think the schema-free nature of a database such as MongoDB would be tremendously useful. Everything I have read though seems to indicate that the main advantage of a ...

Help with inner content box margins/padding

I am working on a layout for a new site, and I'm having some trouble achieving what I want with the CSS. First of all, I want everything to always stay within the view of the current browser window, with scroll being in my content and not the browser itself. I have an outermost DIV which acts as my "wrapper" for the site displayed center...

WinForms - Localization - UI controls positions different in additional Culture

Hi, I did my UI settings.Original language is English. After that I set Localizable property to True. Copied original resx file to (for example). Translated all strings. Everything works. But now I would like to change positions of controls. After that changes are visible only for original/primary Culture (En). When ...

How to outsource web design on an Asp.Net Mvc application

I want to outsource the design of my Asp.Net Mvc web application. How can I make it easier for the designer to work on the site design and easier for me to plug it in to my master page and css file? The Views will have elements like grids and other information display. My application is still in the early stages of development. Should...

Factory Method Pattern clarification

My understanding of Factory Method Pattern is (Correct me if i am wrong) Factory Method Pattern "Factory Method allow the client to delegates the product creation (Instance Creation) to the subclass". There are two situation in which we can go for creating Factory Method pattern. (i) When the client is restricted to the product (Inst...

Help design a class diagram of a booking system

Hello guys, I got a request from my friend to write a php booking system module for his bowling club website, I am thinking to make this module as generic as possible, ie can also be used for booking pool tables etc. So I started to draw up my UML class diagram: I have 2 interfaces IBookingHandler(has implementation like BowlingBookin...

C# Solution - How many projects?

Hey, I googled this a little but couldn't find a good result. Right now I'm building a web site and I'm trying to make it as correct as possible from a design point of view from the beginning. The problem I'm now facing is that when deciding to start with logging I needed a project to place this code in. As I could not find a suitabl...

RESTful Question/Answer design?

This is a toy project I'm working on at the moment. My app contains questions with multiple choice answers. The question url is in the following format, with GET & POST mapping to different actions on the questions controller. GET: => 'ask' POST: ...